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C is one of the oldest programming languages and still one of the most widely used. Whether you’re an experienced C programmer or you’re new to the language, you know how frustrating it can be to hunt through hundreds of pages in your reference books to find that bit of information on a certain function, type or other syntax element. Or even worse, you may not have your books with you. Your answer is the C Pocket Reference. Concise and easy to use, this handy pocket guide to C is a must-have quick reference for any C programmer. It’s the only C reference that fits in your pocket and is an excellent companion to O’Reilly’s other C books.

Ideal as an introduction for beginners and a quick reference for advanced programmers, the C Pocket Reference consists of two parts: a compact description of the C language and a thematically structured reference to the standard library. The representation of the language is based on the ANSI standard and includes extensions introduced in 1999. An index is included to help you quickly find the information you need.

This small book covers the following:

  • C language fundamentals
  • Data types
  • Expressions and operators
  • C statements
  • Declarations
  • Functions
  • Preprocessor directives
  • The standard library

O’Reilly’s Pocket References have become a favorite among programmers everywhere. By providing a wealth of important details in a concise, well-organized format, these handy books deliver just what you need to complete the task at hand. When you’ve reached a sticking point in your work and need to get to a solution quickly, the new C Pocket Reference is the book you’ll want to have.

Peter Prinz, Ulla Kirch-Prinz

Copyright © 2009 O’Reilly Media, Inc.




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C Pocket Reference

Peter Prinz

Ulla Kirch-Prinz


Jonathan Gennick

Copyright © 2009 O'Reilly Media, Inc.

O'Reilly Media

Chapter 1. C Pocket Reference


The programming language C was developed in the 1970s by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs (Murray Hill, New Jersey) in the process of implementing the Unix operating system on a DEC PDP-11 computer. C has its origins in the typeless programming language BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language, developed by M. Richards) and in B (developed by K. Thompson). In 1978, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie produced the first publicly available description of C, now known as the K&R standard.

C is a highly portable language oriented towards the architecture of today's computers. The actual language itself is relatively small and contains few hardware-specific elements. It includes no input/output statements or memory management techniques, for example. Functions to address these tasks are available in the extensive C standard library.

C's design has significant advantages:

  • Source code is highly portable
  • Machine code is efficient
  • C compilers are available for all current systems

The first part of this pocket reference describes the C language, and the second part is devoted to the C standard library. The description of C is based on the ANSI X3.159 standard. This standard corresponds to the international standard ISO/IEC 9899, which was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization in 1990, then amended in 1995 and 1999. The ISO/IEC 9899 standard can be ordered from the ANSI web site; see http://ansi.org/public/std_info.html.

The 1995 standard is supported by all common C compilers today. The new extensions defined in the 1999 release (called "ANSI C99" for short) are not yet implemented in many C compilers, and are therefore specially labeled in this book. New types, functions, and macros introduced in ANSI C99 are indicated by an asterisk in parentheses (*).

Font Conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this book:


Used to introduce new terms, and to indicate filenames.

Constant width

Used for C program code as well as for functions and directives.

Constant width italic

Indicates replaceable items within code syntax.

Constant width bold

Used to highlight code passages for special attention.


A C program consists of individual building blocks called functions , which can invoke one another. Each function performs a certain task. Ready-made functions are available in the standard library; other functions are written by the programmer as necessary. A special function name is main( ): this designates the first function invoked when a program starts. All other functions are subroutines.

C Program Structure

Figure 1-1 illustrates the structure of a C program. The program shown consists of the functions main() and showPage() , and prints the beginning of a text file to be specified on the command line when the program is started.

Figure 1-1. A C program

The statements that make up the functions, together with the necessary declarations and preprocessing directives, form the source code of a C program. For small programs, the source code is written in a single source file . Larger C programs consist of several source files, which can be edited and compiled separately. Each such source file contains functions that belong to a logical unit, such as functions for output to a terminal, for example. Information that is needed in several source files, such as declarations, is placed in header files. These can then be included in each source file via the #include directive.

Source files have names ending in .c; header files have names ending in .h. A source file together with the header files included in it is called a translation unit .

There is no prescribed order in which functions must be defined. The function showPage() in Figure 1-1 could also be placed before the function main(). A function cannot be defined within another function, however.

The compiler processes each source file in sequence and decomposes its contents into tokens , such as function names and operators. Tokens can be separated by one or more whitespace characters, such as space, tab, or newline characters. Thus only the order of tokens in the file matters. The layout of the source code—line breaks and indentation, for example—is unimportant. The preprocessing directives are an exception to this rule, however. These directives are commands to be executed by the preprocessor before the actual program is compiled, and each one occupies a line to itself, beginning with a hash mark (#).

Comments are any strings enclosed either between /* and */, or between // and the end of the line. In the preliminary phases of translation, before any object code is generated, each comment is replaced by one space. Then the preprocessing directives are executed.

Character Sets

ANSI C defines two character sets. The first is the source character set , which is the set of characters that may be used in a source file. The second is the execution character set , which consists of all the characters that are interpreted during the execution of the program, such as the characters in a string constant.

Each of these character sets contains a basic character set , which includes the following:

  • The 52 upper- and lower-case letters of the Latin alphabet:
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  • The ten decimal digits (where the value of each character after 0 is one greater than the previous digit):
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  • The following 29 graphic characters:
    !  "  #  %  &  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  :  ;
    <  =  >  ?  [  \  ]  ^  _  {  |  }  ~
  • The five whitespace characters:
    space, horizontal tab, vertical tab, newline, form feed

In addition, the basic execution character set contains the following:

  • The null character \0, which terminates a character string
  • The control characters represented by simple escape sequences , shown in Table 1-1, for controlling output devices such as terminals or printers

Table 1-1. The standard escape sequences


Escape sequence 


Action ondisplay device 


Escape sequence 


Action ondisplay device 


Alert (beep) 


The character ' 




The character  "


Form feed 


The character  ?




The character  \


Carriage return 


 \o \oo \ooo(o = octal digit)


The character with this octal code 


Horizontal tab 



h..= string of hex digits)


The character with this hexadecimal code 


Vertical tab 


Any other characters, depending on the given compiler, can be used in comments, strings, and character constants. These may include the dollar sign or diacriticals, for example. However, the use of such characters may affect portability.

The set of all usable characters is called the extended character set , which is always a superset of the basic character set.

Certain languages use characters that require more than one byte. These multibyte characters may be included in the extended character set. Furthermore, ANSI C99 provides the integer type wchar_t (wide character type), which is large enough to represent any character in the extended character set. The modern Unicode character encoding is often used, which extends the standard ASCII code to represent some 35,000 characters from 24 countries.

C99 also introduces trigraph sequences . These sequences, shown in Table 1-2, can be used to input graphic characters that are not available on all keyboards. The sequence ??!, for example, can be entered to represent the "pipe" character |.

Table 1-2. The trigraph sequences







Identifiers are names of variables, functions, macros, types, etc. Identifiers are subject to the following formative rules:

  • An identifier consists of a sequence of letters (A to Z, a to z), digits (0 to 9), and underscores (_).
  • The first character of an identifier must not be a digit.
  • Identifiers are case-sensitive.
  • There is no restriction on the length of an identifier. However, only the first 31 characters are generally significant.

Keywords are reserved and must not be used as identifiers. Following is a list of keywords:


External names —that is, identifiers of externally linked functions and variables—may be subject to other restrictions, depending on the linker: in portable C programs, external names should be chosen so that only the first eight characters are significant, even if the linker is not case-sensitive.

Some examples of identifiers are:

 Valid: a, DM, dm, FLOAT, _var1, topOfWindow 
 Invalid: do, 586_cpu, zähler, nl-flag, US_$ 

Categories and Scope of Identifiers

Each identifier belongs to exactly one of the following four categories:

  • Label names
  • The tags of structures, unions, and enumerations. These are identifiers that follow one of the keywords struct, union, or enum (see Section 1.10).
  • Names of structure or union members. Each structure or union type has a separate name space for its members.
  • All other identifiers, called ordinary identifiers.

Identifiers of different categories may be identical. For example, a label name may also be used as a function name. Such re-use occurs most often with structures: the same string can be used to identify a structure type, one of its members, and a variable; for example:

struct person {char *person; /*...*/} person;

The same names can also be used for members of different structures.

Each identifier in the source code has a scope . The scope is that portion of the program in which the identifier can be used. The four possible scopes are:

Function prototype

Identifiers in the list of parameter declarations of a function prototype (not a function definition) have function prototype scope . Because these identifiers have no meaning outside the prototype itself, they are little more than comments.


Only label names have function scope . Their use is limited to the function block in which the label is defined. Label names must also be unique within the function. The goto statement causes a jump to a labelled statement within the same function.


Identifiers declared in a block that are not labels have block scope . The parameters in a function definition also have block scope. Block scope begins with the declaration of the identifier and ends with the closing brace (}) of the block.


Identifiers declared outside all blocks and parameter lists have file scope . File scope begins with the declaration of the identifier and extends to the end of the source file.

An identifier that is not a label name is not necessarily visible throughout its scope. If an identifier with the same category as an existing identifier is declared in a nested block, for example, the outer declaration is temporarily hidden. The outer declaration becomes visible again when the scope of the inner declaration ends.

Basic Types

The type of a variable determines how much space it occupies in storage and how the bit pattern stored is interpreted. Similarly, the type of a function determines how its return value is to be interpreted.

Types can be either predefined or derived. The predefined types in C are the basic types and the type void. The basic types consist of the integer types and the floating types.

Integer Types

There are five signed integer types: signed char , short int (or short), int , long int (or long), and long long int (*) (or long long (*)). For each of these types there is a corresponding unsigned integer type with the same storage size. The unsigned type is designated by the prefix unsigned in the type specifier, as in unsigned int.

The types char , signed char, and unsigned char are formally different. Depending on the compiler settings, however, char is equivalent either to signed char or to unsigned char. The prefix signed has no meaning for the types short, int, long, and long long (*), however, since they are always considered to be signed. Thus short and signed short specify the same type.

The storage size of the integer types is not defined; however, their width is ranked in the following order: char <= short <= int <= long <= long long (*). Furthermore, the size of type short is at least 2 bytes, long at least 4 bytes, and long long at least 8 bytes. Their value ranges for a given implementation are found in the header file limits.h .

ANSI C99 also introduces the type _Bool to represent Boolean values. The Boolean value true is represented by 1 and false by 0. If the header file stdbool.h has been included, then bool can be used as a synonym for _Bool and the macros true and false for the integer constants 1 and 0. Table 1-3 shows the standard integer types together with some typical value ranges.

Table 1-3. Standard integer types with storage sizes and value ranges




Storage size 


Value range (decimal) 


1 byte 


0 and 1 


1 byte 


-128 to 127 or 0 to 255 

unsigned char 

1 byte 


0 to 255 

signed char 

1 byte 


-128 to 127 


2 or 4 bytes 


-32,768 to 32,767 or -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 

unsigned int 

2 or 4 bytes 


0 to 65,535 or 0 to 4,294,967,295 


2 bytes 


-32,768 to 32,767 

unsigned short 

2 bytes 


0 to 65,535 


4 bytes 


-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 

unsigned long 

4 bytes 


0 to 4,294,967,295 

long long (*)

8 bytes 


-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 

unsigned long long (*)

8 bytes 


0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 

ANSI C99 introduced the header file stdint.h(*) , which defines integer types with specific widths (see Table 1-4). The width N of an integer type is the number of bits used to represent values of that type, including the sign bit. (Generally, N = 8, 16, 32, or 64.)

Table 1-4. Integer types with defined width





int N_t

Width is exactly  N bits

int_least N_t

Width is at least  N bits

int_fast N_t

The fastest type with width of at least  N bits


The widest integer type implemented 


Wide enough to store the value of a pointer 

For example, int16_t is an integer type that is exactly 16 bits wide, and int_fast32_t is the fastest integer type that is 32 or more bits wide. These types must be defined for the widths N = 8, 16, 32, and 64. Other widths, such as int24_t, are optional. For example:

int16_t val = -10;  // integer variable
                    // width: exactly 16 bits

For each of the signed types described above, there is also an unsigned type with the prefix u. uintmax_t , for example, represents the implementation's widest unsigned integer type.

Real and Complex Floating Types

Three types are defined to represent non-integer real numbers: float , double , and long double . These three types are called the real floating types .

The storage size and the internal representation of these types are not specified in the C standard, and may vary from one compiler to another. Most compilers follow the IEEE 754-1985 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic, however. Table 1-5 is also based on the IEEE representation.

Table 1-5. Real floating types




Storage size 


Value range(decimal, unsigned) 


Precision (decimal) 


4 bytes 


1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38 


6 decimal places 


8 bytes 


2.3E-308 to 1.7E+308 


15 decimal places 

long double 

10 bytes 


3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+4932 


19 decimal places 

The header file float.h defines symbolic constants that describe all aspects of the given representation (see Section 1.17).

Internal representation of a real floating-point number

The representation of a floating-point number x is always composed of a sign s, a mantissa m, and an exponent exp to base 2:

x = s * m * 2exp, where 1.0 <= m < 2  or  m = 0

The precision of a floating type is determined by the number of bits used to store the mantissa. The value range is determined by the number of bits used for the exponent.

Figure 1-2 shows the storage format for the float type (32-bit) in IEEE representation.

Figure 1-2. IEEE storage format for the 32-bit float type

The sign bit S has the value 1 for negative numbers and 0 for other numbers. Because in binary the first bit of the mantissa is always 1, it is not represented. The exponent is stored with a bias added, which is 127 for the float type.

For example, the number -2.5 = -1 * 1.25 * 21 is stored as:

S = 1, Exponent = 1+127 = 128, Mantissa = 0.25

Complex floating types

ANSI C99 introduces special floating types to represent the complex numbers and the pure imaginary numbers. Every complex number z can be represented in Cartesian coordinates as follows:

z = x + i*y

where x and y are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit


The real numbers x and y represent respectively the real part and the imaginary part of z.

Complex numbers can also be represented in polar coordinates :

z = r * (cos(theta) + i * sin(theta))

The angle theta is called the argument and the number r is the magnitude or absolute value of z.

In C, a complex number is represented as a pair of real and imaginary parts, each of which has type float, double, or long double. The corresponding complex floating types arefloat _Complex, double _Complex, and long double _Complex.

In addition, the pure imaginary numbers—i. e., the complex numbers z = i*y where y is a real number—can also be represented by the types float _Imaginary , double _Imaginary , and long double _Imaginary .

Together, the real and the complex floating types make up the floating types.

The Type void

The type specifier void indicates that no value is available. It is used in three kinds of situations:

Expressions of type void

There are two uses for void expressions. First, functions that do not return a value are declared as void. For example:
void exit (int status);
Second, the cast construction (void)expression can be used to explicitly discard the value of an expression. For example:
(void)printf("An example.");

Prototypes of functions that have no parameters

For example:
int rand(void);

Pointers to void

The type void * (pronounced "pointer to void") represents the address of an object, but not the object's type. Such "typeless" pointers are mainly used in functions that can be called with pointers to different types as parameters. For example:
void *memcpy(void *dest, void *source, size_t count);


Every constant is either an integer constant, a floating constant, a character constant, or a string literal. There are also enumeration constants, which are described in Section 1.10.1. Every constant has a type that is determined by its value and its notation.

Integer Constants

Integer constants can be represented as ordinary decimal numbers, octal numbers, or hexadecimal numbers:

  • A decimal constant (base 10) begins with a digit that is not 0; for example: 1024
  • An octal constant (base 8) begins with a 0; for example: 012
  • A hexadecimal constant (base 16) begins with the two characters 0x or 0X; for example: 0x7f, 0X7f, 0x7F, 0X7F. The hexadecimal digits A to F are not case-sensitive.

The type of an integer constant, if not explicitly specified, is the first type in the appropriate hierarchy that can represent its value.

For decimal constants, the hierarchy of types is:

int, long, unsigned long, long long(*).

For octal or hexadecimal constants, the hierarchy of types is:

int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long(*), 
unsigned long long(*).

Thus, integer constants normally have type int. The type can also be explicitly specified by one of the suffixes L or l (for long), LL (*) or ll (*) (for long long (*)), and/or U or u (for unsigned). Table 1-6 provides some examples.

Table 1-6. Examples of integer constants









unsigned int 
unsigned int 
unsigned long 

The macros in Table 1-7 are defined to represent constants of an integer type with a given maximum or minimum width N (e. g., = 8, 16, 32, 64). Each of these macros takes a constant integer as its argument and is replaced by the same value with the appropriate type.

Table 1-7. Macros for integer constants of minimum or maximum width




Return type 

int_least N_t
uint_least N_t

Floating Constants

A floating constant is represented as a sequence of decimal digits with one decimal point, or an exponent notation. Some examples are:

5.67E-3   // The number  5.67*10-3

E can also be written as e. The letter P or p is used to represent a floating constant with an exponent to base 2 (ANSI C99); for example:

2.7P+6    // The number  2.7*26

The decimal point or the notation of an exponent using E, e, P (*), or p (*) is necessary to distinguish a floating constant from an integer constant.

Unless otherwise specified, a floating constant has type double. The suffix F or f assigns the constant the type float; the suffix L or l assigns it the type long double. Thus the constants in the previous examples have type double, 12.34F has type float, and 12.34L has type long double.

Each of the following constants has type double. All the constants in each row represent the same value:


Character Constants and String Literals

A character constant consists of one or more characters enclosed in single quotes. Some examples are:

'0'    'A'    'ab'

Character constants have type int. The value of a character constant that contains one character is the numerical value of the representation of the character. For example, in the ASCII code, the character constant '0' has the value 48, and the constant 'A' has the value 65.

The value of a character constant that contains more than one character is dependent on the given implementation. To ensure portability, character constants with more than one character should be avoided.

Escape sequences such as '\n' may be used in character constants. The characters ' and \ can also be represented this way.

The prefix L can be used to give a character constant the type wchar_t; for example:

L'A'    L'\x123'

A string literal consists of a sequence of characters and escape sequences enclosed in double quotation marks; for example:

"I am a string!\n"

A string literal is stored internally as an array of char (see Section 1.10) with the string terminator '\0'. It is therefore one byte longer than the specified character sequence. The empty string occupies exactly one byte. A string literal is also called a string constant, although the memory it occupies may be modified.

The string literal "Hello!", for example, is stored as a char array, as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3. A string literal stored as a char array

String literals that are separated only by whitespace are concatenated into one string. For example:

  "hello" " world!" is equivalent to "hello world!" .

Because the newline character is also a whitespace character, this concatenation provides a simple way to continue a long string literal in the next line of the source code.

Wide string literals can also be defined as arrays whose elements have type wchar_t. Again, this is done by using the prefix L; for example:

L"I am a string of wide characters!"

Expressions and Operators

An expression is a combination of operators and operands. In the simplest case, an expression consists simply of a constant, a variable, or a function call. Expressions can also serve as operands, and can be joined together by operators into more complex expressions.

Every expression has a type and, if the type is not void, a value. Some examples of expressions follow:

4 * 512                         // Type: int  
printf("An example!\n")         // Type: int 
1.0 + sin(x)                    // Type: double
srand((unsigned)time(NULL))     // Type: void
(int*)malloc(count*sizeof(int)) // Type: int *

In expressions with more than one operator, the precedence of the operators determines the grouping of operands with operators. The arithmetic operators *, /, and %, for example, take precedence over + and -. In other words, the usual rules apply for the order of operations in arithmetic expressions. For example:

4 + 6 * 512    // equivalent to 4 + (6 * 512)

If a different grouping is desired, parentheses must be used:

(4 + 6) * 512

Table 1-8 lists the precedence of operators.

Table 1-8. Precedence of operators









 () [] -> .


left to right 



 ! ~ ++ -- + - (type) * & sizeof


right to left  



 * / %


left to right 



 + -


left to right 



 << >>


left to right 



 < <= > >=


left to right 



 == !=


left to right 





left to right 





left to right 






left to right 






left to right 






left to right 






right to left  




 = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>=


right to left 






left to right 

If two operators have equal precedence, then the operands are grouped as indicated in the "Grouping" column of Table 1-8. For example:

2 * 5 / 3     // equivalent to (2 * 5) / 3

Operators can be unary or binary : a unary operator has one operand, while a binary operator has two. This distinction is important for two reasons:

  • All unary operators have the same precedence.
  • The four characters -, +, *, and & can represent unary or binary operators, depending on the number of operands.

Furthermore, C has one ternary operator: the conditional operator ?: has three operands.

The individual operators are briefly described in Table 1-9 through Table 1-16 in the following sections. The order in which the operands are evaluated is not defined, except where indicated. For example, there's no guarantee which of the following functions will be invoked first:

f1() + f2() // Which of the two functions is 
            // called first is not defined.

Arithmetic Operators

Table 1-9. The arithmetic operators











x * y 

The product of  x and y.



x / y 

The quotient of  x by y.


Modulo division 

x % y 

The remainder of the division  x / y.



x + y 

The sum of  x and y.



x - y 

The difference of  x and y.


 + (unary)


Positive sign 


The value of  x.


 - (unary)


Negative sign 


The arithmetic negation of  x.




 x is incremented (x=x+1). The prefixed operator (++x) increments the operand before it is evaluated; the postfixed operator (x++) increments the operand after it is evaluated.




 x is decremented (x=x-1). The prefixed operator (--x) decrements the operand before it is evaluated; the postfixed operator (x--) decrements the operand after it is evaluated.

