Smashing eBook: Professional Workflow for Web Designers – Read Now and Download Mobi
Published in May 2011
Smashing Media GmbH, Freiburg, Germany
Cover Design: Ricardo Gimenes
Author: Luke Reimer
Editing: Thomas Burkert
Proofreading: Andrew Lobo
Marketing: Christina Sitte
Concept: Sven Lennartz, Vitaly Friedman
Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. Smashing Magazine is a well-respected international online publication for professional Web designers and developers. Our main goal is to support the Web design community with useful and valuable articles and resources, written and created by experienced designers and developers.
ISBN: 978-3-943075-15-1
Version: May 18, 2011
Table of Contents
Lessons from Corporate Web Design
Web Design Risk Management and Liability
APPENDIX: Sample Legal Documents
The Legal Side of Web Design
This article will dive into the legal aspect of web design with a focus on the legal documents that are necessary to successfully conduct business as a freelancer. While often considered a dry topic, it is absolutely integral to the design process in order to secure your revenue and combat any conflicts or scenarios which would put you at a disadvantage.
As part of this piece a sample legal document of each type has been carefully prepared to serve as examples for you to use. These examples will be provided along with descriptions and explanations of their purpose and best use. Each document is freely available for anyone to use or modify without copyright or license restriction.
Note: All templates are available as .doc-templates in the folder Templates of the Smashing Bundle.
Freelance Documents
It’s important to understand that each web project is unique in its attributes, client type, scope, and features. Not all legal documents need to be used in each scenario (such as the subcontract agreement), but I would stipulate that a select few should be absolutely mandatory for each and every piece of work no matter what the scale or scenario – specifically the contractual agreement, invoices, and web site terms of service. These can be considered the bare bones of legality that serve to protect both your interests and your clients. Without them, the worst case scenario can be truly frightening!
That said, modification and use of these documents doesn’t have to be a pain or hassle. They’re here to help you and keep both you and your clients on track – and believe me when I say that you’ll be eternally grateful for their presence and application on the day that you truly need them.
I’ve separated the legal document examples into two overall categories; client management documents and web site documents. Client management documents represent the bulk and touch on the most serious and sensitive legal issues as these govern the relationship that you have with your client. Web site documents on the other hand contain the legal aspect that a finished web project should contain – the terms of service and privacy policy. While these often affect the client more than yourself, they’re important to have on hand.
Client Management Documents
Client Questionnaire
An understanding of your potential clients’ needs, history, and current state of affairs is often the key to a successful project and working relationship. The Client Questionnaire document provides a framework for gathering detailed information by asking pointed strategic questions and allowing the client to answer thoroughly in their own time. The goal of an initial client questionnaire isn’t to learn absolutely everything, but rather provide you with key indications of the current scenario and an analysis of the profitability and chance of success for the project. Further planning and discovery meetings will certainly be necessary, especially concerning any technical details. Think of this document as a preliminary step – and in that sense, it shouldn’t extend beyond 2 or 3 pages.
Key information to be gained through such a questionnaire includes company type and history, goals and expectations for the project, project budget, an idea of what the client finds attractive/unattractive in terms of design and features, and an awareness of competitor web sites. Since much of this information isn’t included in later more technical or conceptual design conversations, some key points (and possibly warning bells) can often be missed if you skip this step.
Work Order or Creative Brief
A work order or creative brief outlines the actual work that is going to be accomplished. It is here that all details surrounding the design and development, including technical aspects, should be included. This is in contrast to a document that defines the relationship between client and consultant, which is covered shortly as a “Contractual Agreement”.
Creative briefs often vary in format, type, and content both between different web design firms as well as between different web projects. By this time you should have a great understanding of the client’s initial needs from the client questionnaire, have met with them to discuss the finer details, and are now simply documenting precisely what you are going to provide.
Details such as payment terms, as well as deadlines, can be included in this document or in the contractual agreement (or both) depending on your preference or the needs of the project. In this example, I’ve left financial details to the contractual agreement but have included project start and finish dates in the work order.
