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Ollie & Moon – Read Now and Download Mobi


Ollie and Moon are best friends, and Ollie loves surprising Moon almost as much as Moon loves guessing Ollie’s surprises. Today, Ollie has the best surprise yet for Moon, and she can’t wait to guess what it is! As they gambol through the streets of Paris, hints about the surprise accumulate every step of the way. Will Moon guess Ollie’s surprise before they reach it? Tickled readers will be guessing right alongside Moon!

Diane Kredensor is an Emmy award-winning children’s television director and artist. She was inspired to write this “buddy story” by her love of people, her love of travel, and her love of cheese! The distinctive art style features Diane’s bold, stylized characters superimposed atop Sandra Kress’s charming photographs of Paris. French words and landmarks add to the fun. This delightful friendship story will keep readers laughing as they join Ollie and Moon on their cumulative guessing game through the City of Light.

From the…

Diane Kredensor

Copyright © 2011 by Diane Kredensor




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Text and illustrations copyright © 2011 by Diane Kredensor
Photographs copyright © 2011 by Sandra Kress

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kredensor, Diane.
Ollie & Moon / by Diane Kredensor ; photographs by Sandra Kress. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
Summary: Ollie provides a series of clues to his best friend, Moon, as he takes her all through Paris, France, but she is unable to guess what surprise he has in store.
ISBN 978-0-375-86698-2 (trade) — ISBN 978-0-375-96698-9 (lib. bdg.) — ISBN 978-0-375-98084-8 (ebk)
[1. Surprise—Fiction. 2. Best friends—Fiction. 3. Friendship—Fiction. 4. Paris (France)—Fiction. 5. France—Fiction.] I. Kress, Sandra, ill. II. Title. III. Title: Ollie and Moon.
PZ7.K877Oll 2011

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Title Page



First Page

About the Author and Illustrator

H.K., this one’s for you.
And a special thanks to
Emma and Dadoo.

Ollie and Moon are best friends.

Moon loves surprises, and Ollie loves to surprise Moon. One time he surprised her with a spaghetti cake—for no reason.

Another time he surprised her with a performance of Irish folk dance.

Ollie even surprised Moon when he wasn’t trying to surprise her.

As much as Moon loves getting surprises, she loves trying to guess what they are even more.

Once she even found her birthday present—two days before her birthday.

Ollie had hidden it under Stanley.

One day Ollie buzzed Moon’s intercom. “I have a surprise for you!” he told her.

“Oh, goody, goody, goody, goody!” said Moon. “I’ll be right out.”

While Ollie waited on the sidewalk, Moon carefully picked out a hat to wear—the silly one.

“Ollie, guess which hat I’m wearing!” Moon said through the intercom.

Ollie peeked in Moon’s window. “The silly one,” he said. Ollie wasn’t much for guessing.

“So, where’s my surprise?” Moon asked, stepping outside.

She looked all around.

She looked over Ollie and under Ollie, but she didn’t see a surprise.

“I have to take you to it,” said Ollie. “Let’s go!”

Ollie’s stomach was growling, so they stopped at the fromagerie to buy some Brie.

“Is my surprise cheese?” Moon guessed.

“Nope. But your surprise is round,” Ollie replied.

“Aha!” Moon proclaimed. “My surprise is … ROUND.”

“Yes, but that’s not all it is,” Ollie said as they continued down the street.

On the Métro, Ollie tapped his toe to some funky music. Whenever Ollie heard music, he couldn’t help but dance. He even tried out a few new moves.

“Hey,” said Moon. “Is my surprise musical?”

“As a matter of fact, it is,” said Ollie.

“Aha!” Moon cried. “So my surprise is … ROUND and MUSICAL.”

“You’re right, but that’s not all it is,” Ollie said, and they hit the streets again.

They passed Stanley by the fruit stand. He was buying apples and bananas.

“Hello, Stanley,” said Ollie.

Bonjour,” replied Stanley.

“Hey,” said Moon. “Is my surprise red or yellow?”

“As a matter of fact, it has lots of colors,” said Ollie.

“Aha!” Moon cried. “So my surprise is …

  and it has LOTS OF COLORS.”

“True! But that’s not all,” Ollie said as they continued on their way.

Walking through a park, they came upon some chess players.

“Hey,” said Moon. “Does my surprise have fur, hooves, or feathers?”

“As a matter of fact, it has all three,” said Ollie.

“Aha!” Moon cried. “So my surprise is …

  it has LOTS OF COLORS, and it has

“Yup, but that’s not all,” Ollie said as they went on their merry way.

Ollie knew just the thing to cheer up Moon. Snapshots!

“Hey,” said Moon. “Is my surprise bright with lights?”

“As a matter of fact, it’s very bright,” said Ollie.

“Aha!” Moon cried. “So my surprise is …

  it has LOTS OF COLORS,
  it has FUR, HOOVES, and FEATHERS,
  and it’s BRIGHT with LIGHTS!”

Ollie slipped and dropped his Brie.
            The Brie
                  rolled round
                        and round,
                              down the stairs.

“Hey,” huffed Moon while they were chasing the runaway cheese, “does my surprise spin round and round and round again?”

“As … a matter of fact …,” Ollie puffed, “it … does!”

“Aha!” Moon cried. “So my surprise is …

  it has LOTS OF COLORS,
  it has FUR, HOOVES, and FEATHERS,
  it’s BRIGHT with LIGHTS,
  and it SPINS round and round
  and round again!”

“Ollie, I can read you like a book,” said Moon. “I know what my surprise is—it’s an elephant on a unicycle juggling animals while playing the French horn!”

“Nope,” replied Ollie. “Good guess, though.”

“Whew!” said Moon. “I don’t really have space for an elephant in my apartment.”

“Almost there …,” said Ollie.

Just then, they turned the corner, and there before Moon’s eyes was the best surprise ever .…


“Ta-da!” crowed Ollie. “Happy surprise, Moon!”

Moon loved her carousel ride—even more than she loved guessing.

And Ollie was so very happy that Moon hadn’t guessed what it was—otherwise it wouldn’t have been a surprise.


Author-illustrator DIANE KREDENSOR’s formative years were spent dressing her dog in old baby clothes and reading MAD magazine, and her grown-up years have been spent pursuing a successful career in children’s animation in Los Angeles and New York. She still hasn’t grown up all the way, something of which she’s proud. Diane is an Emmy Award–winning artist who has worked on such hit shows as Pinky and the Brain, Oswald, and WordWorld, to name a few. This is her first children’s book. Diane happily makes her home in Brooklyn, New York, with her three loves—two of whom bear a passing resemblance to Ollie and Moon. Visit Diane at www.dianekredensor.com.

SANDRA KRESS grew up in a suburb of Detroit and fell in love with photography after receiving a camera for her fifteenth birthday. She is an alumna of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the International Center of Photography School in New York City. Sandra lives in Paris. Visit her at www.sandrakress.com.

Table of Contents


Title Page




First Page

About the Author and Illustrator

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