The operands of arithmetic operators may have any arithmetic type. Only the % operator requires integer operands.

The usual arithmetic conversions may be performed on the operands. For example, 3.0/2 is equivalent to 3.0/2.0. The result has the type of the operands after such conversion.

Note that the result of division with integer operands is also an integer! For example:

6 / 4       //  Result:  1 
6 % 4       //  Result:  2 
6.0 / 4.0   //  Result: 1.5

The increment operator ++ (and analogously, the decrement operator --) can be placed either before or after its operand. A variable x is incremented (i. e., increased by 1) both by ++x (prefix notation ) and x++ (postfix notation ) . The expressions nonetheless yield different values: the expression ++x has the value of x increased by 1, while the expression x++ yields the prior, unincremented value of x.

Because the operators ++ and -- perform an assignment, their operand must be an lvalue; i. e., an expression that designates a location in memory, such as a variable.

The operators ++, --, + (addition), and - (subtraction) can also be used on pointers. For more information on pointers and pointer arithmetic, see Section 1.10.

Assignment Operators

Assignments are performed by simple and compound assignment operators, as shown in Table 1-10.

Table 1-10. Assignment operators










Simple assignment 

x = y 

Assign the value of  y to x


Compound assignment 

x += y 

 x op= y is equivalent to x = x op (y) (where op is a binary arithmetic or binary bitwise operator)

The left operand in an assignment must be an lvalue; i. e., an expression that designates an object. This object is assigned a new value.

The simplest examples of lvalues are variable names. In the case of a pointer variable ptr, both ptr and *ptr are lvalues. Constants and expressions such as x+1, on the other hand, are not lvalues.

The following operands are permissible in a simple assignment (=):

  • Two operands with arithmetic types
  • Two operands with the same structure or union type
  • Two pointers that both point to objects of the same type, unless the right operand is the constant NULL

If one operand is a pointer to an object, then the other may be a pointer to the "incomplete" type void (i. e., void *).

If the two operands have different types, the value of the right operand is converted to the type of the left operand.

An assignment expression has the type and value of the left operand after the assignment. Assignments are grouped from right to left. For example:

a = b = 100;  // equivalent to  a=(b=100); 
              // The value 100 is assigned to b and a.

A compound assignment has the form x op= y, where op is a binary arithmetic operator or a binary bitwise operator. The value of x op (y) is assigned to x. For example:

a *= b+1;     // equivalent to  a = a * (b + 1);

In a compound assignment x op= y, the expression x is only evaluated once. This is the only difference between x op= y and x = x op (y).

Relational Operators and Logical Operators

Every comparison is an expression of type int that yields the value 1 or 0. The value 1 means "true" and 0 means "false." Comparisons use the relational operators listed in Table 1-11.

Table 1-11. The relational operators








Result: 1 (true) or 0 (false) 


less than 

x < y 

 1 if x is less than y


less than or equal to 

x <= y 

 1 if x is less than or equal to y


greater than 

x > y 

 1 if x is greater than y


greater than or equal to 

x >= y 

 1 if x is greater than or equal to y


equal to 

x == y 

 1 if x is equal to y


not equal to 

x != y 

 1 if x is not equal to y. In all other cases, the expression yields 0.

The following operands are permissible for all relational operators:

  • Two operands with real arithmetic types. The usual arithmetic conversions may be performed on the operands.
  • Two pointers to objects of the same type.

The equality operators == and != can also be used to compare complex numbers. Furthermore, the operands may also be pointers to functions of the same type. A pointer may also be compared with NULL or with a pointer to void. For example:

int cmp, *p1, *p2;
. . .
cmp = p1 < p2; // if p1 is less than p2, then cmp = 1; 
               // otherwise cmp = 0.

Logical Operators

The logical operators, shown in Table 1-12, can be used to combine the results of several comparison expressions into one logical expression.

Table 1-12. The logical operators








Result: 1 (true) or 0 (false) 


logical  AND

x && y 

 1 if both x and y are not equal to 0


logical  OR

x || y 

 1 if either or both of x and y is not equal to 0


logical  NOT


 1 if x equals 0. In all other cases, the expression yields 0.

The operands of logical operators may have any scalar (i. e., arithmetic or pointer) type. Any value except 0 is interpreted as "true"; 0 is "false."

Like relational expressions, logical expressions yield the values "true" or "false"; that is, the int values 0 or 1:

!x || y  // "(not x) or y" yields 1 (true)
         // if x == 0 or y != 0

The operators && and || first evaluate the left operand. If the result of the operation is already known from the value of the left operand (i. e., the left operand of && is 0 or the left operand of || is not 0), then the right operand is not evaluated. For example:

i < max  &&  scanf("%d", &x) == 1

In this logical expression, the function scanf() is only called if i is less than max.

Bitwise Operators

There are six bitwise operators, described in Table 1-13. All of them require integer operands.

Table 1-13. The bitwise operators








Result (for each bit position) 


bitwise  AND

x & y 

 1, if 1 in both x and y


bitwise  OR

x | y 

 1, if 1 in either x or y, or both


bitwise exclusive  OR

x ^ y 

 1, if 1 in either x or y, but not both


bitwise  NOT


 1, if 0 in x


shift left  

x << y 

Each bit in  x is shifted y positions to the left


shift right 

x >> y 

Each bit in x is shifted y positions to the right 

The logical bitwise operators, & (AND), | (OR), ^ (exclusive OR), and ~ (NOT) interpret their operands bit by bit: a bit that is set, i. e., 1, is considered "true"; a cleared bit, or 0, is "false". Thus, in the result of z = x & y, each bit is set if and only if the corresponding bit is set in both x and y. The usual arithmetic conversions are performed on the operands.

The shift operators << and >> transpose the bit pattern of the left operand by the number of bit positions indicated by the right operand. Integer promotions are performed beforehand on both operands. The result has the type of the left operand after integer promotion. Some examples are:

int  x = 0xF, result; 
result = x << 4; // yields 0xF0
result = x >> 2; // yields  0x3

The bit positions vacated at the right by the left shift << are always filled with 0 bits. Bit values shifted out to the left are lost.

The bit positions vacated at the left by the right shift >> are filled with 0 bits if the left operand is an unsigned type or has a non-negative value. If the left operand is signed and negative, the left bits may be filled with 0 (logical shift) or with the value of the sign bit (arithmetic shift), depending on the compiler.

Memory Accessing Operators

The operators in Table 1-14 are used to access objects in memory. The terms used here, such as pointer, array, structure, etc., are introduced later under Section 1.10.

Table 1-14. Memory accessing operators










Address of 


A constant pointer to  x




The object (or function) pointed to by  p

[ ] 

 Array element


 *(x+i), the element with index i in the array x


Member of a structure or union 


The member named  x in the structure or union s


Member of a structure or union 


The member named  x in the structure or union pointed to by p

The operand of the address operator & must be an expression that designates a function or an object. The address operator & yields the address of its operand. Thus an expression of the form &x is a pointer to x. The operand of & must not be a bit-field, nor a variable declared with the storage class specifier register.

The indirection operator * is used to access an object or a function through a pointer. If ptr is a pointer to an object or function, then *ptr designates the object or function pointed to by ptr. For example:

int  a, *pa;  // An int variable and a pointer to int. 

pa  = &a;     // Let pa point to a. 
*pa = 123;    // Now equivalent to  a = 123;

The subscript operator [] can be used to address the elements of an array. If v is an array and i is an integer, then v[i] denotes the element with index i in the array. In more general terms, one of the two operands of the operator [] must be a pointer to an object (e. g., an array name), and the other must be an integer. An expression of the form x[i] is equivalent to (*(x+(i))). For example:

float  a[10], *pa; // An array and a pointer.
pa = a;            // Let pa point to a[0].

Since pa points to a[0], pa[3] is equivalent to a[3] or *(a+3).

The operators . and -> designate a member of a structure or union. The left operand of the dot operator must have a structure or union type. The left operand of the arrow operator is a pointer to a structure or union. In both cases, the right operand is the name of a member of the type. The result has the type and value of the designated member.

If p is a pointer to a structure or union and x is the name of a member, then p->x is equivalent to (*p).x, and yields the member x of the structure (or union) to which p points.

The operators . and ->, like [], have the highest precedence, so that an expression such as ++p->x is equivalent to ++(p->x).

Other Operators

The operators in Table 1-15 do not belong to any of the categories described so far.

Table 1-15. Other operators










Function call 


Execute the function with the arguments  x and y




The value of  x with the specified type


Size in bytes 


The number of bytes occupied by  x


Conditional evaluation 


If  x is not equal to 0, then y, otherwise z


Sequence operator 


Evaluate  x first, then y

A function call consists of a pointer to a function (such as a function name) followed by parentheses () containing the argument list, which may be empty.

The cast operator can only be used on operands with scalar types! An expression of the form ( type )x yields the value of the operand x with the type specified in the parentheses.

The operand of the sizeof operator is either a type name in parentheses or any expression that does not have a function type. The sizeof operator yields the number of bytes required to store an object of the specified type, or the type of the expression. The result is a constant of type size_t.

The conditional operator ?: forms a conditional expression. In an expression of the form x?y:z, the left operand x is evaluated first. If the result is not equal to 0 (in other words, if x is "true"), then the second operand y is evaluated, and the expression yields the value of y. However, if x is equal to 0 ("false"), then the third operand z is evaluated, and the expression yields the value of z.

The first operand can have any scalar type. If the second and third operands do not have the same type, then a type conversion is performed. The type to which both can be converted is the type of the result. The following types are permissible for the second and third operands:

  • Two operands with arithmetic types.
  • Two operands with the same structure or union type, or the type void.
  • Two pointers, both of which point to objects of the same type, unless one of them is the constant NULL. If one operand is an object pointer, the other may be a pointer to void.

The sequence or comma operator , has two operands: first the left operand is evaluated, then the right. The result has the type and value of the right operand. Note that a comma in a list of initializations or arguments is not an operator, but simply a punctuation mark!

Alternative notation for operators

The header file iso646.h defines symbolic constants that can be used as synonyms for certain operators, as listed in Table 1-16.

Table 1-16. Symbolic constants for operators














Type Conversions

A type conversion yields the value of an expression in a new type. Conversion can be performed only on scalar types, i. e., arithmetic types and pointers.

A type conversion always conserves the original value, if the new type is capable of representing it. Floating-point numbers may be rounded on conversion from double to float, for example.

Type conversions can be implicit —i. e., performed by the compiler automatically—or explicit , through the use of the cast operator. It is considered good programming style to use the cast operator whenever type conversions are necessary. This makes the type conversion explicit, and avoids compiler warnings.

Integer Promotion

Operands of the types _Bool, char, unsigned char, short, and unsigned short, as well as bit-fields, can be used in expressions wherever operands of type int or unsigned int are permissible. In such cases, integer promotion is performed on the operands: they are automatically converted to int or unsigned int. Such operands are converted to unsigned int only if the type int cannot represent all values of the original type.

Thus C always "expects" values that have at least type int. If c is a variable of type char, then its value in the expression:

 c + '0'

is promoted to int before the addition takes place.

Usual Arithmetic Conversions

The operands of a binary operator may have different arithmetic types. In this case, the usual arithmetic conversions are implicitly performed to cast their values in a common type. However, the usual arithmetic conversions are not performed for the assignment operators, nor for the logical operators && and ||.

If operands still have different types after integer promotion, they are converted to the type that appears highest in the hierarchy shown in Figure 1-4. The result of the operation also has this type.

Figure 1-4. Arithmetic type promotion hierarchy

When one complex floating type is converted to another, both the type of the real part and the type of the imaginary part are converted according to the rules applicable to the corresponding real floating types.

Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers

A simple assignment may also involve different arithmetic types. In this case, the value of the right operand is always converted to the type of the left operand.

In a compound assignment, the usual arithmetic conversions are performed for the arithmetic operation. Then any further type conversion takes place as for a simple assignment.

A pointer to void can be converted to any other object pointer. An object pointer can also be converted into a pointer to void. The address it designates—its value—remains unchanged.


A statement specifies an action to be performed, such as an arithmetic operation or a function call. Many statements serve to control the flow of a program by defining loops and branches. Statements are processed one after another in sequence, except where such control statements result in jumps.

Every statement that is not a block is terminated by a semicolon.

Block and Expression Statements

A block , also called a compound statement, groups a number of statements together into one statement. A block can also contain declarations.

The syntax for a block is:

{[list of declarations][list of statements]}

Here is an example of a block:

{ int i = 0;      /* Declarations  */
  static long a;
  extern long max;

  ++a;            /* Statements    */
  if( a >= max)
  {   . . .    }  /* A nested block */
  . . .

The declarations in a block normally precede the statements. However, ANSI C99 permits free placement of declarations.

New blocks can occur anywhere within a function block. Usually a block is formed wherever the syntax calls for a statement, but the program requires several statements. This is the case, for example, when more than one statement is to be repeated in a loop.

An expression statement is an expression followed by a semicolon. The syntax is:

[expression] ;

Here is an example of an expression statement:

 y = x;        // Assignment

The expression—an assignment or function call, for example—is evaluated for its side effects. The type and value of the expression are discarded.

A statement consisting only of a semicolon is called an empty statement , and does not peform any operation. For example:

for ( i = 0;  str[i] != '\0'; ++i )
   ;                     // Empty statement


The following statements can be used to control the program flow:

  • Selection statements: if ... else or switch
  • Loops: while, do ... while or for
  • Unconditional jumps: goto, continue, break or return


A loop consists of a statement or block, called the loop body, that is executed several times, depending on a given condition. C offers three statements to construct loops: while, do ... while, and for.

In each of these loop statements, the number of loop iterations performed is determined by a controlling expression . This is an expression of a scalar type, i. e., an arithmetic expression or a pointer. The expression is interpreted as "true" if its value is not equal to 0; otherwise it is considered "false".

Syntactically, the loop body consists of one statement. If several statements are required, they are grouped in a block.

Unconditional Jumps


if ... else


The if statement creates a conditional jump.


if (expression) 
statement1  [else  

The expression must have a scalar type. First, the if statement's controlling expression is evaluated. If the result is not equal to 0—in other words, if the expression yields "true"—then statement1 is executed. Otherwise, if else is present, statement2 is executed.


if (x > y)  max = x; // Assign the greater of x and y to 
else        max = y; // the variable max.

The use of else is optional. If the value of the controlling expression is 0, or "false", and else is omitted, then the program execution continues with the next statement.

If several if statements are nested, then an else clause always belongs to the last if (in the given block nesting level) that does not yet have an else clause. An else can be assigned to a different if by creating explicit blocks.


if ( n > 0 
{  if ( n % 2 == 0 
     puts("n is positive and even");
else                        // Belongs to first if 
     puts("n is negative or zero");




In a switch statement, the value of the switch expression is compared to the constants associated with case labels. If the expression evaluates to the constant associated with a case label, program execution continues at the matching label. If no matching label is present, program execution branches to the default label if present; otherwise execution continues with the statement following the switch statement.


switch ( 
expression ) 

The expression is an integer expression and statement is a block statement with case labels and at most one default label. Every case label has the form case const :, where const is a constant integer expression. All case constants must be different from one another.


switch( command )          // Query a command obtained
{                          // by user input in a menu, 
                           // for example.
  case 'a':
  case 'A': action1();     // Carry out action 1,
            break;         // then quit the switch.
  case 'b':
  case 'B': action2();     // Carry out action 2,
            break;         // then quit the switch.
  default:  putchar('\a'); // On any other "command":
                           // alert.

After the jump from the switch to a label, program execution continues sequentially, regardless of other labels. The break statement can be used to exit the switch block at any time. A break is thus necessary if the statements following other case labels are not to be executed.

Integer promotion is applied to the switch expression. The case constants are then converted to the resulting type of the switch expression.




The while statement is a "top-driven" loop: first the loop condition (i. e., the controlling expression) is evaluated. If it yields "true", the loop body is executed, and then the controlling expression is evaluated again. If it is false, program execution continues with the statement following the loop body.


while ( expression )  statement


s = str;           // Let the char pointer s  
while( *s != '\0') // point to the end of str 


do ... while


The do ... while statement is a "bottom-driven" loop: first the body of the loop is executed, then the controlling expression is evaluated. This is repeated until the controlling expression is "false", or 0.

The key difference from a while statement is that a do ... while loop body is always executed at least once. A while loop may not execute at all, because its expression could be false to begin with.


do statement  while ( expression ) ;


i = 0;
do                      // Copy the string str1
    str2[i] = str1[i];  // to string str2 
while ( str1[i++] != '\0' );




A typical for loop uses a control variable and performs the following actions on it:

  1. Initialization (once before beginning the loop)
  2. Tests the controlling expression
  3. Makes adjustments (such as incrementation) at the end of each loop iteration

The three expressions in the head of the for loop define these three actions.


for ([expression1]; [expression2]; [expression3]

expression1 and expression3 can be any expressions. Expression2 is the controlling expression, and hence must have a scalar type. Any of these expressions can be omitted. If expression2 is omitted, the loop body is executed unconditionally. In ANSI C99, expression1 may also be a declaration. The scope of the variable declared is then limited to the for loop.


for (int i = DELAY; i > 0; --i)    // Wait a little

Except for the scope of the variable i, this for loop is equivalent to the following while loop:

int i = DELAY; // Initialize 
while( i > 0)  // Test the controlling expression
     --i; // Adjust




The goto statement jumps to any point within a function. The destination of the jump is specified by the name of a label.


goto label_name;

A label is a name followed by a colon that appears before any statement.


for ( ... )         // Jump out of
    for ( ... )     // nested loops. 
       if ( error 
         goto  handle_error;
 handle_error:      // Error handling here

The only restriction is that the goto statement and the label must be contained in the same function. Nonetheless, the goto statement should never be used to jump into a block from outside it.




The continue statement can only be used within the body of a loop. It jumps over the remainder of the loop body. Thus in a while or do ... while loop, it jumps to the next test of the controlling expression, and in a for loop it jumps to the evaluation of the per-iteration adjustment expression.




for (i = -10; i < 10; ++i
{  ...
  if (i == 0) continue;     // Skip the value 0




The break statement jumps immediately to the statement after the end of a loop or switch statement. This provides a way to end execution of a loop at any point in the loop body.




while (1
{  ...
   if (command == ESC) break;     // Exit the loop 




The return statement ends the execution of the current function and returns control to the caller. The value of the expression in the return statement is returned to the caller as the return value of the function.


return expression;


int max( int a, int b )     // The maximum of a and b
{ return (a>b ? a : b); }

Any number of return statements can appear in a function.

The value of the return expression is converted to the type of the function if necessary.

The expression in the return statement can be omitted. This only makes sense in functions of type void, however—in which case the entire return statement can also be omitted. Then the function returns control to the caller at the end of the function block.


A declaration determines the interpretation and properties of one or more identifiers. A declaration that allocates storage space for an object or a function is a definition. In C, an object is a data storage region that contains constant or variable values. The term "object" is thus somewhat more general than the term "variable."

In the source file, declarations can appear at the beginning of a block, such as a function block, or outside of all functions. Declarations that do not allocate storage space, such as function prototypes or type definitions, are normally placed in a header file.

ANSI C99 allows declarations and statements to appear in any order within a block.

General Syntax and Examples

The general syntax of a declaration is as follows:

[storage class] type  D1 [, D2, ...];

storage class

One of the storage class specifiers extern, static, auto, or register.


A basic type, or one of the following type specifiers: void, enum type (enumeration), struct or union type, or typedef name.
type may also contain type qualifiers, such as const.

D1 [, D2,...]

A list of declarators. A declarator contains at least one identifier, such as a variable name.

Some examples are:

char  letter;
int   i, j, k;
static  double rate, price;
extern char  flag;

Variables can be initialized—that is, assigned an initial value—in the declaration. Variable and function declarations are described in detail in the sections that follow.

Complex Declarations

If a declarator contains only one identifier, with or without an initialization, the declaration is called a simple declaration. In a complex declaration, the declarator also contains additional type information. This is necessary in declarations of pointers, arrays, and functions. Such declarations use the three operators, shown in Table 1-17.

Table 1-17. Operators for complex declarations






Pointer to 

[ ] 

Array of element type 

( ) 

Function returning value of type 

The operators in Table 1-17 have the same precedence in declarations as in expressions. Parentheses can also be used to group operands.

Complex declarators are always interpreted beginning with the identifier being declared. Then the following steps are repeated until all operators are resolved:

  1. Any pair of parentheses () or square brackets [] appearing to the right is interpreted.
  2. If there are none, then any asterisk appearing to the left is interpreted.

For example:

char *strptr[100];

This declaration identifies strptr as an array. The array's 100 elements are pointers to char.


Every variable must be declared before it can be used. The declaration determines the variable's type, its storage class, and possibly its initial value. The type of a variable determines how much space it occupies in storage and how the bit pattern it stores is interpreted. For example:

float dollars = 2.5F;     // a variable of type float

The variable dollars designates a region in memory with a size of 4 bytes. The contents of these four bytes are interpreted as a floating-point number, and initialized with the value 2.5.