Contractual Agreement
This document can be considered to be the most important of the bunch by far. The contractual agreement gets right down into the details of the client/consultant relationship using legal terminology and encompassing all scenarios and aspects of the project. Key areas are confidentiality, payment terms, due dates, expenses, reservation of rights, definition of relationships, liability, permissions and releases, termination, and acknowledgement.
No stone should be unturned within the scope of this document, so be sure to pay it serious time and attention to make sure that it is comprehensive, relevant, and clear in its language. I find it useful to envision what horror stories could potentially take place and safeguard against each one. For example, ask yourself questions like the following:
• What if a client refuses to pay for work already completed?
• What happens when a client terminates the project halfway through?
• What happens if a client doesn’t pay an invoice on time?
• Who pays for legal fees if there are serious conflicts?
• When and where can I use the client’s name (in my portfolio)?
Each of these questions, and more like them, should be addressed in a contract. Work on yours, fine-tune it, and use it as a template for the majority of your web projects. In this way you’ll have a carefully crafted and hopefully bullet-proof legal shield for any scenario concerning content, dates, payment, and the like.
Lastly, the contract means nothing if it is not solidified and made legally binding – this is most commonly done through signatures. I can’t stress enough that email communication will simply not suffice. Meet in person, use a fax connection, or employ any other means necessary to ensure that the contract becomes binding. The most solid of contracts are those which have multiple original copies signed by two parties as well as witnesses, and have multiple copies retained for record-keeping purposes.
Confidentiality Agreement
Also referred to as an NDA or Non-Disclosure Agreement, this document ensures the client that any company information that you become aware of in your work remains confidential. Although this may feel like a formality, it is often one of the documents that the client takes the most seriously. In fortune 500 corporations, for example, even the organizational structure (who is the manager of who) is considered confidential information. Sensitive information that you’ll deal with will most likely be names and contacts within the organization, exposure to internal processes, some content, and potentially access to company web servers. This document ensures the client that you’ll keep this information safe.
Dealing with confidential information isn’t quite that simple, however, as important questions arise in certain scenarios. For example, if information becomes publically known through an entirely third party, how will you make sure that you aren’t held responsible? This document is helpful in defining what information is indeed considered confidential, and in limiting your liability in the event of information leak.
Sample Confidentiality Agreement
Often a subcontractor will be necessary to complete a web project. A subcontract is one similar to the contractual agreement you undertake with a client, but different in several key regards. First, you can be more specific on technical terms and aspects – including if you wish the details of the work rather than including them in a separate work order. Second, it’s important to specify rights of publication of the work and the working relationship – for example making sure that the subcontractor lists your name and company when listing the work in his or her portfolio. Lastly, several other details differ such as the copyright being in the subcontractors name rather than yours.
Be sure to understand your project workflow and how it will affect your allowances and protection within the subcontract. For example, work produced by the subcontractor may need to be approved by the client, taking valuable time, as well as finances filtering down from the client to you and on to the subcontractor. Manage and plan your due dates and payment terms carefully to ensure a stress-free experience for all involved parties.
There are risks when dealing with both clients and subcontractors – be sure to use these documents to comprehensively manage those risks and cover your liability, especially when working with both at the same time.
Invoices are very common, familiar, and widely used. Many, however, forget that these are indeed legal documents and should contain important pieces of information and process in order to bind a client to payment. I would recommend using a web service such as the Invoice Machine to generate invoices for you, making it both easier and faster to manage past, present, and future invoices. However, I will include a sample invoice and point out the major areas where certain information should be included.
First, be sure to include contact information which serves to identify the two legal parties responsible for sending and receiving payment and notifications. Second, the amount being invoiced and the work it represents should also be clearly marked to avoid any confusion. Lastly, include the payment terms in the invoice even if they have already been documented in the contractual agreement. Often the invoice will pass beyond your primary contact and into a finance department, where individuals need this information for their records and to ensure timely payment.
Notification of Payment Due or Overdue
Simply sending an invoice may not be enough; often clients need a reminder of payment due, especially if it’s been several weeks since sending the original invoice. Reminding a client of an outstanding balance can be accomplished in several ways – first, by sending a formal notification, or second by general communication methods such as email or phone. To accommodate both of these options, I’ve included formal samples in this section, as well as sample emails in the following section.
