| Harris, William, 75 |
| Harvey, William, 108 |
| Haskins, Charles Homer, 78, 8081, 8384, 95 |
| He. She and It (Piercy), 18081 |
| Healing of America, The (Williamson), 7 |
| Hegel, Georg, 17, 105 |
| Heidegger, Martin, 107 |
| Heritage Foundation, 29 |
| Hill, Rosemary, 130 |
| Hiss, Tony, 154 |
| home schooling, 15153 |
| Horkheimer, Max, 103, 107, 114, 119, 178 |
| How the Irish Saved Civilization (Cahill), 78 |
| Hughes, Ted, 64 |
| hunter-gatherer societies, 14, 18 |
| Hurt, John, 4 |
| Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 13, 146 |
| hypertext, 49, 167 |
| In Plato's Cave (Kernan), 51 |
| "India's Child Slaves," 23 |
| Industrial Revolution, the, 6, 111, 112, 168 |
| and population rise, 120 |
| Information Revolution, the, 168 |
| institutionalization, 8789 |
| Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The, 130 |
| Isidore of Seville, 75, 80, 82, 83 |
| Jacoby, Russell, 122 |
| Jameson, Fredric, 50 |
| Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000, 16365 |
| Joule, James Prescott, 111 |
| Judd, Dennis, 64 |
| Kaminer, Wendy, 61 |
| Kant, Immanuel, 110, 161 |
| Kaplan, Robert, 3, 6364, 6566, 120, 139 |
| Keillor, Garrison, 10, 33 |
| Kennedy, President John F., 22 |
| Kernan, Alvin, 5152 |
| kitsch, 6, 62, 106 |
| definition, 53 |
| "vital," 4, 129, 133, 155 |
| Knight, Phil, 143, 144 |
| Knowles, David, 78, 80 |
| Kondratieff, N. D., 162 |
| Krugman, Paul, 2122 |
| LaFontaine, Oskar, 7 |
| Laistner, M. L. W., 77 |
| Lampert, David, 68 |
| Land of Desire (Leach), 56, 115 |
| Lapham, Lewis, 14, 41, 69 |
| Leach, William, 56, 11516, 119, 129 |
| Leavitt, Governor Mike, 12728 |
| Leibig, Justus von, 112 |
| Leno, Jay, 3435 |
| Lessing, Doris, 132 |
| Levin, Ira, 99, 171, 180 |
| Lewinsky, Monica, 128 |
| Life of St. Columba (Adomnán), 82 |
| Life Worth Living (Thomas), 156 |
| Loflin, Marvin, 128 |