Storage Classes

The storage class of a variable determines its scope, its storage duration, and its linkage. The scope can be either block or file (see Section 1.2.4, earlier in this book). Variables also have one of two storage durations:

Static storage duration

The variable is generated and initialized once, before the program begins. It exists continuously throughout the execution of the program.

Automatic storage duration

The variable is generated anew each time the program flow enters the block in which it is defined. When the block is terminated, the memory occupied by the variable is freed.

The storage class of a variable is determined by the position of its declaration in the source file and by the storage class specifier, if any. A declaration may contain no more than one storage class specifier. Table 1-18 lists the valid storage class specifiers.

Table 1-18. The storage class specifiers






Variables declared with the storage class specifier  auto have automatic storage duration. The specifier auto is applicable only to variables that are declared within a function. Because the automatic storage class is the default for such variables, the specifier auto is rarely used.


The storage class specifier  register instructs the compiler to store the variable in a CPU register if possible. As a result, the address operator (&) cannot be used with a register variable. In all other respects, however, register variables are treated the same as auto variables.


Variables declared as  static always have static storage duration. The storage class specifier static is used to declare static variables with a limited scope.


The specifier  extern is used to declare variables with static storage duration that can be used throughout the program.

Table 1-19 illustrates the possible storage classes and their effect on the scope and the storage duration of variables.

Table 1-19. Storage class, scope, and storage duration of variables


Position of the declaration 


Storage class specifier 




Storage duration 


Outside all functions 


none,  extern, static






Within a function 


none,  auto, register






Within a function 


 extern, static






Variables can be initialized (assigned an initial value) in their declaration. The initializer consists of an equal sign followed by a constant expression. Some examples are:

int index = 0, max = 99, *intptr = NULL;
static char message[20] = "Example!";

Variables are not initialized in declarations that do not cause an object to be created, such as function prototypes and declarations that refer to external variable definitions.

Every initialization is subject to the following rules:

  1. A variable declaration with an initializer is always a definition. This means that storage is allocated for the variable.
  2. A variable with static storage duration can only be initialized with a value that can be calculated at the time of compiling. Hence the initial value must be a constant expression.
  3. For declarations without an initializer: variables with static storage duration are implicitly initialized with NULL (all bytes have the value 0); the initial value of all other variables is undefined!

The type conversion rules for simple assignments are also applied on initialization.

Derived Types

A programmer can also define new types, including enumerated types and derived types. Derived types include pointers, arrays, structures, and unions.

The basic types and the enumerated types are collectively called the arithmetic types . The arithmetic types and the pointer types in turn make up the scalar types . The array and structure types are known collectively as the aggregate types .

Enumeration Types

Enumeration types are used to define variables that can only be assigned certain discrete integer values throughout the program. The possible values and names for them are defined in an enumeration. The type specifier begins with the keyword enum ; for example:

enum toggle { OFF, ON, NO = 0, YES };

The list of enumerators inside the braces defines the new enumeration type. The identifier toggle is the tag of this enumeration. This enumeration defines the identifiers in the list (OFF, ON, NO, and YES) as constants with type int.

The value of each identifier in the list may be determined explicitly, as in NO = 0 in the example above. Identifiers for which no explicit value is specified are assigned a value automatically based on their position in the list, as follows: An enumerator without an explicit value has the value 0 if it is the first in the list; otherwise its value is 1 greater than that of the preceding enumerator. Thus in the example above, the constants OFF and NO have the value 0, while ON and YES have the value 1.

Once an enumeration type has been defined, variables with the type can be declared within its scope. For example:

enum toggle t1, t2 = ON;

This declaration defines t1 and t2 as variables with type enum toggle, and also initializes t2 with the value ON, or 1.

Following is an enumeration without a tag:

enum { black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, white };

As this example illustrates, the definition of an enumeration does not necessarily include a tag. In this case, the enumeration type cannot be used to declare variables, but the enumeration constants can be used to designate a set of discrete values. This technique can be used as an alternative to the #define directive. The constants in the example above have the following values: black = 0, blue = 1, ... , white = 6.

Variables with an enumeration type can generally be used in a C program—in comparative or arithmetic expressions, for example—as ordinary int variables.

Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

Different data items that make up a logical unit are generally grouped together in a record. The structure of a record—i. e., the names, types, and order of its components—is represented in C by a structure type .

The components of a record are called the members of the structure. Each member can be of any type. The type specifier begins with the keyword struct ; for example:

struct article    {    char   name[40];
                       int    quantity;
                       double price;

This example declares a structure type with three members. The identifier article is the tag of the structure, and name, quantity, and price are the names of its members. Within the scope of a structure declaration, variables can be declared with the structure type:

struct article  a1, a2, *pArticle, arrArticle[100];

a1 and a2 are variables of type struct article, and pArticle is a pointer to an object of type struct article. The array arrArticle has 100 elements of type struct article.

Structure variables can also be declared simultaneously with the structure type definition. If no further reference is made to a structure type, then its declaration need not include a tag. For example:

struct {unsigned char character, attribute;}
xchar, xstr[100];

The structure type defined here has the members character and attribute, both of which have the type unsigned char. The variable xchar and the elements of the array xstr have the type of the new tagless structure.

The members of a structure variable are located in memory in order of their declaration within the structure. The address of the first member is identical to the address of the entire structure. The addresses of the other members and the total storage space required by the structure may vary, however, since the compiler can insert unnamed gaps between the individual members for the sake of optimization. For this reason the storage size of a structure should always be obtained using the sizeof operator.

The macro offsetof , defined in the header file stddef.h , can be used to obtain the location of a member within a structure. The expression:

offsetof( structure_type, member )

has the type size_t, and yields the distance in bytes between the beginning of the structure and member.

Structure variables can be initialized by an initialization list containing a value for each member:

struct article flower =     // Declare and initialize the
  { "rose", 7, 2.49 };      // structure variable flower

A structure variable with automatic storage duration can also be initialized with the value of an existing structure variable. The assignment operator can be used on variables of the same structure type. For example:

arrArticle[0] = flower;

This operation copies the value of each member of flower to the corresponding member of arrArticle[0].

A specific structure member can be accessed by means of the dot operator, which has a structure variable and the name of a member as its operands:

 flower.name    // The array 'name' 
 flower.price   // The double variable 'price'

Efficient data handling often requires the use of pointers to structures . The arrow operator provides convenient access to a member of a structure identified by a pointer. The left operand of the arrow operator is a pointer to a structure. Some examples follow:

pArticle = &flower;     // Let pArticle point to flower
pArticle->quantity      // Access members of flower
pArticle->price         // using the pointer pArticle

A structure cannot have itself as a member. Recursive structures can be defined, however, by means of members that are pointers to the structure's own type. Such recursive structures are used to implement linked lists and binary trees, for example.


A union permits references to the same location in memory to have different types. The declaration of a union differs from that of a structure only in the keyword union :

union number {long n; double x;};

This declaration creates a new union type with the tag number and the two members n and x.

Unlike the members of a structure, all the members of a union begin at the same address! Hence the size of a union is that of its largest member. According to the example above, a variable of type union number occupies 8 bytes.

Once a union type has been defined, variables of that type can be declared. Thus:

union number  nx[10];

declares an array nx with ten elements of type union number. At any given time, each such element contains either a long or a double value. The members of a union can be accessed in the same ways as structure members. For example:

nx[0].x = 1.234;   // Assign a double value to nx[0]

Like structures, union variables are initialized by an initializer list. For a union, however, the list contains only one initializer. If no union member is explicitly designated, the first member named in the union type declaration is initialized:

union number length = { 100L };

After this declaration, length.n has the value 100.


Members of structures or unions can also be bit-fields. Bit-fields are integers which consist of a defined number of bits. The declaration of a bit-field has the form:

                  type    [identifier] : width;

where type is either unsigned int or signed int, identifier is the optional name of the bit-field, and width is the number of bits occupied by the bit-field in memory.

A bit-field is normally stored in a machine word that is a storage unit of length sizeof(int). The width of a bit-field cannot be greater than that of a machine word. If a smaller bit-field leaves sufficient room, subsequent bit-fields may be packed into the same storage unit. A bit-field with width zero is a special case, and indicates that the subsequent bit-field is to be stored in a new storage unit regardless of whether there's room in the current storage unit. Here's an example of a structure made up of bit fields:

    struct     {    unsigned int  b0_2 : 3;
                    signed   int  b3_7 : 5;
                    unsigned int       : 7;
                    unsigned int  b15  : 1;
               } var;

The structure variable var occupies at least two bytes, or 16 bits. It is divided into four bit-fields: var.b0_2 occupies the lowest three bits, var.b3_7 occupies the next five bits, and var.b15 occupies the highest bit. The third member has no name, and only serves to define a gap of seven bits, as shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5. Bit assignments in the example struct

Bit-fields with the type unsigned int are interpreted as unsigned. Bit-fields of type signed int can have negative values in two's-complement encoding. In the example above, var.b0_2 can hold values in the range from 0 to 7, and var.b3_7 can take values in the range from -16 to 15.

Bit-fields also differ from ordinary integer variables in the following ways:

  • The address operator (&) cannot be applied to bit-fields (but it can be applied to a structure variable that contains bit-fields).
  • Some uses of bit-fields may lead to portability problems, since the interpretation of the bits within a word can differ from one machine to another.


Arrays are used to manage large numbers of objects of the same type. Arrays in C can have elements of any type except a function type. The definition of an array specifies the array name, the type, and, optionally, the number of array elements. For example:

    char line[81];

The array line consists of 81 elements with the type char. The variable line itself has the derived type "array of char" (or "char array").

In a statically defined array, the number of array elements (i. e., the length of the array) must be a constant expression. In ANSI C99, any integer expression with a positive value can be used to specify the length of a non-static array with block scope. This is also referred to as a variable-length array .

An array always occupies a continuous location in memory. The size of an array is thus the number of elements times the size of the element type:

sizeof( line ) == 81 * sizeof( char ) == 81 bytes

The individual array elements can be accessed using an index. In C, the first element of an array has the index 0. Thus the 81 elements of the array line are line[0], line[1], ... , line[80].

Any integer expression can be used as an index. It is up to the programmer to ensure that the value of the index lies within the valid range for the given array.

A string is a sequence of consecutive elements of type char that ends with the null character, '\0'. The length of the string is the number of characters excluding the string terminator '\0'. A string is stored in a char array, which must be at least one byte longer than the string.

A wide string consists of characters of type wchar_t and is terminated by the wide null character, L'\0'. The length of a wide string is the number of wchar_t characters in the string, excluding the wide string terminator. For example:

    wchar_t wstr[20] = L"Mister Fang"; //  length: 11
                                       //  wide characters

A multi-dimensional array in C is an array whose elements are themselves arrays. For example:

    short point[50][20][10];

The three-dimensional array point consists of 50 elements that are two-dimensional arrays. The declaration above defines a total of 50*20*10 = 10,000 elements of type short, each of which is uniquely identified by three indices:

point[0][0][9] = 7;  // Assign the value 7 to  the "point" 
                     // with the "coordinates" (0,0,9).

Two-dimensional arrays, also called matrices , are the most common multi-dimensional arrays. The elements of a matrix can be thought of as being arranged in rows (first index) and columns (second index).

Arrays in C are closely related to pointers: in almost all expressions, the name of an array is converted to a pointer to the first element of the array. The sizeof operator is an exception, however: if its operand is an array, it yields the number of bytes occupied, not by a pointer, but by the array itself. After the declaration:

char msg[] = "Hello, world!";

the array name msg points to the character 'H'. In other words, msg is equivalent to &msg[0]. Thus in a statement such as:

puts( msg ); // Print string to display

only the address of the beginning of the string is passed to the function puts(). Internally, the function processes the characters in the string until it encounters the terminator character '\0'.

An array is initialized by an initialization list containing a constant initial value for each of the individual array elements:

double x[3] = { 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 };

After this definition, x[0] has the value 0.0, x[1] the value 0.5, and x[2] the value 1.0. If the length of the array is greater than the number of values in the list, then all remaining array elements are initialized with 0. If the initialization list is longer than the array, the redundant values are ignored.

The length of the array need not be explicitly specified, however:

double x[] = { 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 };

In this definition, the length of the array is determined by the number of values in the initialization list.

A char array can be initialized by a string literal:

char str[] = "abc";

This definition allocates and initializes an array of four bytes, and is equivalent to:

char str[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', '\0' } ;

In the initialization of a multi-dimensional array , the magnitude of all dimensions except the first must be specified. In the case of a two-dimensional array, for example, the number of rows can be omitted. For example:

char error_msg[][40] =    { "Error opening file!",
                            "Error reading file!",
                            "Error writing to file!"};

The array error_msg consists of three rows, each of which contains a string.


A pointer represents the address and type of a variable or a function. In other words, for a variable x, &x is a pointer to x.

A pointer refers to a location in memory, and its type indicates how the data at this location is to be interpreted. Thus the pointer types are called pointer to char, pointer to int, and so on, or for short, char pointer, int pointer, etc.

Array names and expressions such as &x are address constants or constant pointers, and cannot be changed. Pointer variables, on the other hand, store the address of the object to which they refer, which address you may change. A pointer variable is declared by an asterisk (*) prefixed to the identifier. For example:

float  x, y, *pFloat;
pFloat = &x;     // Let pFloat point to x.

After this declaration, x and y are variables of type float, and pFloat is a variable of type float * (pronounced "pointer to float"). After the assignment operation, the value of pFloat is the address of x.

The indirection operator * is used to access data by means of pointers. If ptr is a pointer, for example, then *ptr is the object to which ptr points. For example:

y = *pFloat;   //  equivalent to  y = x;

As long as pFloat points to x, the expression *pFloat can be used in place of the variable x. Of course, the indirection operator * must only be used with a pointer which contains a valid address.

A pointer with the value 0 is called a null pointer . Null pointers have a special significance in C. Because all objects and functions have non-zero addresses, a null pointer always represents an invalid address. Functions that return a pointer can therefore return a null pointer to indicate a failure condition. The constant NULL is defined in stdio.h, stddef.h, and other header files as a null pointer (i.e., a pointer with a value of zero).

All object pointer variables have the same storage size, regardless of their type. Two or four bytes are usually required to store an address.

Parentheses are sometimes necessary in complex pointer declarations. For example:

long arr[10];     // Array arr with ten elements
long (*pArr)[10]; // Pointer pArr to an array
                  //  of ten long elements

Without the parentheses, the declaration long *pArr[10]; would create an array of ten pointers to long. Parentheses are always necessary in order to declare pointers to arrays or functions.

Pointer arithmetic

Two arithmetic operations can be performed on pointers:

  • An integer can be added to or subtracted from a pointer.
  • One pointer can be subtracted from another of the same type.

These operations are generally useful only when the pointers point to elements of the same array. In arithmetic operations on pointers, the size of the objects pointed to is automatically taken into account. For example:

int a[3] = { 0, 10, 20 };  // An array with three elements
int *pa = a;               // Let pa point to a[0]

Since pa points to a[0], the expression pa + 1 yields a pointer to the next array element, a[1], which is sizeof( int ) bytes away in memory. Furthermore, because the array name a likewise points to a[0], a+1 also yields a pointer to a[1].

Thus for any integer i, the following expressions are equivalent:

&a[i] , a+i , pa+i // pointers to the i-th array element

By the same token, the following expressions are also equivalent:

a[i] , *(a+i) , *(pa+i) , pa[i]  // the i-th array element

Thus a pointer can be treated as an array name: pa[i] and *(pa+i) are equivalent. Unlike the array name, however, pa is a variable, not an address constant. For example:

pa = a+2;      // Let pa point to a[2]
int n = pa-a;  //  n = 2

The subtraction of two pointers yields the number of array elements between the pointers. For example, the expression pa-a yields the integer value 2 if pa points to a[2]. This value has the integer type ptrdiff_t, which is defined (usually as int) in stddef.h.

The addition of two pointers is not a useful operation, and hence is not permitted. It is possible, however, to compare two pointers of the same type, as the following example illustrates:

// Formatted output of the elements of an array
#define  LEN  10
float numbers[LEN], *pn;
     . . . 
for ( pn = numbers; pn < numbers+LEN; ++pn ) 
   printf( "%16.4f", *pn );

Function pointers

The name of a function is a constant pointer to the function. Its value is the address of the function's machine code in memory. For example, the name puts is a pointer to the function puts(), which outputs a string:

#include <stdio.h>        // Include declaration of puts()
int (*pFunc)(const char*);  // Pointer to a function 
    . . .                   // whose parameter is a string
                            // and whose return value 
                            // has type int
pFunc = puts;               // Let pFunc point to puts()
(*pFunc)("Any questions?"); // Call puts() using the
                            // pointer

Note that the first pair of parentheses is required in the declaration of the variable pFunc. Without it, int *pFunc( const char* ); would declare pFunc as a function that returns a pointer to int.

Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions

The type of an object can be qualified by the keywords const and volatile in the declaration.

The type qualifier const indicates that the program can no longer modify an object after its declaration. For example:

const double pi = 3.1415927;

After this declaration, a statement that modifies the object pi, such as pi = pi+1;, is illegal and results in a compiler error.

The type qualifier volatile indicates variables that can be modified by processes other than the present program. Based on this information, the compiler may refrain from optimizing access to the variable.

The type qualifiers volatile and const can also be combined:

extern const volatile unsigned  clock_ticks;

After this declaration, clock_ticks cannot be modified by the program, but may be modified by another process, such as a hardware clock interrupt handler.

Type qualifiers are generally prefixed to the type specifier. In pointer declarations, however, type qualifiers may be applied both to the pointer itself and to the object it addresses. If the type qualifier is to be applied to the pointer itself, it must be placed immediately before the identifier.

The most common example of such a declaration is the "pointer to a constant object." Such a pointer may point to a variable, but cannot be used to modify it. For this reason, such pointers are also called "read-only" pointers. For example:

int var1 = 1, var2 = 2, *ptr; 
const int cArr[2];
const int *ptrToConst;// "Read-only pointer" to int

The following statements are now permitted:

ptrToConst = &cArr[0];    // Change the value of 
++ptrToConst;             // the pointer variable
ptrToConst = &var1;
var2 = *ptrToConst;       // "Read" access

The following statements are not permitted:

ptr = ptrToConst;    // "Read-only" cannot be copied to
                     // "read-write"
*ptrToConst = 5;     // "Write" access not allowed!




ANSI C99 introduces the type qualifier restrict , which is only applicable to pointers. If a pointer declared with the restrict qualifier points to an object that is to be modified, then the object can only be accessed using that pointer. This information allows the compiler to generate optimized machine code. It is up to the programmer to ensure that the restriction is respected!


void *memcpy( void * restrict dest,     // destination
              const void* restrict src, // source
              size_t n );

In using the standard function memcpy() to copy a memory block of n bytes, the programmer must ensure that the source and destination blocks do not overlap.




The keyword typedef is used to give a type a new name.


typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef struct { double x, y } POINT;

After these type definitions, the identifier UCHAR can be used as an abbreviation for the type unsigned char, and the identifier POINT can be used to specify the given structure type.


UCHAR  c1, c2, tab[100];
POINT point, *pPoint;

In a typedef declaration, the identifier is declared as the new type name. The same declaration without the typedef keyword would declare a variable and not a type name.


Every C program contains at least the function main() , which is the first function executed when the program starts. All other functions are subroutines.

The definition of a function lists the statements it executes. Before a function can be called in a given translation unit, it must be declared. A function definition also serves as a declaration of the function. The declaration of a function informs the compiler of its return type. For example:

extern double pow();

Here pow() is declared as a function that returns a value with type double. Because function names are external names by default, the storage class specifier extern can also be omitted.

In ANSI C99, implicit function declarations are no longer permitted. Formerly, calls to undeclared functions were allowed, and the compiler implicitly assumed in such cases that the function returned a value of type int.

The declaration of the function pow() in the example above contains no information about the number and type of the function's parameters. Hence the compiler has no way of testing whether the arguments supplied in a given function call are compatible with the function's parameters. This missing information is supplied by a function prototype.

Function Prototypes

A function prototype is a declaration that indicates the types of the function's parameters as well as its return value. For example:

double pow( double, double );    // prototype of pow()

This prototype informs the compiler that the function pow() expects two arguments of type double, and returns a result of type double. Each parameter type may be followed by a parameter name. This name has no more significance than a comment, however, since its scope is limited to the function prototype itself. For example:

double pow( double base, double exponent );

Functions that do not return any result are declared with the type specifier void. For example:

void func1( char *str ); // func1 expects one string
                         // argument and has no return 
                         // value.

Functions with no parameters are declared with the type specifier void in the parameter list:

int  func2( void );     // func2 takes no arguments and
                        // returns a value with type int.

Function declarations should always be in prototype form. All standard C functions are declared in one (or more) of the standard header files. For example, math.h contains the prototypes of the mathematical functions, such as sin(), cos(), pow(), etc., while stdio.h contains the prototypes of the standard input and output functions.

Function Definitions

The general form of a function definition is:

[storage_class] [type] name
parameter_list] ) // function declarator
 declarations, statements */      // function body


One of the storage class specifiers extern or static. Because extern is the default storage class for functions, most function definitions do not include a storage class specifier.


The type of the function's return value. This can be either void or any other type, except an array.


The name of the function.


The declarations of the function's parameters. If the function has no parameters, the list is empty.