As with all documents related to direct and ongoing communication with a client, professionalism is paramount. Concerning payments, notifications of payments due, and overdue invoices there are special considerations to take into account such as watching your tone carefully so as not to be overly confrontational. I generally try to be professional yet lighthearted as far into the process as I can until things get quite serious with overdue payments. No client wants to feel like they’re being accused of defaulting on payment and some can see certain language as a direct attack on their professionalism and credibility. These types of notifications certainly warrant a re-read before sending each time they’re used.
Sample Initial Payment Reminder
Email Templates
Email templates, while not necessarily legal documents, are useful to have on hand in order to automate your common communication tasks and reduce the time and effort put into administration. These should be used to whatever degree makes your life easier – and feel free to create more to meet your unique needs. I’ve put together the following which can be downloaded as plain text or email template files:
• Request for an initial meeting with a client
• Request for a subcontractor to do further work
• Declining a project
• Notification of payment due
• Notification of payment overdue
Remember that you never want the target party to be aware of the fact that you’re using email templates (if you do choose to use them). To be sure of this, always customize it in numerous ways for each instance, simply using the original template as a baseline starting point – not as a finished copy where you just insert the name.
Tip: Use the “high importance” setting on email clients carefully. I reserve this for late invoices, web server emergencies, or the like. Be sure to mix in phone calls with emails appropriately rather than using one or the other exclusively.
Release of Copyright
When you’re creating a free resource for a community, or if you’re required to hand off all rights to your work when dealing with a client, you’ll need to make use of a copyright release form to verify this action. A Release of Copyright is a statement acknowledging first that you are the rightful owner of the original copyright, and second that you release those rights to an individual or to the public. This allows them to make use of the materials without restriction, and also protects them from your legal wrath at any point in the future if you get antsy about the situation.
Included in this document are rights left over that the original author will hold, after the copyright has been transferred. Feel free to modify these to ensure that you have some use of the materials – such as using code snippets in future projects, or featuring the work in your portfolio.
Web Site Documents
So far the documents discussed have been of use in client and subcontractor relations and fall under a business operational context. The following two documents are more concerned with the public’s interaction with the web sites that you create. Using these documents not only protects yourself as the creator of a web site, but also the end client who will retain ownership of the content and operation.
Legal departments of web client companies can often have a hand in reviewing and/or modifying these documents, but are certainly pleased at their inclusion from the beginning – which speaks to your awareness of legal issues and professionalism as a designer.
Terms of Service
Terms of Service of Terms of Use documents outline a general agreement between the web site owners and the public or end-users. The basic purpose of this document is to exclude the web site owners from any liability for user-generated content, incorrect use of the web site, or other detrimental scenarios that may result from the public’s use. Secondly, it reinforces the copyright ownership of all web site content and restricts the use of such content by the public. Lastly, it outlines that the web site content may change at any time, and that its accuracy is not ensured.
This type of document can often be the exact same for any number of web sites – and it’s far more beneficial to include one than not. Remember, legality in the web design industry is about protecting you from possible future worst-case scenarios. It is the warm blanket of overly complicated vocabulary that protects you from the evil-doing public and shifty clients.
Privacy Policy
A web site’s privacy policy outlines what information may be collected from users, how it may be used, and what sort of cookies or tracking technology may be employed. Basically, it governs all interactions between users and the web site. This document is extremely important to include, as without it a client can be penalized legally and criminally for misuse of end user information – even if voluntarily submitted.
While most legal documents are simple, to the point, and no-nonsense, it’s good to include some reassurance for users in this one – such as a commitment to protect their information. Many users are growing ever more concerned about the release and use of their personal information, making it important for us as industry professionals to be sensitive to these concerns.
Using the Documents
The documents that have been provided here are samples both in format and in content. There are many different types, trends, and preferences concerning what go into these documents. For example, non-disclosure agreements can be included in a contractual agreement or kept as separate documents – or, payment terms can be included either in a work order or within the contractual agreement as well. It’s up to you to decide what makes the most sense for your business and your specific projects.