Here is one example of a function definition:

long sum( int arr[], int len )// Find the sum of the first 
{                         // len elements of the array arr
  int i;
  long result = 0;       

  for( i = 0;  i < len;  ++i )
     result += (long)arr[i];
  return result;

Because by default function names are external names, the functions of a program can be distributed among different source files, and can appear in any sequence within a source file.

Functions that are declared as static, however, can only be called in the same translation unit in which they are defined. But it is not possible to define functions with block scope—in other words, a function definition cannot appear within another function.

The parameters of a function are ordinary variables whose scope is limited to the function. When the function is called, they are initialized with the values of the arguments received from the caller.

The statements in the function body define what the function does. When the flow of execution reaches a return statement or the end of the function body, control returns to the calling function.

A function that calls itself, directly or indirectly, is called recursive . C permits the definition of recursive functions, since variables with automatic storage class are created anew—generally in stack memory—with each function call.

The function declarator shown above is in prototype style. Today's compilers still support the older Kernighan-Ritchie style, however, in which the parameter identifiers and the parameter type declarations are separate. For example:

long sum( arr, len )  // Parameter identifier list
int arr[], len;       // Parameter declarations 
{ ... }               // Function body

In ANSI C99, functions can also be defined as inline. The inline function specifier instructs the compiler to optimize the speed of the function call, generally by inserting the function's machine code directly into the calling routine. The inline keyword is prefixed to the definition of the function:

inline int max( int x, int y )
{  return  ( x >= y ? x : y ); }

If an inline function contains too many statements, the compiler may ignore the inline specifier and generate a normal function call.

An inline function must be defined in the same translation unit in which it is called. In other words, the function body must be visible when the inline "call" is compiled. It is therefore a good idea to define inline functions—unlike ordinary functions—in a header file.

Inline functions are an alternative to macros with parameters. In translating a macro, the preprocessor simply substitutes text. An inline function, however, behaves like a normal function—so that the compiler tests for compatible arguments, for example—but without the jump to and from another code location.

Function Calls

A function call is an expression whose value and type are those of the function's return value.

The number and the type of the arguments in a function call must agree with the number and type of the parameters in the function definition. Any expression, including constants and arithmetic expressions, may be specified as an argument in a function call. When the function is called, the value of the argument is copied to the corresponding parameter of the function! For example:

double x=0.5, y, pow();    // Declaration
y = pow( 1.0 + x, 2.5 );   // Call to pow() yields 
                           // the double value (1.0+x)2.5

In other words, the arguments are passed to the function by value. The function itself cannot modify the values of the arguments in the calling function: it can only access its local copy of the values.

In order for a function to modify the value of a variable directly, the caller must give the function the address of the variable as an argument. In other words, the variable must be passed to the function by reference. Examples of functions that accept arguments by reference include scanf(), time(), and all functions that have an array as one of their parameters. For example:

double swap( double *px, double *py ) // Exchange values
                                      // of two variables
{ double z = *px; *px = *py; *py = z; }

The arguments of a function are subject to implicit type conversion:

  • If the function was declared in prototype form (as is usually the case), each argument is converted to the type of the corresponding parameter, as for an assignment.
  • If no prototype is present, integer promotion is performed on each integer argument. Arguments of type float are converted to double.

Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

Functions that can be called with a variable number of arguments always expect a fixed number of mandatory arguments—at least one is required—and a variable number of optional arguments. A well-known example is the function printf(): the format string argument is mandatory, while all other arguments are optional. Internally, printf() determines the number and type of the other arguments from the information in the format string.

In the function declarator, optional arguments are indicated by three dots (...). For example:

int printf( char *str, ... );     // Prototype

In the function definition, the optional arguments are accessed through an object with the type va_list , which contains the argument information. This type is defined in the header file stdarg.h , along with the macros va_start , va_arg , and va_end , which are used to manage the arguments.

In order to read the optional arguments, the function must carry out the following steps:

  1. Declare an object of type va_list. In the following example, this object is named arglist.
  2. Invoke the macro va_start to prepare the arglist object to return the first optional argument. The parameters of va_start are the arglist object and the name of the last mandatory parameter.
  3. Invoke the macro va_arg with the initialized arglist object to obtain each of the optional arguments in sequence. The second parameter of va_arg is the type of the optional argument that is being obtained.
    After each invocation of the va_arg macro, the arglist object is prepared to deliver the first optional argument that has not yet been read. The result of va_arg has the type specified by the second argument.
  4. After reading out the argument list, the function should invoke the va_end macro before returning control to the caller. The only parameter of va_end is the arglist object.

Following is an example of a function, named max, that accepts a variable number of arguments:

// Determine the maximum of a number of positive integers. 
// Parameters: a variable number of positive values of
// type unsigned int. The last argument must be 0.
// Return value: the maximum of the arguments 

#include <stdarg.h>
unsigned int max( unsigned int first, ... )
   unsigned int maxarg, arg;
 va_list arglist;  // The optional-argument 
                     // list object
 va_start( arglist, first ); // Set arglist to deliver
                               // the first optional
                               // argument  
    arg = maxarg = first;
    while ( arg != 0 )
    { arg =
 va_arg( arglist, unsigned );// Get an argument
       if ( arg > maxarg )  maxarg = arg;
 va_end( arglist );         // Finished reading the 
                               // optional arguments 
    return maxarg; 

Linkage of Identifiers

An identifier that is declared more than once, whether in different scopes (in different files, for example) or in the same scope, may refer to the same variable or function. Identifiers must be "linked" in this way in order for a variable to be used "globally," across different source files, for example.

Each identifier has either external, internal, or no linkage. These three kinds of linkage have the following significance:

External linkage

An identifier with external linkage represents the same object or function throughout the entire program, i. e., in all source files and libraries belonging to the program. The identifier is made known to the linker.
When a second declaration of the same identifier with external linkage occurs, the linker associates the identifier with the same object or function. A declaration of an existing external object is sometimes called a reference declaration .

Internal linkage

An identifier with internal linkage represents the same object or function within a given translation unit. The linker has no information about identifiers with internal linkage. Thus they remain "internal" to the translation unit.

No linkage

If an identifier has no linkage, then any further declaration using the identifier declares something new, such as a new variable or a new type.

The linkage of an identifier is determined by its storage class; that is, by the position of the declaration and any storage class specifier included in it. Only identifiers of variables and functions can have internal or external linkage. All other identifiers, and identifiers of variables with automatic storage class, have no linkage. Table 1-20 summarizes this information.

Table 1-20. Linkage of identifiers




Identifiers with this linkage 




Names of variables either declared with the storage class specifier  extern, or declared outside of all functions and without a storage class specifier. Names of functions defined without the specifier static.




Names of functions and variables declared outside of all functions and with the specifier  static.




All other identifiers, such as function parameters.  

The form of external names (identifiers with external linkage) is subject to restrictions, depending on the linker implementation: some linkers only recognize the first eight characters of a name, and do not distinguish between upper- and lower-case letters.

Preprocessing Directives

The C compiler preprocesses every source file before performing the actual translation. The preprocessor removes comments and replaces macros with their definitions.

Every preprocessing directive appears on a line by itself, beginning with the character #. If the directive is long, it can be continued on the next line by inserting a backslash (\) as the last character before the line break.




The #define directive is used to define macros.


define name[(parameter_list) [replacement_text]

The preprocessor replaces each occurrence of name or name(parameter_list) in the subsequent source code with replacement_text.


#define  BUF_SIZE  512        // Symbolic constant
#define  MAX(a,b)  ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

These directives define the macros BUF_SIZE and MAX. If the replacement text is a constant expression, the macro is also called a symbolic constant . Macros can also be nested; a macro, once defined, can be used in another macro definition.

In the previous example, the parentheses are necessary in order for the substitution to be performed correctly when MAX is used in an expression, or when complex expressions replace the parameters a and b. For example, the preprocessor replaces the macro invocation:

result = 2 * MAX( x, y & 0xFF );


result = 2 * ( (x) > (y & 0xFF) ? (x) : (y & 0xFF) );


The # Operator


In the macro replacement text, the parameters of the macro may be preceded by the operator # (called the hash or stringizing operator). In this case, the preprocessor sets the corresponding argument in quotation marks, thus converting it into a string.


#define print_int(i) printf( "value " #i " = %d", i )

If x and y are variables with type int, then the statement:


is replaced with:

printf( "value ""x-y"" = %d", x-y );

Because consecutive string literals are concatenated, this is equivalent to:

printf( "value x-y = %d", x-y );


The ## Operator


If a macro parameter appears in the replacement text preceded or followed by the operator ## (called the double-hash or token-pasting operator), then the preprocessor concatenates the tokens to the left and right of the operator, ignoring any spaces. If the resulting text also contains a macro name, then macro replacement is performed once again.


#define show( var, num )  \
       printf( #var #num " = %.1f\n", var ## num )

If the float variable x5 has the value 16.4, then the macro invocation:

show( x, 5 );

is replaced with:

printf( "x" "5" " = %.1f\n", x5 ); 
// Output: x5 = 16.4\n




The #undef directive cancels a macro definition. This is necessary when the definition of a macro needs to be changed, or when a function of the same name needs to be called.


 #undef name

No parameter list needs to be specified, even if the previously defined macro has parameters.


#include <ctype.h>
#undef  toupper
   . . . 
c = toupper(c);  // Call the function toupper()




The #include directive instructs the preprocessor to insert the contents of a specified file in the program at the point where the #include directive appears.


#include  <filename>
#include  "

If the filename is enclosed in angle brackets, the preprocessor only searches for it in certain directories. These directories are usually named in the environment variable INCLUDE .

If the filename is enclosed in quotation marks, the preprocessor first looks for the file in the current working directory.

The filename may contain a directory path. In this case, the file is only looked for in the specified directory.

The files named in include directives are generally "header" files containing declarations and macro definitions for use in several source files, and have names ending in .h. Such files may in turn contain further #include directives.

In the following example, one file to be included is selected based on the value of a symbolic constant:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "project.h"
#if VERSION == 1
  #define  MYPROJ_H  "version1.h"
  #define  MYPROJ_H  "version2.h"
#include MYPROJ_H


#if, #elif, #else, #endif


These directives are used to present source code to the compiler only on certain conditions. In this way a different selection of program statements can be compiled from one build to another. This technique can be used to adapt a single program to a variety of target systems, for example, without requiring modification of the source code.


#if expression1
    . . .

Each #if directive may be followed by any number of #elif directives, and at most one #else directive. The conditional source code section must be closed by an #endif directive.

The preprocessor evaluates expression1, expression2, etc. in succession. At the first expression whose value is "true", i. e., not equal to 0, the conditional code is processed. If none of the expressions is true, then the #else directive is processed, if present.

expression1, expression2, etc. must be constant integer expressions. The cast operator cannot be used in preprocessing directives.

The conditional text consists of program code, including other preprocessing directives and ordinary C statements. Conditional text that the preprocessor skips over is effectively removed from the program.


The defined operator


The defined operator can be used to verify whether a given macro name is currently defined.


defined (name)

The operator yields a non-zero value if a valid definition exists for name; otherwise it yields the value 0. A macro name defined by a #define directive remains defined until it is cancelled by an #undef directive. A macro name is considered to be defined even if no replacement text is specified after name in the #define directive.

The defined operator is typically used in #if and #elif directives:

#if defined(VERSION

Unlike the #ifdef and #ifndef directives, the defined operator yields a value that can be used in a preprocessor expression:

#if defined(VERSION) && defined(STATUS


#ifdef and #ifndef


The #ifdef and #ifndef directives can be used to make program text directly conditional upon whether a given macro name is defined.


#ifdef name

The #ifdef directive is "true" if name is defined, and the #ifndef directive is "true" if name is not defined. Both require a closing #endif directive.

The following two constructions are equivalent:

#ifdef VERSION
#if defined(VERSION




The compiler identifies errors it encounters during compilation by the source filename and the line number in the file. The #line directive can be used to change the filename and line numbering in the source file itself.


#line new_number ["filename"]

From this location in the file onward, lines are counted starting from new_number. If filename is also specified, it becomes the new filename indicated by the compiler in any error messages.

The new filename must be enclosed in quotation marks, and new_number must be an integer constant.


#line 500 "my_prg.c"

The #line directive is typically used by program generators in translating other kinds of code into a C program. In this way the C compiler's error messages can be made to refer to the appropriate line and filename in the original source code.

The current effective line number and filename are accessible through the predefined macros _ _LINE_ _ and _ _FILE_ _.


printf( "Current source line number: %d\n", _ _LINE_ _ );
printf ( "Source file: %s\n", _ _FILE_ _ );




The #pragma directive is implementation-specific. It can be used to define any preprocessor directives desired for a given compiler.


#pragma command

Any compiler that does not recognize command simply ignores the #pragma directive.


#pragma pack(1)

The Microsoft C compiler interprets this directive as an instruction to align the members of structures on byte boundaries, so that no unnamed gaps occur. (Other pragmas supported by that compiler are pack(2) and pack(4), for word and double-word alignment.)

ANSI C99 introduces the standard pragmas CX_LIMITED_RANGE , FENV_ACCESS , and FP_CONTRACT , which are described in the upcoming section Section 1.18.

Predefined standard macros

There are eight predefined macros in C, whose names begin and end with two underline characters. They are described in Table 1-21.

Table 1-21. Predefined standard macros




Replacement value 

_ _LINE_ _ 

The number of the line (within the given source file) in which the macro _ _ LINE_ _ appears

_ _FILE_ _ 

The name of the source file in which the macro_ _ FILE_ _ appears

_ _func_ _  (*)

The name of the function in which the macro _ _ func_ _ appears

_ _DATE_ _ 

The date of compilation, in the format "Mmm dd yyyy". Example: "Dec 18 2002"  

_ _TIME_ _ 

The time of compilation, in the format "hh:mm:ss"  

_ _STDC_ _ 

The integer constant 1 if the compiler conforms to the ANSI standard  

_ _STD_HOSTED_ _  (*)

The integer constant 1 if the current implementation is a "hosted" implementation; otherwise  

_ _STD_VERSION_ _  (*)

The integer constant 199901L if the implementation conforms to C99, the ANSI C standard of January, 1999  

ANSI C99 distinguishes between "hosted" and "free-standing" execution environments for C programs. Unlike the normal "hosted" environment, a "freestanding" environment provides only the capabilities of the standard library as declared in the header files float.h, iso646.h, limits.h, stdarg.h, stdbool.h, and stddef.h.

Standard Library

The remaining sections in this book describe the contents of the ANSI C library. The standard functions, types, and macros are grouped according to their purpose and areas of application. This arrangement makes it easy to find less well-known functions and macros. Each section also supplies the background information needed in order to make efficient use of the library's capabilities. New data types, functions, and macros introduced in ANSI C99 are indicated by an asterisk in parentheses (*).

Standard Header Files

All function prototypes, macros, and types in the ANSI library are contained in one or more of the following standard header files:


Because a standard "function" may also be implemented as a macro, your source files should contain no other declaration of a function once the appropriate header file has been included.

Table 1-22 describes some commonly used types. The table also lists which header files define each type.

Table 1-22. Commonly used types






Header files 


Used to express the size of an object as a number of bytes (generally equivalent to  unsigned int)

stddef.h, stdio.h 

Used to hold multi-byte character codes, and large enough to represent the codes of all extended character sets  

stdlib.h, wchar.h(*) 
wint_t (*)

An integer type used to represent  wide characters, including the macro WEOF


Used to represent the difference of two pointers (usually equivalent to  int)


Input and Output

The ANSI library provides a suite of high-level functions to manage all kinds of input and output, with the appropriate buffering, as uniform data streams.

When a file is opened, for example, a new stream is created along with a file pointer , which is a pointer to a structure of type FILE that contains information about the stream. This information includes the address of the buffer, the number of bytes not yet read, and other information about the file itself. The file pointer is used to identify the file in all subsequent operations.

Devices such as the display are addressed in the same way as files. When the program starts, three streams are open by default, with the following file pointers:


The standard input device


The standard output device


The standard output device for error messages

stdin is generally associated with the keyboard, while stdout and stderr are associated with the display, unless redirection has been performed using the function freopen() or by the environment in which the program is running.

There is no predefined file structure in C: every file is assumed to contain simply a sequence of bytes. The internal structure of a file is completely left up to the program that uses it.

All read and write operations are applied at the current file position , which is the position of the next character to be read or written, and is always recorded in the FILE structure. When the file is opened, the file position is 0. It is increased by 1 with every character that is read or written. Random file access is achieved by means of functions that adjust the current file position.

In ANSI C99, characters in the extended character set can also be written to files. Thus any file used in read or write functions can be either byte-oriented or wide-oriented. After a file is opened and before any read or write access takes place, the file has no orientation. As soon as a byte input/output function is performed on the file, it becomes byte-oriented. If the first function that reads from or writes to the file is a wide-character input or output function, the file becomes wide-oriented. The function fwide() can also be used before the first access function to set the file's orientation, or to obtain its orientation at any time.

Only wide characters can be written to a wide-oriented file. The appropriate read and write functions thus perform conversion between wide characters with type wchar_t and the multibyte character encoding of the stream. For every wide-oriented stream, the momentary multibyte character parsing state is stored in an object with type mbstate_t . Byte access to wide-oriented files, and wide-character access to byte-oriented files, are not permitted.

Error Handling for Input/Output Functions

Errors on file access are indicated by the return value of the file access function. When the end of a file is encountered by a read function, for example, the symbolic constant EOF (for byte-oriented files) or WEOF (for wide-oriented files) is returned. If a read or write error has occurred, an error flag is also set in the FILE structure.

Furthermore, in reading or writing wide-oriented streams, errors can occur in the conversion between wide characters of type wchar_t and multibyte characters in the stream. This is the case if one of the conversion functions mbrtowc() and wcrtomb() does not return a permissible value. The global error variable errno then has the value EILSEQ ("error: illegal sequence").

General File Access Functions

The following functions, macros, and symbolic constants are declared in the header file stdio.h . In the descriptions below, fp designates the file pointer. Functions with type int return 0 to indicate success, or a value other than 0 in case of errors.

void clearerr( FILE *fp );

Clears the error and end-of-file flags.

int fclose( FILE *fp );

Closes the file.

int feof( FILE *fp );

Tests whether the end of the file has been reached. Returns a value not equal to 0 if the end-of-file flag is set, or 0 if it is not.

int ferror( FILE *fp );

Tests whether an error occurred during file access. Returns a value not equal to 0 if the error flag is set, or 0 if it is not.

int fflush( FILE *fp );

Causes any unwritten data in the file buffer to be written to the file. Returns EOF if an error occurs, or 0 on success.

int fgetpos( FILE *fp, fpos_t *ppos);

Determines the current file position and copies it to the variable addressed by ppos. The type fpos_t is generally defined as long.

FILE *fopen( const char *name, const char *mode );

Opens the file name with the access mode mode. Possible access mode strings are "r" (read), "r+" (read and write), "w" (write), "w+" (write and read), "a" (append), and "a+" (append and read). For modes "r" and "r+", the file must already exist. Modes "w" and "w+" create a new file, or erase the contents of an existing file. Text or binary access mode can be specified by appending t or b to the mode string. If neither is used, the file is opened in text mode.
The maximum length of a filename is the constant FILENAME_MAX. The maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously is FOPEN_MAX.

int fsetpos( FILE *fp, const fpos_t *ppos );

Sets the file position to the new value referenced by ppos.

long ftell( FILE *fp );

Returns the current file position.

FILE *freopen( const char *name, const char *mode, FILE *fp );

Closes and reopens the file name with the access mode mode using the existing file pointer fp.

int fseek( FILE *fp, long offset, int origin );

Moves the file position to offset bytes from the beginning of the file (if origin = SEEK_SET), or from the current file position (if origin = SEEK_CUR), or from the end of the file (if origin = SEEK_END). The constants SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END are usually defined as 0, 1, and 2.

void perror( const char *string );

After a system function call has resulted in an error, you can use perror() to write the string pointed to by string to stderr, followed by a colon and the appropriate system error message.

int remove( const char *filename );

Makes the file named filename unavailable by that name. If no other filenames are linked to the file, it is deleted.

int rename( const char *oldname, const char *newname );

Changes the name of the file whose name is addressed by oldname to the string addressed by newname.

void rewind( FILE *fp );

Sets the file position to the beginning of the file, and clears the end-of-file and error flags.

void setbuf( FILE *fp, char *buf );

Defines the array addressed by buf as the input/output buffer for the file. The buffer must be an array whose size is equal to the constant BUFSIZ. If buf is a null pointer, then the input/output stream is not buffered.

int setvbuf( FILE *fp, char *buf, int mode, size_t sz );

Defines the array buf with length sz as the input/output buffer for the file. The parameter mode is one of the following constants: _IOFBF (full input/output buffering), _IOLBF (line-wise input/output buffering), or _IONBF (no input/output buffering). If buf is a null pointer, then a buffer of size sz is dynamically allocated.

FILE *tmpfile( void );

Opens a temporary file in binary read/write mode. The file is automatically deleted at the end of the program. The program should be able to open at least TMP_MAX temporary files. The symbolic constant TMP_MAX is greater than or equal to 25.

char *tmpnam( char *s );

Generates a unique filename that can be used to create a temporary file. If s is a null pointer, the filename generated is stored in an internal static buffer. Otherwise, s must point to a char array with a length of at least L_tmpnam bytes, in which the function stores the new name.