Stacking the deck
When constructing these documents, and especially in the case of the contractual agreement, you’re in essence outlining the various ins and outs of your working relationship with the client. There are two parties in this relationship, and it’s important that each are treated fairly within the language and terms of your contracts and documents. If a contract sways to the advantage of one party over the other the result is an unfair or unequal client/consultant project relationship and the possibility of backlash from the client. Be sure to protect yourself, but be equally sure to protect the client and meet their needs. In the end they should be just as comfortable and satisfied with the documents as you are.
I know that I probably don’t need to mention this, but this is one of those situations in which spelling and grammar are paramount. In many cases entire legal teams and/or Vice President’s may be going through your documents with a fine-toothed comb, and your professionalism through language is certainly on the line. Read the documents, edit them, re-read them, have a friend read them (know any lawyers?), and then read them again. If English is your second language or you’re using another language that you’re not entirely comfortable or experienced with, be sure to seek an expert opinion from another source – you may have errors and not even realize it.
Including the documents in your project management
Once you’ve created and compiled your documents it’s important to know how and when to use them in your web design process. The titles and purposes of the documents aid in hinting when to do this – the majority are appropriate early on in the stages of your project.
Make sure to be clear and concise when providing the documents and proposing their use. It’s often useful to summarize each document for the benefit of the client, to explain that there are no loopholes or hidden terms, that you’ll give them ample time to review the documents, and that you’re open to suggestions for any changes. To discourage changes and save time, simply mention that these are standard documents and agreements that are commonly used in the industry and your other projects.
Above all, be clear that the purpose is to protect both the client and yourself from any unknown problems or situations that may arise. This project is both their baby and yours, and the documentation provides it a shield so it can grow into completion properly and on schedule. (Okay maybe don’t go too far with the baby metaphor but you get the idea). Some clients can be nervous about contracts and locking themselves into agreements; so keep it light-hearted and high-level, but diligent and precise.
Referencing the documents
Once the documents are in place, you can feel free to reference them throughout the project – and doing so often grounds your discussions and objectives, providing efficiency and timeliness. Refer to the work order when discussing features with your client, the subcontract when asking for revisions from a subcontractor, and confidentiality agreements when assuring a skittish company that their secrets are safe with you.
Storing the documents
It is extremely important that both you and the client store the document correctly and safely. First, make sure that each of you have the latest version and that there are copies of the signed version (or two original signed copies). Store electronic versions on your computer and on backup drives, and then print off several copies and file them. Be sure to store at least one copy off-site in the case of disaster at your office or home. No matter how many hard drives or printed copies you have, if they’re all in the same place and something goes terribly wrong, you could be out of luck.
So what happens when it all goes to downhill? Your client refuses to pay, the project gets terminated after hours of work, or they disappear entirely. That’s when these documents can financially save your life. Their very purpose is to guard against wrongdoing or violation, as well as to settle any conflicts that may arise. However, it’s important to go about this in a smart way.
If you come into conflict with a client regarding an issue that has been contractually documented, simply refer to the document as you deem necessary in your communication. It’s up to your discretion how forceful you want to be, but the reality is that these documents are legally binding – they’re designed to make it so that on these issues no one has a choice to violate the terms without a whole world of time, money, and trouble.
Big trouble
If things really go south, provide your client with another copy of the document and highlight the area which they have violated. Always remain polite and completely calm in each of your communications – the law is on your side and there is no sense in escalating a conflict needlessly with emotions.
Thankfully I have not reached this level of conflict with a client, but I would suggest the following. First, make more copies of the contract and store them in a variety of places. Second, review the contract and the area which has been violated to be absolutely certain what has happened and why it is wrong. Third, document all facets of the issue – save emails, record dates and times of correspondence, and the like. Fourth, speak with a lawyer to determine your next course of action. In the end there will most likely be self-resolution, arbitration or mediation, out-of-court settlement, or a trial in claims court. Beyond these recommendations it becomes a localized issue depending on the country in which you perform business.