File Input/Output Functions

The classic functions for reading from and writing to files are declared in the header file stdio.h . In the descriptions that follow in Table 1-23, fp designates the file pointer. Those functions that have no parameter with the file pointer type read from stdin or write to stdout.

Reading and writing characters and strings

Table 1-23.  Character read and write functions






Write a character 

int  fputc( int c, FILE *fp );
putc( int c, FILE *fp );
putchar( int c );

Read a character 

int  fgetc( FILE *fp );
getc( FILE *fp ); 
getchar( void );

Put back a character 

int  ungetc( int c, FILE *fp );

Write a line 

int  fputs( const char *s, FILE *fp ); 
puts( const char *s );

Read a line 

char * fgets( char *s, int n, FILE *fp );
char *
gets( char *buffer );

For each of these input/output functions, there is also a corresponding function for wide-oriented access. The wide functions are declared in the header file wchar.h (*). Their names are formed with wc (for wide character) in place of c (for character), or with ws (for wide string) in place of s (for string).

Block read and write functions

The following file access functions can be used to read or write a block of characters:

size_t fwrite( const void *buf, size_t sz, size_t n, FILE *fp );

Writes n objects of length sz from the buffer addressed by buf to the file.

size_t fread( void *buffer, size_t sz, size_t n, FILE *fp );

Reads up to n objects of length sz from the file and copies them to the memory location pointed to by buf.

Both functions return the number of objects transferred. If the return value is less than the argument n, then an error occurred, or fread() encountered the end of the file.

Formatted output

The printf functions provide formatted output:

int printf( const char *format, ... /*arg1, ... , argn*/ );

Writes the format string pointed to by format to the standard output stream, replacing conversion specifications with values from the argument list arg1, ... , argn.

int fprintf( FILE *fp, const char *format, ... );

Like printf(), but writes the format string format to the file indicated by the file pointer fp.

int vprintf( const char *format, va_list arg );

Like printf(), but with the variable argument list replaced by an object of type va_list that has been initialized using the va_start macro.

int vfprintf( FILE *fp, const char *format, va_list arg );

Like fprintf(), but with the variable argument list replaced by an object of type va_list that has been initialized using the va_start macro.

All of the printf functions return the number of characters written, or EOF if an error occurred.

In the following example, the function printf() is called with one conversion specification:

printf( "%+10.2f", sin( 1.2 ) );

The resulting output displays the signed value of sin(1.2) to two decimal places, right-justified in a field 10 spaces wide.

The general format of the conversion specifications used in the printf functions is as follows:

%[flags][field width][.precision]specifier

The flags consist of one or more of the characters +, ' ' (space), - , 0 , or #. Their meanings are:


The plus sign is prefixed to positive numbers.

' ' (space)

A leading space is prefixed to positive numbers.


The output is left-justified in the field.


The field is filled with leading zeroes to the left of the number.


Alternate conversion rules are used as follows: If specifier is A (*), a (*), E, e, G, or g, floating-point numbers are formatted with a decimal point. If specifier is X, x, or o, hexadecimal integers are formatted with the 0X or 0x prefix, and octal integers with the 0 prefix.

The field width is a positive integer that fixes the length of the field occupied by the given conversion specification in the output string. If the flags include a minus sign, the converted value appears left-justified in the field; otherwise, it is right-justified. The excess field length is filled with space characters. If the output string is longer than the field width, the field width is increased as necessary to print the string in its entirety.

An asterisk (*) may also be specified for the field width. In this case, the field width is determined by an additional argument of type int, which immediately precedes the argument to be converted in the argument list.

.precision determines the number of decimal places printed in the output of floating-point numbers, when specifier is f or e. If specifier is g, .precision determines the number of significant digits. Rounding is performed if necessary. For floating-point numbers, the default value for .precision is 6.

For integers , .precision indicates the minimum number of digits to be printed. Leading zeroes are prefixed as necessary. For integers, the default value for .precision is 1.

If the argument to be converted is a string, then .precision indicates the maximum number of characters of the string that should appear.

specifier is the conversion specifier, indicating how the given argument is to be interpreted and converted. Note that specifier must correspond to the actual type of the argument to be converted. The possible conversion specifiers are listed in Table 1-24.

Table 1-24. Conversion specifiers for formatted output




Argument types 


Output format 

d, i 


unsigned int 


unsigned int 


unsigned int 

Hexadecimal with  a, b, c, d, e, f

unsigned int 

Hexadecimal with  A, B, C, D, E, F


Floating-point number, decimal 

e, E 

Exponential notation, decimal 

a, A 

Exponential notation, hexadecimal (*)

g, G 

Floating-point or exponential notation, whichever is shorter 

char / int 

Single character 


The string terminated by  '\0' or truncated to the number of characters specified by .precision.

int * 

The number of characters printed up to this point is stored in the given location  




The corresponding address, hexadecimal 




The character  %

The letter l (that's an ell) can be prefixed to the c or s conversion specifiers to indicate a wide character or a wide string.

The letters l or ll (*) can also be prefixed to the conversion specifiers d , i , u , o , x , and X to indicate an argument of type long or long long (*). Similarly, h or hh can be prefixed to the same conversion specifiers to indicate an argument of type short or char.

An argument of type long double can be converted by using the prefix L with the conversion specifier f , e , E , g , G , a, or A.

Furthermore, ANSI C99 has introduced the following extensions:

  • The new conversion specifiers A and a can be used to print a number of type double in hexadecimal exponential notation (0Xh.hhhhP±d or 0xh.hhhhp±d). This conversion uses FLOAT_RADIX, which is generally defined as 2, as the base. If no precision is specified, the number is printed with as many decimal places as necessary for exact representation.
  • Arguments of type intmax_t (*) or uintmax_t (*) can be converted by prefixing the letter j to the conversion specifiers d, i, o, u, x, or X. Similarly, the argument type size_t is indicated by the prefix z, and the type ptrdiff_t by the prefix t.
  • For the integer types defined in the header file stdint.h (*) (such as int16_t and int_least32_t), there are separate conversion specifiers for use in printf() format strings. These conversion specifiers are defined as macros in the header file inttypes.h (*). The macro names for the conversion specifiers corresponding to d, i, o, x, and X begin with the prefixes PRId, PRIi, PRIo, PRIu, PRIx, and PRIX. For example, the macro names beginning with PRId are:
    where N is the width in bits (usually 8, 16, 32, or 64). For example:
    intmax_t i = INTMAX_MAX;
    printf("Largest integer value: %20" PRIdMAX "\n",i );

Formatted input

The scanf() input functions are the counterparts to the printf() formatted output functions. They are used to read file input under control of a format string and convert the information for assignment to variables.

int scanf( const char *format, ... /*arg1, ... , argn*/ );

Reads characters from standard input and saves the converted values in the variables addressed by the pointer arguments arg1, ... , argn. The characters read are converted according to the conversion specifications in the format string format.

int fscanf( FILE *fp, const char *format, ... );

Like scanf(), but reads from the file specified by fp rather than standard input.

int vfscanf( FILE *fp, const char *format, va_list arg );

Like fscanf(), but with the variable argument list replaced by an object (arg) of type va_list that has been initialized using the va_start macro. See "Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments" earlier in this book for information on va_list and va_start.

int vscanf( const char *format, va_list arg );

Like scanf(), but with the variable argument list replaced by an object (arg) of type va_list that has been initialized using the va_start macro. See "Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments" earlier in this book for information on va_list and va_start.

All of the scanf functions return the number of successfully converted input fields. The return value is EOF if the first input field could not be read or converted, or if the end of the input file was reached.

The general format of the conversion specifications used in the scanf functions is as follows:

%[field width]specifier

For example:

scanf( "%5d", &var );   // var has type int

For each conversion specification in the format string, the next input item is read, converted, and assigned to the variable pointed to by the corresponding argument. Input fields are separated by whitespace characters (space, tab, and newline characters).

field width indicates the maximum number of characters to be read and converted. The next input field begins with the first character not yet processed.

specifier corresponds to the conversion specifiers in output format strings, except for the following differences:

  • %i is used to read decimal, octal, and hexadecimal integers. The base is determined by the number's prefix, as for constants in source code.
  • %f converts input for assignment to a variable of type float, and %lf to a variable of type double.
  • %c reads the next character, which may also be a space. All other conversion specifiers read the next input item, skipping over any spaces that precede it.
  • %s reads a string and appends the string terminator character '\0'. The conversion specifier for a string, s, may be replaced by a sequence of characters in square brackets, called the scanlist . In this case, each character read must match one of these characters. For example, use %[1234567890] to read only digits. The first character that does not match any of the characters in the scanlist terminates the input item. If the scanlist begins with a caret (^), then the input item is terminated by the first character in the input stream that does match one of the other characters in the scanlist. A hyphen can be used to indicate a sequence of consecutive search characters. For example, the scanlist [a-f] is equivalent to [abcdef].

If a conversion specification contains an asterisk (*) after the percent sign (%), then the input item is read as specified, but not assigned to a variable. In effect, that input field is skipped. Such a conversion specification corresponds to no variable argument.

Any character that cannot be interpreted according to the conversion specification terminates the current input field, and is put back into the input buffer. This character is then the first one read for the next input item.

The format string can also contain other characters that do not form part of a conversion specification and are not whitespace. The scanf functions expect such characters to be matched in the input stream, but do not convert or save them. If non-matching characters occur in the input, the function stops reading from the file. However, a whitespace character in the format string matches any sequence of whitespace characters in the input. For example, if the format string " %c" is used to read an individual character, any leading whitespace is skipped.

As for printf(), ANSI C99 defines separate conversion specifiers for reading fixed-width integer variables, such as int_least32_t. The corresponding macro names, defined in the header file inttypes.h (*), have the prefix SCN (for "scan") rather than PRI (for "print").

The header file wchar.h (*) contains the declarations of wprintf(), wscanf(), and related functions. These functions provide input and output controlled by a wide format string. The conversion specifications and their interpretation are identical to those of the printf() and scanf() functions.

Numerical Limits and Number Classification

When working with C's various numeric types, it's important to understand the range of values that each type can hold.

Value Ranges of Integer Types

The value ranges of the integer types are documented in the header file limits.h . The constants, listed in Table 1-25, indicate the largest and smallest values that can be represented by the given type.

Table 1-25. Limits of the integer types








Maximum of the unsigned type 

signed char 
long long (*)

If char is interpreted as signed, then CHAR_MIN is equal to SCHAR_MIN and CHAR_MAX is equal to SCHAR_MAX. If not, then CHAR_MIN is equal to 0 and CHAR_MAX is equal to UCHAR_MAX.

In addition to the constants listed in Table 1-25, limits.h also contains the following:


The number of bits in a byte (usually 8)


The maximum number of bytes in a multibyte character

In the header file stdint.h (*), constants are also defined to document the minimum and maximum values of the types wchar_t, wint_t, size_t, ptrdiff_t, and sig_atomic_t, and of the fixed-width integer types, such as int_least32_t. The names of these constants are formed from the type names as follows: the type name is written all in capital letters, and the suffix _t is replaced by _MIN or _MAX. For example:

WCHAR_MIN         // Minimum value of wchar_t
INT_LEAST32_MAX   // Maximum value of int_least32_t

For the unsigned types only the ..._MAX constants are defined.

Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

The macros listed in Table 1-26 are defined in the header file float.h to represent the range and the precision of the types float , double , and long double . The macro names are formed using the prefixes FLT for float, DBL for double, and LDBL for long double. The macros FLT_RADIX and FLT_ROUNDS apply to all three floating types.

Table 1-26. Macros for floating types in float.h


Macro name 




Base (or radix) of the exponential notation 


Indicates how rounding is performed on values that cannot be represented exactly:

-1 = undetermined

0 = towards zero,

1 = towards the nearest representable value

2 = upwards

 3 = downwards


The number of digits in the mantissa to base  FLT_RADIX


Minimum value of the exponent to base  FLT_RADIX


Maximum value of the exponent to base  FLT_RADIX

The macros listed in Table 1-26 document the range and precision of all real floating types. In actual programs, such information is most often needed for decimal (base 10) notation. Accordingly, you can use the macros for type float listed Table 1-27, and which are defined in float.h.

Table 1-27. Limits for the type float


Macro name 




Precision as a number of decimal digits  


Minimum negative exponent to base 10 


Maximum positive exponent to base 10 


Minimum representable positive floating-point number 


Maximum representable floating-point number 


Minimum positive representable floating-point number  x such that 1.0 + x != 1.0

Similar constants are also defined for the types double and long double. These have names beginning with DBL or LDBL in place of FLT.

ANSI C99 also introduces the macro DECIMAL_DIG , which indicates the precision of the largest floating type as a number of decimal digits.

Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

ANSI C99 defines five categories of floating-point numbers, listed in Table 1-28. A symbolic constant for each category is defined in the header file math.h .

Table 1-28. Floating-point categories


Macro name 




Floating-point numbers with the value 0 


Floating-point numbers in normalized representation  


Floating-point numbers in subnormal representation 


Floating-point numbers that represent an infinite value 


Not a Number (NAN): bit patterns that do not represent a valid floating-point number  



[1] Tiny numbers may be represented in subnormal notation.

The macros in Table 1-29 can be used to classify a real floating-point number x with respect to the categories in Table 1-28 without causing an error condition.

Table 1-29. Macros for floating-point number classification





fpclassify( x)

Returns one of the constants described in  Table 1-28 to indicate the category to which x belongs.

isfinite( x)

Returns "true" (i. e., a value other than  0) if the value of x is finite (0, normal, subnormal, not infinite, or NAN), otherwise 0.

isinf( x)

Returns "true" if  x is an infinity, otherwise 0.

isnormal( x)

Returns "true" if the value of  x is a normalized floating-point number not equal to 0. Returns 0 in all other cases.

isnan( x)

Returns "true" if  x is "not a number" (NaN), otherwise 0.

signbit( x)

Returns "true" if  x is negative (i. e., if the sign bit is set), otherwise 0

The following constants are also defined in math.h:


The maximum positive value of type float, used to represent infinity.

NAN (Not a Number)

A value of type float which is not a valid floating-point number.

NANs can be either quiet or signaling. If a signaling NAN occurs in the evaluation of an arithmetic expression, the exception status flag FE_INVALID in the floating point environment is set. This flag is not set when a quiet NAN occurs.

C implementations are not required to support the concept of NANs. If NANs are not supported, the constant NAN is not defined.

Mathematical Functions

C supports a variety of useful mathematical functions. Different functions apply to different datatypes. For example, randomization functions apply to integers, whereas trigonometric functions apply to floating-point values.

Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

The mathematical functions for the types int and long are declared in stdlib.h.

int rand( void );

Generates a random number between 0 and RAND_MAX. The constant RAND_MAX has a value of at least 32767, or 215 - 1.

void srand( unsigned n );

Initializes the random number generator with the seed n. After this function has been called, calls to rand() generate a new sequence of random numbers.

int abs( int x );

Returns the absolute value of x.

div_t div( int x, int y );

Divides x by y and stores the integer part of the quotient and the remainder in a structure of type div_t, whose members quot (the quotient) and rem (the remainder) have type int. The type div_t is defined in stdlib.h.

The corresponding (to abs() and div()) functions labs() , llabs() (*), lldiv() (*), and ldiv() are also provided for integers of type long long(*). Furthermore, the functions imaxabs() (*) and imaxdiv() (*) are defined for the type intmax_t (*). These functions are declared in inttypes.h (*).

Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

The mathematical functions declared in math.h were originally defined only for double values, with return values and parameters of type double. These functions are shown in Table 1-30.

Table 1-30. The traditional mathematical functions for double values


Mathematical function 


C function 


Trigonometric functions:


  • Sine, cosine, tangent
  • Arcsine, arccosine
  • Arctangent
sin(), cos(), tan()
asin(), acos()
atan(), atan2() 

Hyperbolic functions 

sinh(), cosh(), tanh() 

Powers, square root  

pow(), sqrt(), 

Exponential functions  

exp(), frexp(), ldexp() 


log(), log10() 

Next integer  

ceil(), floor() 

Absolute value 


Remainder (modular division) 


Separation of integer and fractional parts 


ANSI C99 introduces new versions of the functions listed in Table 1-30 for the types float and long double. The names of these functions end with f or l; for example:

double cos( double x );
float cosf( float x );
long double cosl( long double x );

New standard mathematical functions for real numbers have also been added in math.h , as listed in Table 1-31. These functions also have versions for float and long double, with names ending in f and l.

Table 1-31. New mathematical functions for double values in ANSI C99


Mathematical function 


C function 


Trigonometric functions 

asinh(), acosh(), atanh() 

Exponential functions  

exp2(), expm1() 


ilogb(), logb(), log1p(), log2() 


cbrt(), hypot() 


remainder(), remquo() 

Positive difference 


Minimum and maximum 

fmin(), fmax() 


trunc(), rint(), lrint(), llrint(), round(), lround(), llround() 

Next number 

nearbyint(), nextafter(), nexttoward() 

Copy sign 


Optimized operations 

scalbn(), scalbln(), fma() 

Gamma function 

tgamma(), lgamma() 

Error functions 

erf(), erfc() 

Macros for comparing floating-point numbers are also defined in math.h and are listed in Table 1-32. Unlike the comparative operators, these macros do not raise the FE_INVALID exception when the arguments cannot be compared, as when one of them is a NAN, for example.

Table 1-32. Macros for comparing floating-point numbers




Comparative expression 

isgreater(  xy )
x) > (y)
isgreaterequal(  xy )
x) >= (y)
isless(  xy )
x) < (y)
islessequal(  xy )
x) <= (y)
islessgreater(  xy )
x) < (y) || (x) > (y)
isunordered(  xy )

 1 if x and y cannot be compared, otherwise 0

Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

ANSI C99 has introduced features to optimize the efficiency of floating-point operations.

The types float_t and double_t , defined in math.h, represent the types used internally in floating-point arithmetic. When these types are used in a program, no conversions are necessary before arithmetic operations are performed. The macro FLT_EVAL_METHOD indicates what the equivalent basic types are, and returns one of the values described in Table 1-33.

Table 1-33. Interpretation of float_t and double_t




Type represented by float_t 


Type represented by double_t 

long double 
long double 

CPUs may have special machine instructions to perform standard arithmetic operations quickly. Rounding and error conditions may also be ignored. Optimizations of these kinds can be enabled by the pragma FP_CONTRACT . For example:


The same pragma with the switch OFF rather than ON disables such optimizations.

Furthermore, the macro FP_FAST_FMA is defined if the "floating-point multiply-add" function fma( x, y, z ), which returns x*y+z, is implemented as a special instruction, and is thus faster than separate multiplication and addition operations. The macros FP_FAST_FMAF and FP_FAST_FMAL are analogous indicators for the functions fmaf() and fmal().

Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

Functions and macros for complex numbers are declared in the header file complex.h (*). The functions shown in Table 1-34 have one parameter and return a value of type double complex.

Table 1-34. Mathematical functions for the type double complex


Mathematical function 


C function 


Trigonometric functions:


  • Sine, cosine, tangent
  • Arcsine, arccosine
  • Arctangent
csin(), ccos(), ctan()
casin(), cacos()

Hyperbolic functions 

csinh(), ccosh(), ctanh(), casinh(), cacosh(), catanh() 

Powers, square root  

cpow(), csqrt() 

Exponential function 




Complex conjugate 


The functions shown in Table 1-35 have one parameter of type double complex and return a value of type double.

Table 1-35. Complex functions with type double


Mathematical function 


C function 


Absolute value 


Argument (phase angle) 


Real and imaginary parts 

creal(), cimag() 

Projection onto the Riemann sphere 


These functions also have versions for float complex and long double complex, with names ending in f and l.

Table 1-36 shows macros that are defined for complex types.

Table 1-36. Macros for complex types




Replacement value 


The imaginary unit, i. e., the number  i such that i 2 = -1, with type const float _Complex


The imaginary unit, with type  const float _Imaginary


 _Imaginary_I if the compiler supports the type _Imaginary, otherwise _Complex_I

Arithmetic operations with complex numbers can be accelerated in cases when no overflow or underflow can occur. The programmer can signal such "safe" operations using the pragma:


The default setting is OFF.

Type-Generic Macros

The type-generic macros defined in header file tgmath.h are unified names that can be used to call the different mathematical functions for specific real and complex floating types.

If a given function is defined for real or for both real and complex floating types, then the type-generic macro name is the same as the name of the function version with type double. (The real function modf() is an exception, however, for which there is no type-generic macro.)

The type-generic macros always call the function that matches the type of the arguments. For example:

complex z = 1.0 + 2.1*I;
cos( z );       // Calls ccos()
ceil( 7.1L );   // Calls ceill()

Type-generic macros are also defined for the complex functions for which there are no corresponding real functions: carg(), conj(), creal(), cimag(), and cproj(). These macros always call the corresponding complex function, if the argument is a real floating-point number or a complex number.

Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

Error conditions are customarily detected by examining the return value of a function and/or the global error variable errno . The variable errno is declared with type int in the header file errno.h.

If a function is passed an argument that is outside the domain for which the function is defined, a "domain error" occurs, and errno is assigned the value of the macro EDOM . Similarly, if the result of a function cannot be represented by the type of the function's return value, then a "range error" occurs, and errno is assigned the value ERANGE . In the case of an overflow—that is, if the magnitude of the result is too great for the specified type—the function returns the value of the macro HUGE_VAL , with the appropriate sign. In case of an underflow—i. e., the magnitude of the result is too small—the function returns 0.

In addition to HUGE_VAL (with type double), ANSI C99 also provides the macros HUGE_VALF (type float) and HUGE_VALL (type long double), which are returned by functions of the corresponding types.

Furthermore, ANSI C99 introduces the macros FP_ILOGB0 and FP_ILOGBNAN . The function ilogb( x ) returns FP_ILOGB0 if x is equal to 0. If x is "not a number" (NaN), ilogb( x ) returns the value of FP_ILOGBNAN.

The Floating-Point Environment

ANSI C99 has introduced the floating-point environment to permit more detailed representation of error conditions in floating-point arithmetic. All of the declarations for the floating-point environment are contained in the header file fenv.h(*). The floating-point environment contains two system variables: one for the status flags, which are used in handling floating-point exceptions, and one for the control modes , which determine certain behaviors of floating-point arithmetic, such as the rounding method used.

For every exception possible in an implementation that supports floating-point exceptions, an appropriate status flag is defined, as described in Table 1-37.

Table 1-37. Macros for floating-point exceptions in fenv.h(*)




Error condition 


Division by 0 


The result of the operation is not exact 


The result is undefined, e.g., a value was outside the domain for which the function is defined  


A floating-point overflow occurred 


An underflow occurred 

Several of these constants can be combined by a bitwise OR (|). The macro FE_ALL_EXCEPT is equal to the bitwise OR of all of the floating-point exception constants implemented. The system variable for the floating-point exception status has the type fexcept_t .

The following functions are used to handle floating-point exceptions. With the exception of fetestexcept(), each function returns 0 to indicate success, or a value other than 0 in case of errors. The excepts argument indicates which of the exceptions listed in Table 1-37 are affected.

int fetestexcept( int excepts );

Tests which of the specified floating-point exceptions are set. Bits are set in the return value to correspond to the exceptions that are currently set.

int feclearexcept( int excepts );

Clears the specified floating-point exceptions.

int feraiseexcept( int excepts );

Raises the specified floating-point exceptions.

int fegetexceptflag( fexcept_t *flagp, int excepts );

Saves the status of the specified exceptions in the object referenced by flagp.

int fesetexceptflag( const fexcept_t *flagp, int excepts );

Sets the exception status according to the flags previously saved (by fegetexceptflag()) in the object referenced by flagp.

The control mode determines certain properties of floating-point arithmetic, including the rounding method used. The symbolic constants described in Table 1-38 are defined for this purpose.

Table 1-38. Controlling rounding behavior




Rounding direction 


Round down to the next lower value. 


Round to the nearest value. 




Round up to the next higher value. 

The current rounding direction can be read and changed using the functions int fegetround() and int fesetround( int round ).

The following functions manipulate the floating-point environment as a single entity. The type fenv_t represents the entire floating-point environment.

int fegetenv( fenv_t *envp );

Saves the current floating-point environment in the object referenced by envp.

int fesetenv( const fenv_t *envp );

Establishes the floating-point environment referenced by envp.

int feholdexcept( fenv_t *envp );

Saves the current floating-point environment in the object referenced by envp, then clears the status flags and installs a non-stop mode, so that processing continues in case of further floating-point exceptions.

int feupdateenv( const fenv_t *envp );

Establishes the floating-point environment referenced by envp, and then raises the exceptions that were set in the saved environment.

The macro FE_DFL_ENV is a pointer to the floating-point environment that is installed at program start-up, and can be used as an argument in the functions fesetenv() and feupdateenv().

The floating-point environment need not be active in an implementation that supports it. It can be activated by the pragma:


and deactivated by the same pragma with the switch OFF.

The macro math_errhandling , defined in math.h, can be used to determine whether the program uses errno and/or the floating-point environment:

  • If the expression math_errhandling & MATH_ERRNO is not 0, then the error variable errno is used.
  • If the expression math_errhandling & MATH_ERREXCEPT is not 0, then floating-point errors raise the exceptions defined in fenv.h.

Character Classification and Case Mapping

A number of functions for classifying and changing the case of characters with type char are defined in the header file ctype.h . These functions, whose names begin with is... or to..., accept a one-character argument whose value is between 0 and 255, or EOF.

The is... functions, listed in Table 1-39, test whether the character is a member of a specific category of characters. They return "true," i.e., a non-zero value, if the character is in the given category. If not, the return value is 0, or "false."

Table 1-39. Functions for character classification







int  isalpha( int c );

Lower-case letter 

int  islower( int c );

Upper-case letter 

int  isupper( int c );

Decimal digit 

int  isdigit( int c );

Hexadecimal digit 

int  isxdigit( int c );

Letter or decimal digit 

int  isalnum( int c );

Printable character 

int  isprint( int c );

Printable character other than space ' '  

int  isgraph( int c );

Whitespace character 

int  isspace( int c );

Punctuation mark 

int  ispunct( int c );

Control character 

int  iscntrl( int c );

Space or horizontal tabulator 

int  isblank( int c );(*)

The following example reads a character and then tests to see whether it is a digit:

int c = getchar();     // Read a character
if ( isdigit( c ) ) ...// Is it a decimal digit?

The to... functions are used to convert characters from upper- to lower-case and vice versa, as shown in Table 1-40.

Table 1-40. Case mapping functions






Upper- to lower-case 

int  tolower( int c );

Lower- to upper-case 

int  toupper( int c );

The corresponding functions for wide characters, with type wchar_t, are declared in the header file wctype.h (*). Their names are similar to those in Table 1-39 and Table 1-40, but start with isw... and tow.... These functions expect one character argument of type wint_t whose value is between 0 and 32767, or WEOF.

For wide characters there are also the extensible classification and mapping functions, iswctype() and towctrans() . These functions provide flexible, locale-specific testing and mapping of wide characters. Before one of these functions is used, the desired test criterion or mapping information must be registered by a call to wctype() or wtrans() :

iswctype( wc, wctype( "lower" ));
towctrans( wc, wctrans( "upper" ));

These calls are equivalent to iswlower(wc); and towupper(wc); . The function wctype() returns a value of type wctype_t, and wctrans() has a return value of type wctrans_t.

Single-byte characters of type unsigned char can be converted to the type wchar_t using the function btowc() , which is declared in wchar.h (*). The opposite conversion is performed by the function wctob() . If the character cannot be converted, these functions return EOF or WEOF.

All of these functions take language-specific particularities of the current locale into account (see the later section Section 1.26).

String Handling

There is no basic type for strings in C. A string is simply a sequence of characters ending with the string terminator, stored in a char array. A string is represented by a char pointer that points to the first character in the string.

The customary functions for manipulating strings are declared in string.h . Those functions that modify a string return a pointer to the modified string. The functions used to search for a character or a substring return a pointer to the occurrence found, or a null pointer if the search was unsuccessful.

char *strcat( char *s1, const char *s2 );

Appends the string s2 to the end of s1. The first character copied from s2 replaces the string terminator character of s1.

char *strchr( const char *s, int c );

Locates the first occurrence of the character c in the string s.

int strcmp( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

Compares the strings s1 and s2, and returns a value that is greater than, equal to, or less than 0 to indicate whether s1 is greater than, equal to, or less than s2. A string is greater than another if the first character code in it which differs from the corresponding character code in the other string is greater than that character code.

int strcoll( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

Transforms an internal copy of the strings s1 and s2 using the function strxfrm(), then compares them using strcmp() and returns the result.

char *strcpy( char *s1, const char *s2 );

Copies s2 to the char array referenced by s1. This array must be large enough to contain s2 including its string terminator character '\0'.

int strcspn( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

Determines the length of the maximum initial substring of s1 that contains none of the characters found in s2.

size_t strlen( const char *s );

Returns the length of the string addressed by s. The length of the string is the number of characters it contains, excluding the string terminator character '\0'.

char *strncat( char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n );

Appends the first n characters of s2 (and the string terminator character) to s1.

int strncmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n );

Compares the first n characters of the strings s1 and s2. The return value is the same as for strcmp().

char *strncpy( char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n );

Copies the first n characters of s2 to the char array s1. The string terminator character '\0' is not appended.

char *strpbrk( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

Locates the first occurrence in s1 of any of the characters contained in s2.

char *strrchr( const char *s, int c );

Locates the last occurrence of the character c in the string s. The string terminator character '\0' is included in the search.

int strspn( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

Determines the length of the maximum initial substring of s1 that consists only of characters contained in s2.

char *strstr( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

Locates the first occurrence of s2 (without the terminating '\0') in s1.

char *strtok( char *s1, const char *s2 );

Breaks the string in s1 into the substrings ("tokens") delimited by any of the characters contained in s2.

size_t strxfrm( char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n );

Performs a locale-specific transformation (such as a case conversion) of s2 and copies the result to the char array with length n that is referenced by s1.

Similar functions for wide-character strings, declared in the header file wchar.h (*), have names beginning with wcs in place of str.

Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

A variety of functions are declared in the header file stdlib.h to obtain numerical interpretations of the initial digit characters in a string. The resulting number is the return value of the function.

int atoi( const char *s );

Interprets the contents of the string s as a number with type int. The analogous functions atol(), atoll() (*), and atof() are used to convert a string into a number with type long, long long (*), or double.

double strtod( const char *s, char **pptr );

Serves a similar purpose to that of atof(), but takes the address of a char pointer as a second argument. If the char pointer referenced by pptr is not NULL, it is set to the first character in the string s (excluding any leading whitespace) that is not part of the substring representing a floating-point number.
The corresponding functions for conversion to the types float and long double are strtof() (*) and strtold() (*).

long strtol( const char *s, char **pptr, int base );

Converts a string to a number with type long. The third parameter is the base of the numeral string, and may be an integer between 2 and 36, or 0. If base is 0, the string s is interpreted as a numeral in base 8, 16, or 10, depending on whether it begins with 0, 0x, or one of the digits 1 to 9.
The analogous functions for converting a string to unsigned long, long long (*) or unsigned long long (*) are strtoul() (*), strtoll() (*), and strtoull() (*).

The header file inttypes.h (*) also declares the functions strtoimax() and strtoumax() , which convert the initial digits in a string to an integer of type intmax_t or uintmax_t.

Similar functions for wide-character strings are declared in the header file wchar.h (*). Their names begin with wcs in place of str.

The following function from the printf family is used to convert numeric values into a formatted numeral string:

int sprintf(char *s,const char *format,.../*a1,...,an*/);

Copies the format string format to the char array referenced by s, with the conversion specifications replaced using the values in the argument list a1 ,..., an.

Numerical values can also be read from a string based on a format string:

int sscanf(char *s,const char *format,.../*a1,...,an*/);

Reads and converts data from s, and copies the resulting values to the locations addressed by the argument list a1 ,..., an.

The functions vsprintf() and vsscanf() are similar to sprintf() and sscanf(), but with the variable argument list replaced by an object of type va_list that has been initialized using the va_start macro (see Section 1.11.4 earlier in this book). The functions snprintf() and vsnprintf() write a maximum of n characters, including the string terminator character, to the array referenced by s. These functions return the number of characters actually written to the array, not counting the string terminator character.

The corresponding formatted string input/output functions for wide-character strings are declared in wchar.h (*). Their names begin with sw (for "string, wide") in place of the initial s (for "string") in the names of the functions described above for char strings. For example, swprintf().

Multibyte Character Conversion

A multibyte character may occupy more than one byte in memory. The maximum number of bytes that can be used to represent a multibyte character is the value of the macro MB_CUR_MAX , which is defined in stdlib.h . Its value is dependent on the current locale. In the default locale "C", MB_CUR_MAX has the value 1.

Every multibyte character corresponds to exactly one character of type wchar_t . The functions for multibyte character conversion are declared in the header file stdlib.h.

int mblen( const char *s, size_t max );

Determines the length of the multibyte character pointed to by s. The maximum length of the character is specified by max. Accordingly, max must not exceed MB_CUR_MAX.

size_t wctomb( char *s, wchar_t wc );

Converts the wide character wc into the multibyte representation, and writes the corresponding multibyte character in the array addressed by s.

size_t wcstombs( char *s, const wchar_t *p, size_t n );

Converts the first n wide characters referenced by p into multibyte characters, and copies the results to the char array addressed by s.

size_t mbtowc( wchar_t *p, const char *s, size_t max );

Determines the wide character code corresponding to the multibyte character in s, whose maximum length is specified by max, and copies the result to the wchar_t variable referenced by p.

size_t mbstowcs( wchar_t *p, const char *s, size_t n );

Converts the first n multibyte characters of s into the wide characters and copies the result to the array addressed by s.

Similar functions with an additional r in their names (for restartable) are also declared in wchar.h (*). The restartable functions have an additional parameter, a pointer to the type mbstate_t , that must point to an object describing the current wide/multibyte character conversion state. Furthermore, the function mbsinit() (*) can be used to test whether the current conversion state is an initial conversion state.

Searching and Sorting

The following two functions are declared in the header file stdlib.h as general utilities for searching and sorting:

void qsort(void *a, size_t n, size_t size, int (*compare)(const void *,const void *));

Sorts the array a using the quick-sort algorithm. The array is assumed to have n elements whose size is size.

void *bsearch( const void *key, const void *a, size_t n, size_t size, int (*compare)( const void*, const void* ) );

Searches in a sorted array a for the keyword addressed by key, using the binary search algorithm. The array a is assumed to have n array elements whose size is size.

The last parameter to these functions, compare, is a pointer to a function that compares two elements of the array a. Usually this function must be defined by you, the programmer. Its parameters are two pointers to the array elements to be compared. The function must return a value that is less than, equal to, or greater than 0 to indicate whether the first element is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. To search or sort an array of float values, for example, the following comparison function could be specified:

int floatcmp( const void* p1, const void* p2 )
{  float x = *(float *)p1,
         y = *(float *)p2;
    return  x <= y ? ( x < y ? -1 : 0) : 1;

Memory Block Management

The following functions declared in string.h are used to compare, search, or initialize memory buffers:

void *memchr( const void *buf, int c, size_t n );

Searches the first n bytes of the buffer buf for the first occurrence of the character c.

void *memcmp( const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n );

Compares the first n bytes in the buffer s1 with the corresponding bytes in the buffer s2. The return value is less than, equal to, or greater than 0 to indicate whether s1 is less than, equal to, or greater than s2.

void *memcpy( void *dest, const void *src, size_t n );

Copies n bytes from the buffer src to the buffer dest.

void *memmove( void *dest, const void *src, size_t n );

Copies n bytes from the buffer src to the buffer dest. In case the buffers overlap, every character is read before another character is written to the same location.

void *memset( void *dest, int c, size_t n );

Fills the first n bytes of the buffer dest with the character c.

The corresponding wmem... functions, for handling buffers of wide characters with type wchar_t, are declared in the header file wchar.h (*).

Dynamic Memory Management

In order to make efficient use of memory, it is important for a program to be able to allocate and release blocks of memory dynamically during execution. The functions for dynamic memory management are declared in the header file stdlib.h .

A successful call to one of the memory allocation functions returns the beginning address of a memory block of the requested size. The return value has the type "pointer to void". The program can then use the allocated block in any way desired. When a block of memory is no longer needed, it should be released. All dynamically allocated memory blocks are automatically released when the program exits.

void *malloc( size_t size );

Allocates a memory block of size bytes.

void *calloc( size_t n, size_t size );

Allocates enough memory to hold an array of n elements, each of which has the size size, and initializes every byte with the value 0.

void *realloc( void *ptr, size_t n );

Changes the length of the memory block referenced by ptr to the new length n. If the memory block has to be moved in order to provide the new size, then its current contents are automatically copied to the new location.

void free( void *ptr );

Releases the memory block referenced by ptr.

The following example uses malloc to allocate space for an array of 1000 integers:

// Get space for 1000 int values:
int *iArr = (int*)malloc( 1000 * sizeof( int ) );

These functions can be called as often as necessary, and in any order. The pointer argument passed to realloc() and free() must refer to a memory block that has been dynamically allocated, of course.

Time and Date

The ANSI C library includes a set of functions to determine the current time and date, to convert time and date information, and to generate formatted time and date strings for output. These functions are declared in the header file time.h .

The principal functions for determining the current time are:

clock_t clock( void );

Returns the CPU time used by the program so far, with type clock_t (usually equivalent to long). The result can be converted to seconds by dividing it by the constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC .

time_t time( time_t *pSec );

Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since a certain time (usually January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 o'clock). If the pointer pSec is not NULL, the result is also copied to the location it addresses. The type time_t is generally defined as long.

The functions for converting and formatting date and time information are:

double difftime( time_t t1, time_t t0 );

Returns the number of seconds between t0 and t1.

struct tm *gmtime( const time_t *pSec );

Returns a pointer to the current Greenwich Mean Time as a structure of type struct tm, with members of type int for the second, minute, hour, day, etc.

struct tm *localtime( const time_t *pSec );

Like gmtime(), but returns the local time rather than Greenwich Mean Time.

char *ctime( const time_t *pSec );
char *asctime( const struct tm *ptm );
size_t strftime(char *dest, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *ptm );

These functions generate a string representing the local date and time. strftime() accepts a format string to control the output format.

The function wcsftime() is a version of strftime() for wide-character strings, and is declared in the header file wchar.h(*).

Figure 1-6 illustrates the uses of the time and date functions.

Figure 1-6. Usage of time and date functions

Process Control

A process is a program that is being executed. The attributes that a process can have vary from one operating system to another. For this reason, the process control functions work in ways that are specific to certain systems.

Communication with the Operating System


In operating systems such as Unix and Windows, each process is started in an environment represented by a list of strings with the form NAME = VALUE. These "environment variables" can be read using the function getenv() .

System calls

The function system() invokes the system's command interpreter and gives it a command to execute.

Program termination

A C program is normally terminated via a call to the function exit() , or by a return statement in the function main() . On normal termination, the following actions are performed:
  1. Any functions that have been installed by atexit() are executed.
  2. The I/O buffers are flushed and the files closed.
  3. The files created by tmpfile() are deleted.
The function abort() , on the other hand, ends a C program without performing the actions just listed. This function does produce an error message announcing that the program was aborted, however.
The function exit() can be called with one of the constants EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS , defined in stdlib.h, as an argument. In this way the program can inform its parent process whether it "failed" or "succeeded."

All of the functions described in this section are declared in the header file stdlib.h.


The operating system can send processes a signal when an exceptional situation occurs. This may happen in the event of a severe fault, such as a memory addressing error for example, or when a hardware interrupt occurs. Signals can also be triggered by the user at the console, however, or by the program itself, using the function raise() . Functions and macros for dealing with signals are declared in the header file signal.h .

Each type of signal is assigned a constant signal number and identified by a macro name. These include the signals listed in Table 1-41.

Table 1-41. Macros for signals in signal.h


Signal number 




 Abort: abnormal program termination, as caused by the abort() function


 Floating point exception: caused by an overflow, division by 0, or other FPU or emulation errors


 Illegal instruction: an invalid instruction was encountered in the machine code


 Interrupt: the break key (e. g., Ctrl-C) was pressed


 Segmentation violation: illegal memory access


 Terminate: a request to terminate the program (in Unix, the standard signal sent by the kill command)

Other signals may be defined depending on the operating system.

int raise( int sig );

Sends the signal sig to the program which called the function.

void ( *signal( int sig, void ( *func )( int )) )( int );

Specifies how the program responds to a signal with the number sig. The second argument, func, identifies the signal handler. This may be a pointer to a function, or one of the following constants:
  • SIG_DFL Execute the default signal handler.
  • SIG_IGN Ignore the signal.
The default signal handler terminates the program. If unsuccessful, signal() returns the value SIG_ERR.

The header file signal.h also defines the integer type sig_atomic_t . This type is used for static objects which can be accessed by a hardware interrupt signal handler.

Non-Local Jumps

Local jumps, or jumps within a function, are performed by the goto statement. The macro setjmp(), on the other hand, marks a location in the program (by storing the pertinent process information) so that execution can be resumed at that point at any time by a call to the function longjmp(). The longjmp() function and the setjmp() macro are declared in the header file setjmp.h .

int setjmp( jmp_buf env );

Saves the current calling environment (CPU registers and stack) in the buffer env, which has the type jmp_buf.

void longjmp( jmp_buf env, int retval );

Restores the saved environment, so that program execution continues at the point where setjmp() was called.

The program can use the return value of setjmp() to determine whether setjmp() itself was just called, or whether a jump to this point by means of longjmp() has just occurred. setjmp() itself returns the value 0, but after a call to longjmp() the apparent return value of setjmp() is the value of the argument retval. If retval is equal to 0, the apparent return value is 1.

Error Handling for System Functions

If an error occurs during a call to a system function, the global error variable errno is assigned an appropriate error code. The following three functions are used to provide the corresponding system error messages:

void perror( const char *string );
Declared in stdio.h

Writes the text pointed to by string, followed by the system error message corresponding to the current value of errno, to the standard error stream.

char *strerror( int errnum );
Declared in string.h

Returns a pointer to the system error message corresponding to errnum. The value of errnum is usually obtained from the error variable errno.
The following two statements result in the same output:
perror( "OPEN" );
fprintf( stderr, "OPEN: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );

void assert( int expression ); Declared in assert.h

This macro tests the scalar expression expression. If the result is 0, or "false", then assert() writes the expression, function name, filename, and line number to the standard error stream, and then aborts program. If the expression is "true" (i.e., not equal to 0), no action is taken and the program continues.
If the macro NDEBUG is defined, calls to assert() have no effect.


The ANSI standard supports the development of C programs that are adaptable to language and country-specific customs, such as the formatting of currency strings. The ANSI library also provides two functions, the type lconv, and macros for dealing with locales. These are declared in the header file locale.h .

All programs start with the default locale "C", which contains no country or language-specific information. During execution, the program can change to another locale and retrieve locale-specific information. Since most applications do not require the full range of locale-specific information, this information is classified into categories, as shown in Table 1-42.

Table 1-42. Locale categories




Portions of the locale affected 


The entire locale, including all of the categories below 


Only the functions  strcoll() and strxfrm()


Functions for character processing, such as  isalpha() and the multibyte functions


The currency formatting information returned by  localeconv()


The decimal point character used by input/output and string conversion functions, and the formatting of non-currency numeric information, as returned by  localeconv()


Formatting of date and time information by  strftime()

The following function is used to adapt a program to a specific locale:

char *setlocale( int category, const char *name );

The argument category is one of the symbolic constants described in Table 1-42, and name points to a string which identifies the desired locale for the specified category.
The name string may have at least the following values:
The default locale, with no country-specific information.
The compiler's native locale.
setlocale() makes no changes, but returns the name of the current locale. This name can later be passed to setlocale() as an argument to restore the locale after it has been changed.

The following standard function groups use locale information: formatted input/output, character classification and case mapping, multibyte character handling, multibyte string handling, and conversion between strings and numeric values.

The following function can be used to obtain information for formatting numeric strings, such as the decimal point and currency symbol characters:

struct lconv* localeconv( void );

Fills in a structure of type struct lconv with the values defined by the current locale. The members of this structure type must include at least those shown in the following example. The sample values in parentheses are those for Switzerland:
struct lconv {
//   Information for non-currency values: 
  char *decimal_point;   // The decimal character
                         // (".")
  char *thousands_sep;   // The character used to group
                         // digits left of the decimal
                         // point (",")
  char *grouping;        // Number of digits in each group
                         // ("\3")
//   Information for currency values: 
  char *int_curr_symbol; // The three-letter symbol for 
                         // the local currency per ISO 
                         // 4217, with a separator 
                         // character ("CHF ")
  char *currency_symbol; // The local currency 
                         // symbol ("SFrs.")
  char *mon_decimal_point; // The decimal point character 
                           // for currency strings (".")
  char *mon_thousands_sep; // The character used to group
                           // digits left of the decimal
                           // point (".")
  char *mon_grouping;    // Number of digits in each group
                         // ("\3")
  char *positive_sign;   // Sign for positive
                         // currency strings ("")
  char *negative_sign;   // Sign for negative
                         // currency strings ("C")
  char int_frac_digits;  // Number of digits after the  
                         // decimal point in the  
                         // international format (2)
  char frac_digits;      // Number of digits after the  
                         // decimal point in the local
                         // format (2)
  char p_cs_precedes;    // For non-negative values:
                         // 1 = currency symbol is before,
                         // 0 = after the amount (1)
  char p_sep_by_space;   // For non-negative values:
                         // 1 = currency symbol is before,
                         // 0 = after the amount (1)
  char n_cs_precedes;    // For negative values:
                         // 1 = currency symbol is before,
                         // 0 = after the amount (1)
  char n_sep_by_space;   // For negative values:
                         // 1 = space, 0 = no space
                         // between currency 
                         // symbol and amount (0)
  char p_sign_posn;      // Position of positive_sign (1)
  char n_sign_posn;      // Position of negative_sign (2)
  char int_p_cs_precedes;  // For non-negative 
                           // internationally formatted
                           // values:
                           // 1=space, 0 = no space  
                           // between currency symbol  
                           // and amount (1)
  char int_p_sep_by_space; // For non-negative  
                           // internationally formatted
                           // values: 
                           // 1 = space, 0 = no space
                           // between currency symbol 
                           // and amount (0)
  char int_n_cs_precedes;  // For negative internationally
                           // formatted values: 
                           // 1= currency symbol precedes 
                           // amount, 0 = currency symbol
                           // follows amount (1)
  char int_n_sep_by_space; // For negative internationally
                           // formatted values: 
                           // 1 = space, 0 = no space
                           // between symbol and amount (0)
  char int_p_sign_posn;  // Position of positive sign for
                         // internationally formatted
                         // values (1)
  char int_n_sign_posn;  // Position of negative sign for
                         // internationally formatted 
                         // values (2)

If the value of p_sign_posn, n_sign_posn, int_p_sign_posn, or int_n_sign_posn is 0, the amount and the currency symbol are set in parentheses. If 1, the sign string is placed before the amount and the currency symbol. If 2, the sign string is placed after the amount and the currency symbol. If 3, the sign string immediately precedes the currency symbol. If 4, the sign string is placed immediately after the currency symbol.

The value \3 in the strings grouping and mon_grouping means that each group consists of three digits, as in "1,234,567.89".


A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (logical NOT operator), Logical Operators

!= (not-equal-to operator), Relational Operators and Logical Operators

"" (double quotes), used in string literals, Character Constants and String Literals

# (hash mark), C Program Structure, Preprocessing Directives, The # Operator

hash or stringizing operator, The # Operator
preprocessing directives, C Program Structure, Preprocessing Directives

## (double-hash or token-pasting operator), The ## Operator

% (percent sign) modulo division operator, Arithmetic Operators

& (ampersand), Bitwise Operators, Memory Accessing Operators, Bit-fields

address operator, Memory Accessing Operators, Bit-fields
bitwise AND operator, Bitwise Operators

&& (logical AND operator), Logical Operators

() (parentheses), Complex Declarations, Pointers

() (parentheses), arithmetic expressions, Expressions and Operators

() function call operator, Other Operators

* (asterisk), Arithmetic Operators, Memory Accessing Operators, Complex Declarations, Pointers

complex declarations operator, Complex Declarations
declaring pointer variables, Pointers
indirection operator, Memory Accessing Operators
multiplication operator, Arithmetic Operators

+ (plus) addition operator, Arithmetic Operators

+ (unary) positive sign, Arithmetic Operators

++ increment operator, Arithmetic Operators

, (comma) sequence operator, Other Operators

- (minus) subtraction operator, Arithmetic Operators

- (unary) negative sign, Arithmetic Operators

-- decrement operator, Arithmetic Operators

-> (arrow operator), Memory Accessing Operators, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

. (dot operator), Memory Accessing Operators, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

... (three dots), optional argument indicator, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

/ (slash) division operator, Arithmetic Operators

//, /*, and */, comment delimiters, C Program Structure

< (less-than operator), Relational Operators and Logical Operators

<< (shift left operator), Bitwise Operators

<= (less-than-or-equal-to operator), Relational Operators and Logical Operators

= (equal sign) simple assignment operator, Assignment Operators

== (equal-to operator), Relational Operators and Logical Operators

> (greater-than operator), Relational Operators and Logical Operators

>= (greater-than-or-equal-to) operator, Relational Operators and Logical Operators

>> (shift right operator), Bitwise Operators

?: (conditional operator), Expressions and Operators, Other Operators

[] (square brackets), Complex Declarations

complex declarations operator, Complex Declarations

[] (square brackets), subscript operator, Memory Accessing Operators

^ (caret) bitwise exclusive OR operator, Bitwise Operators

| (pipe) bitwise OR operator, Bitwise Operators

|| (logical OR operator), Logical Operators

~ (tilde) bitwise NOT operator, Bitwise Operators


abort() function, Communication with the Operating System

abs() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

accessing files, functions for, General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions

accessing objects in memory, Memory Accessing Operators, Memory Accessing Operators, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

acos() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

acosh() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

addition operator (+), Arithmetic Operators

address constants, Pointers

address operator (&), Memory Accessing Operators, Bit-fields

aggregate types, Derived Types

ANSI C99 standard, Introduction, Character Sets, Integer Types, Complex floating types, Block and Expression Statements, Declarations, Arrays, restrict, Function Definitions, Input and Output, Formatted output , Formatted input, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions, The Floating-Point Environment, The Floating-Point Environment

_Bool integer type, Integer Types
byte-oriented vs. wide-oriented files, Input and Output
complex floating types, Complex floating types
conversion specifiers, Formatted output , Formatted input
DECIMAL_DIG macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types
declaration/statement order in blocks, Block and Expression Statements, Declarations
floating-point environment, The Floating-Point Environment, The Floating-Point Environment
floating-point numbers, categories of, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers
inline functions, Function Definitions
mathematical functions for real numbers, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions
error handling, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions
optimizing runtime efficiency, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency
restrict type qualifier, restrict
variable-length arrays, Arrays
wchar_t (wide character type), Character Sets

arguments, Function Calls, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

in function calls, Function Calls
variable numbers of, in functions, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

arithmetic operations, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

optimizing runtime efficiency, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency
on pointers, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic

arithmetic operators, Arithmetic Operators

arithmetic types, Derived Types

arrays, Memory Accessing Operators, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic

addressing elements of, Memory Accessing Operators
initializing, Arrays
multi-dimensional, Arrays, Arrays
initializing, Arrays
pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic
vs. pointers, Arrays

arrow operator (->), Memory Accessing Operators, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

asctime() function, Time and Date

asin() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

asinh() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

assert() function, Error Handling for System Functions

assert.h header file, Standard Header Files

assignment expressions, Assignment Operators

assignment operators, Assignment Operators

atan() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

atan2() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

atanh() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

atoi() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

auto storage class specifier, Storage Classes

automatic storage duration, Storage Classes, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

structure variables and, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields


basic character sets, Character Sets

binary operators, Expressions and Operators

bit-fields, Bit-fields, Bit-fields

vs. integer variables, Bit-fields

bitwise operators, Bitwise Operators

block read/write functions, Block read and write functions

block scope, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Storage Classes

of variables, Storage Classes

blocks (compound statements), Block and Expression Statements

_Bool integer type, Integer Types

break statement, break

bsearch() function, Searching and Sorting

btowc() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

byte-oriented files, Input and Output


C programs, structure of, C Program Structure

cabs() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

cacos() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

cacosh() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

calloc() function, Dynamic Memory Management

carg() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

case mapping of characters, Character Classification and Case Mapping

casin() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

casinh() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

cast operator, Other Operators, Type Conversions

type conversions and, Type Conversions

catan() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

catanh() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

cbrt() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

ccos() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

ccosh() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

ceil() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

cexp() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

char type, Integer Types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

character constants, Character Constants and String Literals

character sets, Character Sets, Character Sets

characters, Reading and writing characters and strings , Character Classification and Case Mapping, Character Classification and Case Mapping

case mapping, Character Classification and Case Mapping
classifying, Character Classification and Case Mapping
read/write functions for, Reading and writing characters and strings

cimag() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

classifying characters, Character Classification and Case Mapping

clearerr() function, General File Access Functions

clock() function, Time and Date

CLOCKS_PER_SEC constant, Time and Date

clog() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

comma operator (,), Other Operators

comments, C Program Structure

complex declarations, Complex Declarations

complex floating types, Complex floating types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

complex macro, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

complex types, macros for, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

complex.h header file, Standard Header Files, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

_Complex_I macro, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

compound assignment operator, Assignment Operators

compound statements (blocks), Block and Expression Statements

conditional jumps, Syntax:

conditional operator (?:), Expressions and Operators, Other Operators

conj() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

const type qualifier, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions

constants, Constants, Character Constants and String Literals

continue statement, continue

control modes and floating-point arithmetic, The Floating-Point Environment

controlling expressions and loop iterations, Loops

conversion specifications, Formatted output , Formatted output , Formatted input, Formatted input

for printf() functions, Formatted output , Formatted output
for scanf() functions, Formatted input, Formatted input

conversion specifiers, Formatted output , Formatted output

for formatted output, Formatted output
introduced in ANSI C99, Formatted output

copysign() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

cos() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

cosh() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

cpow() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

cproj() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

creal() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

csin() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

csinh() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

csqrt() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

ctan() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

ctanh() function, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

ctime() function, Time and Date

ctype.h header file, Standard Header Files, Character Classification and Case Mapping

CX_LIMITED_RANGE pragma, Example:, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types


date and time functions, Time and Date

__DATE__ macro, Predefined standard macros

DBL_MANT_DIG macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

DBL_MAX_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

DBL_MIN_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

decimal constants, Integer Constants

DECIMAL_DIG macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

declarations, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Declarations, Complex Declarations, General Syntax and Examples, Complex Declarations, Function Prototypes, Function Calls

function prototypes, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Function Prototypes, Function Calls
scope of, Categories and Scope of Identifiers
type conversions and, Function Calls
simple vs. complex, Complex Declarations
syntax of, General Syntax and Examples

decrement operator (--), Arithmetic Operators

#define directive, Enumeration Types, #define

enumeration constants as alternative to, Enumeration Types

defined operator, The defined operator

delimiters for comments (//, /*, and */), C Program Structure

derived types, Derived Types, Examples:

difftime() function, Time and Date

div() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

division operator (/), Arithmetic Operators

do...while statement, do ... while

dot operator (.), Memory Accessing Operators, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

double complex type, mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

double quotes (""), used in string literals, Character Constants and String Literals

double type, Real and Complex Floating Types, Formatted output , Range and Precision of Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

complex functions for, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types
new conversion specifiers for, Formatted output
range and precision of, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

double values, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

new mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types
traditional mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

double _Complex type, Complex floating types

double _Imaginary type, Complex floating types

double-hash operator (##), The ## Operator

double_t type and FLT_EVAL_METHOD macro, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

dynamic memory management, Dynamic Memory Management


EDOM macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

#elif directive, #if, #elif, #else, #endif

#else directive, #if, #elif, #else, #endif

empty statement, Block and Expression Statements

#endif directive, #if, #elif, #else, #endif

enum keyword, Enumeration Types

enumeration types, Derived Types

ERANGE macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

erf() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

erfc() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

errno (global error variable), Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

errno.h header file, Standard Header Files

error handling, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , Error Handling for Mathematical Functions, Error Handling for System Functions

for mathematical functions, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions
for I/O functions, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions
for system functions, Error Handling for System Functions

escape sequences, Character Sets, Character Constants and String Literals

used in character constants, Character Constants and String Literals

exceptions, floating-point, The Floating-Point Environment

execution character sets, Character Sets

exit() function, Communication with the Operating System

EXIT_FAILURE constant, Communication with the Operating System

EXIT_SUCCESS constant, Communication with the Operating System

exp() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

exp2() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

explicit type conversions, Type Conversions

expm1() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

exponent notation and floating constants, Floating Constants

exponents in floating-point numbers, Internal representation of a real floating-point number

expression statements, Block and Expression Statements

expressions, Expressions and Operators, Alternative notation for operators, Type Conversions, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers, Function Calls

function calls, Function Calls
operators and, Expressions and Operators, Alternative notation for operators
type conversions, Type Conversions, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers

extended character set, Character Sets

extern storage class specifier, Storage Classes, Function Definitions

external linkage for identifiers, Linkage of Identifiers

external names, Identifiers, Function Definitions, Linkage of Identifiers

function definitions and, Function Definitions
restrictions imposed by linkers, Linkage of Identifiers


fabs() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

fclose() function, General File Access Functions

fdim() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

feclearexcept() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fegetenv() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fegetexceptflag() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fegetround() function, The Floating-Point Environment

feholdexcept() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fenv.h header file, Standard Header Files, The Floating-Point Environment

FENV_ACCESS pragma, Example:, The Floating-Point Environment

fenv_t type, The Floating-Point Environment

feof() function, General File Access Functions

feraiseexcept() function, The Floating-Point Environment

ferror() function, General File Access Functions

fesetenv() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fesetexceptflag() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fesetround() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fetestexcept() function, The Floating-Point Environment

feupdateenv() function, The Floating-Point Environment

fexcept_t type, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_ALL_EXCEPT macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_DFL_ENV macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_DIVBYZERO macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_DOWNWARD macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_INEXACT macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_INVALID macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_OVERFLOW macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_TONEAREST macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_TOWARDZERO macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_UNDERFLOW macro, The Floating-Point Environment

FE_UPWARD macro, The Floating-Point Environment

fflush() function, General File Access Functions

fgetc() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

fgetpos() function, General File Access Functions

fgets() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

field length, specifying, Formatted output

__FILE__ macro, Predefined standard macros

file pointers, Input and Output

file position and read/write operations, Input and Output

file scope, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Storage Classes

of variables, Storage Classes

FILE structure, Input and Output

files, Input and Output, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions, File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input

accessing, General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions
byte-oriented vs. wide-oriented, Input and Output
reading from/writing to, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input
error handling, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions

fixed-width integer variables, Formatted input, Value Ranges of Integer Types

conversion specifiers for, Formatted input
value ranges of integer types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

float type, Real and Complex Floating Types, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

range and precision of, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

float _Complex type, Complex floating types

float _Imaginary type, Complex floating types

float.h header file, Real and Complex Floating Types, Standard Header Files, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

floating constants, Floating Constants

floating types, Real and Complex Floating Types, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Complex floating types, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

complex, Complex floating types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types
mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types
real, Real and Complex Floating Types, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types
mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types
range and precision of, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

floating-point environment, The Floating-Point Environment, The Floating-Point Environment

floating-point exceptions, macros for, The Floating-Point Environment

floating-point numbers, Formatted output , Classification of Floating-Point Numbers, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency, Type-Generic Macros

categories of, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers
formatting output of, Formatted output
macros for classifying, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers
macros for comparing, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types
optimizing runtime efficiency, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency
type-generic macros and, Type-Generic Macros

float_t type and FLT_EVAL_METHOD macro, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

floor() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

FLT_DIG macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_EPSILON macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_EVAL_METHOD macro, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

FLT_MANT_DIG macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_MAX macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_MAX_10_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_MAX_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_MIN macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_MIN_10_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_MIN_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_RADIX macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

FLT_ROUNDS macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

fma() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

fmax() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

fmin() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

fmod() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

fopen() function, General File Access Functions

for loop, for

formatted input, functions for, Formatted input, Formatted input

formatted output, functions for, Formatted output , Formatted output

fpclassify() macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

fprintf() function, Formatted output

fputc() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

fputs() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

FP_CONTRACT pragma, Example:, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

FP_FAST_FMA macro, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

FP_FAST_FMAF macro, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

FP_FAST_FMAL macro, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

FP_ILOGB0 macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

FP_ILOGBNAN macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

FP_INFINITE macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

FP_NAN macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

FP_NORMAL macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

FP_SUBNORMAL macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

FP_ZERO macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

fread() function, Block read and write functions

free() function, Dynamic Memory Management

freopen() function, General File Access Functions

frexp() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

fscanf() function, Formatted input

fseek() function, General File Access Functions

fsetpos() function, General File Access Functions

ftell() function, General File Access Functions

__func__ macro, Predefined standard macros

function call operator (), Other Operators

function calls, Function Calls

function definitions, Function Definitions, Function Definitions

function pointers, Function pointers

function prototypes, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Function Prototypes, Function Calls

scope of, Categories and Scope of Identifiers
type conversions and, Function Calls

function scope, Categories and Scope of Identifiers

functions, Fundamentals, Functions, Functions, Function Definitions, Function Definitions, Function Calls, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions, File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input, Reading and writing characters and strings , Block read and write functions , Mathematical Functions, The Floating-Point Environment, Character Classification and Case Mapping, Character Classification and Case Mapping, Time and Date

block read/write, Block read and write functions
case mapping, Character Classification and Case Mapping
character classification, Character Classification and Case Mapping
character read/write, Reading and writing characters and strings
declaring, Functions, Function Definitions
Kernighan-Ritchie vs. prototype style, Function Definitions
file access, General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions
file I/O, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input
error handling for, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions
mathematical, Mathematical Functions, The Floating-Point Environment
parameters of, Function Definitions
passing arguments to, Function Calls
time and date, Time and Date
with variable numbers of arguments, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

fwide() function, Input and Output

fwrite() function, Block read and write functions


getc() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

getchar() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

getenv() function, Communication with the Operating System

gets() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

gmtime() function, Time and Date

goto statement, goto, Non-Local Jumps

graphic characters, inputting, using trigraph sequences, Character Sets


hash mark (#), C Program Structure, Preprocessing Directives, The # Operator

hash or stringizing operator, The # Operator
preprocessing directives, C Program Structure, Preprocessing Directives

header files, C Program Structure, Syntax:, Standard Header Files

in ANSI C library, Standard Header Files
#include directives and, Syntax:

hexadecimal constants, Integer Constants

HUGE_VAL macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

HUGE_VALF macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

HUGE_VALL macro, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

hypot() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types


I macro, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

identifiers, Identifiers, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Categories and Scope of Identifiers, Linkage of Identifiers

categories of, Categories and Scope of Identifiers
linkage of, Linkage of Identifiers
scope of, Categories and Scope of Identifiers

#if directive, #if, #elif, #else, #endif

if...else statement, if ... else

#ifdef directive, #ifdef and #ifndef

#ifndef directive, #ifdef and #ifndef

ilogb() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

imaginary macro, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

imaginary numbers and complex floating types, Complex floating types

_Imaginary_I macro, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types

imaxabs() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

imaxdiv() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

implicit type conversions, Type Conversions

#include directive, C Program Structure, #include

INCLUDE environment variable, Syntax:

increment operator (++), Arithmetic Operators

indirection operator (*), Memory Accessing Operators, Pointers

INFINITY constant, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

initializing, Initialization, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Unions, Arrays

arrays, Arrays
structure variables, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields
unions, Unions
variables, Initialization

inline functions, Function Definitions

int type, Integer Types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

INT<Emphasis>N<Default Para Font>_C() macro, Integer Constants

int<Emphasis>N<Default Para Font>_t integer type, Integer Types

integer constants, Integer Constants

integer promotion, Integer Promotion, Function Calls

integer types, Integer Types, Integer Types, Integer Types, Formatted output , Value Ranges of Integer Types, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

conversion specifiers for printf() format strings, Formatted output
with defined width, Integer Types
mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types
value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

integers, Formatted output , Formatted input

formatting input of, Formatted input
formatting output of, Formatted output

internal linkage for identifiers, Linkage of Identifiers

internationalization, Internationalization, Internationalization

INTMAX_C() macro, Integer Constants

intmax_t integer type, Integer Types

intptr_t integer type, Integer Types

inttypes.h header file, Standard Header Files, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

int_fast<Emphasis>N<Default Para Font>_t integer type, Integer Types

int_least<Emphasis>N<Default Para Font>_t integer type, Integer Types

I/O and ANSI C library, Input and Output, Formatted input

isalnum() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isalpha() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isblank() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

iscntrl() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isdigit() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isfinite() macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

isgraph() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isgreater() macro, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

isgreaterequal() macro, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

isinf() macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

isless() macro, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

islessequal() macro, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

islessgreater() macro, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

islower() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isnan() macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

isnormal() macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

ISO/IEC 9899 standard, Introduction

iso646.h header file, Alternative notation for operators, Standard Header Files

isprint() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

ispunct() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isspace() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isunordered() macro, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

isupper() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

iswctype() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

iswlower() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

isxdigit() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping


jumps, Syntax:, goto, Non-Local Jumps

conditional, Syntax:
local vs. non-local, Non-Local Jumps
unconditional, goto


Kernighan, Brian, Introduction

Kernighan-Ritchie style of function declaration, Function Definitions

keywords, list of, Identifiers


labs() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

LC_ALL locale category, Internationalization

LC_COLLATE locale category, Internationalization

LC_CTYPE locale category, Internationalization

LC_MONETARY locale category, Internationalization

LC_NUMERIC locale category, Internationalization

LC_TIME locale category, Internationalization

LDBL_MANT_DIG macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

LDBL_MAX_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

LDBL_MIN_EXP macro, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

ldexp() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

ldiv() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

lgamma() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

limits.h header file, Integer Types, Standard Header Files, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of integer types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

#line directive, #line

__LINE__ macro, Predefined standard macros

linkage of identifiers, Linkage of Identifiers

llabs() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

lldiv() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

llrint() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

llround() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

locale categories, Internationalization

locale.h header file, Standard Header Files, Internationalization

localeconv() function, Internationalization, Internationalization

localtime() function, Time and Date

log() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

log10() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

log1p() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

log2() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

logb() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

logical operators, Logical Operators

long double type, Real and Complex Floating Types, Formatted output , Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

conversion specifiers for, Formatted output
range and precision of, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

long double _Complex type, Complex floating types

long double _Imaginary type, Complex floating types

long int type, Integer Types

long long int type, Integer Types

long long type, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

long type, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

longjmp() function, Non-Local Jumps

loops, Loops, Example:

lrint() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

lround() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types


macros, Integer Constants, #define, Predefined standard macros, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types, Type-Generic Macros

for complex types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types
defining, #define
for integer constants of min/max widths, Integer Constants
predefined, Predefined standard macros
type-generic, Type-Generic Macros

main() function, Fundamentals, Functions, Communication with the Operating System

malloc() function, Dynamic Memory Management

mandatory arguments, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

mantissa (floating-point numbers), Internal representation of a real floating-point number

mapping case of characters, Character Classification and Case Mapping

math.h header file, Standard Header Files, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

mathematical functions, Mathematical Functions, The Floating-Point Environment, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions

for complex floating types, Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types
error handling for, Error Handling for Mathematical Functions
for integer types, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types
for real floating types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

math_errhandling macro, The Floating-Point Environment

matrices (two-dimensional arrays), Arrays

mblen() function, Multibyte Character Conversion

mbsinit() function, Multibyte Character Conversion

mbstate_t type, Input and Output, Multibyte Character Conversion

mbstowcs() function, Multibyte Character Conversion

mbtowc() function, Multibyte Character Conversion

MB_CUR_MAX macro, Multibyte Character Conversion

members, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Unions

of structures, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields
of unions, Unions

memchr() function, Memory Block Management

memcmp() function, Memory Block Management

memcpy() function, Memory Block Management

memmove() function, Memory Block Management

memory accessing operators, Memory Accessing Operators, Memory Accessing Operators

memory blocks, Memory Block Management, Dynamic Memory Management

managing, Memory Block Management, Dynamic Memory Management
dynamically, Dynamic Memory Management

memset() function, Memory Block Management

modf() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

modulo division operator (%), Arithmetic Operators

multi-dimensional arrays, Arrays, Arrays

initializing, Arrays

multibyte characters, Character Sets, Multibyte Character Conversion

converting into, Multibyte Character Conversion

multiplication operator (*), Arithmetic Operators


NAN (Not a Number) constant, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

NDEBUG macro, Error Handling for System Functions

nearbyint() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

nextafter() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

nexttoward() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

non-local jumps, Non-Local Jumps

null pointers, Pointers

numbers, converting between strings and, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers


octal constants, Integer Constants

offsetof macro, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

operating systems, communicating with, Communication with the Operating System

operators, Expressions and Operators, Alternative notation for operators, Expressions and Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Relational Operators and Logical Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Memory Accessing Operators, Memory Accessing Operators, Alternative notation for operators, Alternative notation for operators, Complex Declarations

alternative notation for, Alternative notation for operators
arithmetic, Arithmetic Operators
assignment, Assignment Operators
bitwise, Bitwise Operators
for complex declarations, Complex Declarations
logical, Logical Operators
memory accessing, Memory Accessing Operators, Memory Accessing Operators
precedence of, Expressions and Operators
relational, Relational Operators and Logical Operators
symbolic constants for, Alternative notation for operators

optimizing efficiency of floating-point operations, Optimizing Runtime Efficiency

optional arguments, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

orientation of files, setting, Input and Output


parameters of functions, Function Definitions

perror() function, General File Access Functions, Error Handling for System Functions

pointers, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Arrays, Pointers, Function pointers, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions, restrict

arithmetic operations on, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer arithmetic
restrict type qualifier, restrict
to structures, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields
type conversions in, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers
type qualifiers and, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions
vs. arrays, Arrays

polar coordinates, representing imaginary numbers, Complex floating types

postfix notation, Arithmetic Operators

pow() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

#pragma directive, #pragma

precedence of operators, Expressions and Operators

predefined standard macros, Predefined standard macros

predefined types, Basic Types, The Type void

prefix notation, Arithmetic Operators

preprocessing directives, C Program Structure, Preprocessing Directives, Predefined standard macros

printf() function, Formatted output , Formatted output , Formatted output

conversion specification for, Formatted output , Formatted output

process control, Process Control, Error Handling for System Functions, Signals, Signals

sending signals, Signals, Signals

promoting integers, Integer Promotion, Function Calls

prototype style of function declaration, Function Definitions

prototypes, function, Function Prototypes (see function prototypes)

ptrdiff_t type, Standard Header Files

pure imaginary numbers, Complex floating types

putc() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

putchar() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

puts() function, Reading and writing characters and strings


qsort() function, Searching and Sorting

qualifying object types, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions, Examples:

quiet NANs, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers


raise() function, Signals

rand() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

read/write operations and file position, Input and Output

reading from files, functions for, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input

error handling, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions

real floating types, Real and Complex Floating Types, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

mathematical functions for, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types
range and precision of, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

realloc() function, Dynamic Memory Management

records, structure of, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

recursive functions, Function Definitions

recursive structures, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

reference declaration, Linkage of Identifiers

register storage class specifier, Storage Classes

relational operators, Relational Operators and Logical Operators

remainder() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

remove() function, General File Access Functions

remquo() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

rename() function, General File Access Functions

restrict type qualifier, restrict

return statement, return

rewind() function, General File Access Functions

Richards, M., Introduction

rint() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

Ritchie, Dennis, Introduction

round() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

rounding behavior, controlling, The Floating-Point Environment


scalar types, Derived Types

scalbln() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

scalbn() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

scanf() function, Formatted input, Formatted input, Formatted input

conversion specification for, Formatted input, Formatted input

scanlists, Formatted input

scope of identifiers, Categories and Scope of Identifiers

search utility, Searching and Sorting

sequence operator (,), Other Operators

setbuf() function, General File Access Functions

setjmp() macro, Non-Local Jumps

setjmp.h header file, Standard Header Files, Non-Local Jumps

setlocale() function, Internationalization

setvbuf() function, General File Access Functions

short int type, Integer Types

short type, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

showPage() function, C Program Structure

SIGABRT macro, Signals

SIGFPE macro, Signals

SIGILL macro, Signals

SIGINT macro, Signals

signal() function, Signals

signal.h header file, Standard Header Files, Signals

signaling NANs, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

signals, sending to processes, Signals, Signals

signbit() macro, Classification of Floating-Point Numbers

signed char type, Integer Types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of, Value Ranges of Integer Types

signed integer types, Integer Types

SIGSEGV macro, Signals

SIGTERM macro, Signals

sig_atomic_t type, Signals

SIG_DFL constant, Signals

SIG_IGN constant, Signals

simple assignment operator, Assignment Operators

simple declarations, Complex Declarations

sin() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

sinh() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

sizeof operator, Other Operators, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Arrays

arrays and, Arrays
obtaining storage size of structures with, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

size_t type, Standard Header Files

snprintf() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

sort utility, Searching and Sorting

source character sets, Character Sets

source files, C Program Structure

sprintf() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

sqrt() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

srand() function, Mathematical Functions for Integer Types

sscanf() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

standard header files, Standard Header Files

standard library, contents of, Standard Library, Internationalization

statements, C Program Structure, Statements, Example:, Function Definitions

in function body, Function Definitions

static storage class specifier, Storage Classes, Function Definitions

static storage duration, Storage Classes

status flags, handling floating-point exceptions, The Floating-Point Environment

stdarg.h header file, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments, Standard Header Files

stdbool.h header file, Integer Types, Standard Header Files

__STDC__ macro, Predefined standard macros

stddef.h header file, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Standard Header Files

stdin/stdout/stderr file pointers, Input and Output

stdint.h header file, Integer Types, Standard Header Files, Formatted output , Value Ranges of Integer Types

value ranges of integer types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

stdio.h header file, Standard Header Files, General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions, File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input

file access functions, General File Access Functions, General File Access Functions
file I/O functions, File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input

stdlib.h header file, Standard Header Files, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers, Multibyte Character Conversion, Dynamic Memory Management

converting between strings and numbers, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers
dynamic memory management, Dynamic Memory Management

__STD_HOSTED__ macro, Predefined standard macros

__STD_VERSION__ macro, Predefined standard macros

storage classes, Storage Classes, Initialization, Function Definitions, Linkage of Identifiers

determining linkage of identifiers, Linkage of Identifiers
of functions, Function Definitions
of variables, Storage Classes, Initialization

storage durations for variables, Storage Classes

strcat() function, String Handling

strchr() function, String Handling

strcmp() function, String Handling

strcoll() function, String Handling

strcpy() function, String Handling

strcspn() function, String Handling

strerror() function, Error Handling for System Functions

strftime() function, Time and Date

string literals, Character Constants and String Literals

string.h header file, Standard Header Files, String Handling

strings, Arrays, Reading and writing characters and strings , Formatted output , Formatted input, String Handling, Multibyte Character Conversion, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

converting between numbers and, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers
formatting input of, Formatted input
formatting output of, Formatted output
read/write functions for, Reading and writing characters and strings

strlen() function, String Handling

strncat() function, String Handling

strncmp() function, String Handling

strncpy() function, String Handling

strpbrk() function, String Handling

strrchr() function, String Handling

strspn() function, String Handling

strstr() function, String Handling

strtod() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

strtoimax() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

strtok() function, String Handling

strtol() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

strtoll() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

strtoul() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

strtoull() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

strtoumax() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

struct keyword, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

structure types, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields

structures and bit-fields, Bit-fields

strxfrm() function, String Handling

subscript operator ([]), Memory Accessing Operators

subtraction operator (-), Arithmetic Operators

switch statement, switch

symbolic constants, Alternative notation for operators, Examples:

for operators, Alternative notation for operators

system() function, Communication with the Operating System


tags, Enumeration Types, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Unions

in enumerations, Enumeration Types
in structures, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields
in unions, Unions

tan() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

tanh() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

ternary operators, Expressions and Operators

tgamma() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

tgmath.h header file, Standard Header Files, Type-Generic Macros

Thompson, K., Introduction

time and date functions, Time and Date

__TIME__ macro, Predefined standard macros

time() function, Time and Date

time.h header file, Standard Header Files, Time and Date

tmpfile() function, General File Access Functions

tmpnam() function, General File Access Functions

token-pasting operator (##), The ## Operator

tokens, C Program Structure

tolower() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

toupper() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

towctrans() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

towupper() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

translation units, C Program Structure

trigraph sequences, Character Sets

trunc() function, Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types

(<Emphasis>type<Default Para Font>) cast operator, Other Operators, Type Conversions

type conversions and, Type Conversions

type conversions, Type Conversions, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers, Function Calls

in assignments and pointers, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers
function arguments and, Function Calls

type definitions, typedef

type qualifiers, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions, Examples:

type specifier void, The Type void, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers, Function Prototypes

function prototypes and, Function Prototypes
type conversions and, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers

type-generic macros, Type-Generic Macros

typedef keyword, typedef

types, Basic Types, The Type void, Basic Types, The Type void, Integer Types, Real and Complex Floating Types, Derived Types, Examples:, Derived Types, Derived Types, Derived Types, Derived Types, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Standard Header Files

aggregate, Derived Types
arithmetic, Derived Types
commonly used (ANSI C library), Standard Header Files
derived, Derived Types, Examples:
enumeration, Derived Types
floating, Real and Complex Floating Types (see floating types)
integer, Integer Types (see integer types)
predefined, Basic Types, The Type void
scalar, Derived Types
structure, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields


UINT<Emphasis>N<Default Para Font>_C() macro, Integer Constants

UINTMAX_C() macro, Integer Constants

uintmax_t type, Integer Types

unary operators, Expressions and Operators

unconditional jumps, goto

#undef directive, #undef

ungetc() function, Reading and writing characters and strings

Unicode character encoding, Character Sets

union keyword, Unions

unions, Unions, Bit-fields

bit-fields and, Bit-fields

unsigned char type, Integer Types

unsigned int type, Integer Types

unsigned integer types, Integer Types

unsigned long long type, Integer Types

unsigned long type, Integer Types

unsigned short type, Integer Types

usual arithmetic conversions, Usual Arithmetic Conversions


value ranges, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Value Ranges of Integer Types, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types

of floating types, Internal representation of a real floating-point number, Range and Precision of Real Floating Types
of integer types, Value Ranges of Integer Types

variable-length arrays, Arrays

variables, Variables, Initialization, Storage Classes, Initialization, Initialization, Enumeration Types, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Pointers, Function pointers, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions

enumeration types and, Enumeration Types
initializing, Initialization
pointers and, Pointers, Function pointers
storage classes of, Storage Classes, Initialization
structure types and, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields, Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields
type qualifiers and, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions

va_arg macro, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

va_end macro, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments

va_list type, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

va_start macro, Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

vfprintf() function, Formatted output

vfscanf() function, Formatted input

void type specifier, The Type void, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers, Function Prototypes

function prototypes and, Function Prototypes
type conversions and, Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers

volatile type qualifier, Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions

vprintf() function, Formatted output

vscanf() function, Formatted input

vsnprintf() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

vsprintf() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers

vsscanf() function, Conversion Between Strings and Numbers


wchar.h header file, Standard Header Files, Reading and writing characters and strings , Character Classification and Case Mapping

character read/write functions, Reading and writing characters and strings
classification and mapping functions, Character Classification and Case Mapping

wchar_t type, Character Sets, Arrays, Standard Header Files, Multibyte Character Conversion

wcsftime() function, Time and Date

wcstombs() function, Multibyte Character Conversion

wctob() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

wctomb() function, Multibyte Character Conversion

wctype() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

wctype.h header file, Standard Header Files, Character Classification and Case Mapping

while statement, while

wide character type (wchar_t), Character Sets, Arrays, Standard Header Files, Multibyte Character Conversion

wide string literals, Character Constants and String Literals, Arrays

wide-oriented files, Input and Output

wint_t type, Standard Header Files

writing to files, functions for, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions , File Input/Output Functions, Formatted input

error handling, Error Handling for Input/Output Functions

wtrans() function, Character Classification and Case Mapping

About the Authors

Peter Prinz specializes in developing software and in teaching Assembler, C/C++/C#, Java, Windows (MFC), and UNIX system programming. As the chief developer and cofounder of an IT company, Peter has gained extensive experience in software development for computer telephony. As a seminar leader and key course developer at a professional consulting and training company he has taught courses to thousands of software developers. Peter is the co-author with his wife Ulla of several other books on software development in C/C++. More recent projects include "A Complete Guide to Programming in C++" (Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2002). Peter currently resides in Munich, Germany, with Ulla and their two children: Vivi and Jeany. He may be contacted by email at [email protected]

Table of Contents

C Pocket Reference

1. C Pocket Reference
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Font Conventions
1.2. Fundamentals
1.2.1. C Program Structure
1.2.2. Character Sets
1.2.3. Identifiers
1.2.4. Categories and Scope of Identifiers
1.3. Basic Types
1.3.1. Integer Types
1.3.2. Real and Complex Floating Types Internal representation of a real floating-point number Complex floating types
1.3.3. The Type void
1.4. Constants
1.4.1. Integer Constants
1.4.2. Floating Constants
1.4.3. Character Constants and String Literals
1.5. Expressions and Operators
1.5.1. Arithmetic Operators
1.5.2. Assignment Operators
1.5.3. Relational Operators and Logical Operators
1.5.4. Logical Operators
1.5.5. Bitwise Operators
1.5.6. Memory Accessing Operators
1.5.7. Other Operators Alternative notation for operators
1.6. Type Conversions
1.6.1. Integer Promotion
1.6.2. Usual Arithmetic Conversions
1.6.3. Type Conversions in Assignments and Pointers
1.7. Statements
1.7.1. Block and Expression Statements
1.7.2. Jumps
if ... else
1.7.3. Loops
do ... while
1.7.4. Unconditional Jumps
1.8. Declarations
1.8.1. General Syntax and Examples
1.8.2. Complex Declarations
1.9. Variables
1.9.1. Storage Classes
1.9.2. Initialization
1.10. Derived Types
1.10.1. Enumeration Types
1.10.2. Structures, Unions, and Bit-Fields Unions Bit-fields
1.10.3. Arrays
1.10.4. Pointers Pointer arithmetic Function pointers
1.10.5. Type Qualifiers and Type Definitions
1.11. Functions
1.11.1. Function Prototypes
1.11.2. Function Definitions
1.11.3. Function Calls
1.11.4. Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments
1.12. Linkage of Identifiers
1.13. Preprocessing Directives
The # Operator
The ## Operator
#if, #elif, #else, #endif
The defined operator
#ifdef and #ifndef
1.14. Standard Library
1.15. Standard Header Files
1.16. Input and Output
1.16.1. Error Handling for Input/Output Functions
1.16.2. General File Access Functions
1.16.3. File Input/Output Functions Reading and writing characters and strings Block read and write functions Formatted output Formatted input
1.17. Numerical Limits and Number Classification
1.17.1. Value Ranges of Integer Types
1.17.2. Range and Precision of Real Floating Types
1.17.3. Classification of Floating-Point Numbers
1.18. Mathematical Functions
1.18.1. Mathematical Functions for Integer Types
1.18.2. Mathematical Functions for Real Floating Types
1.18.3. Optimizing Runtime Efficiency
1.18.4. Mathematical Functions for Complex Floating Types
1.18.5. Type-Generic Macros
1.18.6. Error Handling for Mathematical Functions
1.18.7. The Floating-Point Environment
1.19. Character Classification and Case Mapping
1.20. String Handling
1.20.1. Conversion Between Strings and Numbers
1.20.2. Multibyte Character Conversion
1.21. Searching and Sorting
1.22. Memory Block Management
1.23. Dynamic Memory Management
1.24. Time and Date
1.25. Process Control
1.25.1. Communication with the Operating System
1.25.2. Signals
1.25.3. Non-Local Jumps
1.25.4. Error Handling for System Functions
1.26. Internationalization
About the Authors

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