1. Read over the documents carefully during the creation process, and again each time you use them to be certain that all of the terms are in place and that they each make sense for the current project.
2. Put on your financial hat and run through all of your documents to make sure that it is clear how much you’ll be getting paid, when you’ll be getting the funds, and what happens if you don’t.
3. Think in terms of dates and deadlines, combing through to determine what commitments you have made and schedule accordingly. Also be sure that you’ve protected yourself from any unforeseen events that may delay a project, or from responsibilities that are on the client’s end.
4. Make sure that it is clear first when the contract is solidified and the project has begun, and second at what point the contract ends or can be terminated. The opening and closing of a contract should be precise and very clear to both parties.
Lessons from Corporate Web Design
Web design can take place in a variety of settings; individually as a freelancer, as a web design firm, or working as a web designer within a company that has an alternative product or service. The point of this article is to shed some light on the major lesson one could learn from working as a web designer in the latter category among 15,000 employees rather than working freelance or as part of a small team. Every kind of employment certainly comes with pros and cons, but project management is a tool valuable to all.
I began my career like many web designers – as a young freelancer who built his skills and experience over many years. This helped to pay my way through school, and I concurrently started working on a corporate career by weaving connections and contacts to provide myself with as many options as possible. The freelance business had grown to the point where we were a small team of 3-5 individual freelancers and/or subcontracted agencies for specific purposes. I then accepted a position in an international corporation and for several years I worked either full time or part time, selectively keeping the freelance (and writing) work alive on the side. This has provided a triad of experience; individual freelance work, small web business administration, and corporate web design – each for several years. Now I would like to share what I’ve learned.
The Corporate Environment
Working in an office building is much more rigid and standardized than a home office, which means early mornings and serious coffee intake – but the benefits of standardized working hours and project discipline. Security badges, checkpoints, confidentiality, supervision, and the mass of other people make it quite a change. Keeping large teams on track requires a lot of dedication, motivation and tolerance to frustration. Making sure everyone is on board and up to date, planning and handling projects and customers, identifying bottlenecks and issues, as well as channeling the manifold client requests and desires – it all comes down to good Project Management. Several elements are key to smooth processes and big companies have brought project coordination to perfection using only a few small principles.
Team Dynamics and Roles
Many freelancers work on their own, and some as part of a team. It can be quite a unique experience tackling a project as part of a team of 10 or 11 individuals. Understanding the roles of each individual in a team-based project experience can help freelancers be aware of the different roles that they may need to play as individuals. There are three main roles in my experience, with others optional.
The Communicator
The Communicator is client-facing which involves communication, needs analysis, follow-ups, and all other interactions. This role requires communication skills, a high-level perspective of how the project works, and important analytical skills to determine client needs and any potential challenges from that end. This individual represents the gateway to and from the client and therefore plays a crucial part in ensuring that information is received and understood by both parties.
Loves: Lunch meetings
Hates: Sitting at a desk for more than an hour
RISK: This individual may have charming communication skills and a smooth tongue, but if they don’t personally understand all of the complex details of the project, the client has no hope of understanding the whole. These communicators need to be armed with knowledge and completely comfortable with the concepts that they will be explaining.
The Designer/Planner
The second role is design (not graphic design, but project design), which covers not so much the visual aspect as tailoring the overall solution. Within our industry this would include site architecture, awareness of overall goals, user experience, and much of the planning stage of web design. This role requires experience in the industry more than anything else, and an eye for conceptual user experience. These individuals take the needs of the client, couple it with industry experience, and piece together the overall strategy for kicking off the project. These are often administrators of the project in that they are the ones who propose the overall solution and can best visualize the end product.
Loves: Articles on usability
Hates: Specific micro tasks
RISK: Designing a project requires knowledge of many major aspects and details beyond the basic project requirements – if one of these are missed, problems can surface later in the project. Secondly, appropriate time needs to be paid to this task, as rushing it will cause similar future difficulties. Lastly, this individual needs to have all of the relevant information required for the design in order for it to be a successfully tailored solution.
The Developer
Third is development, which is the programming and often graphic design aspect of the project and involves the ground work to piece the site together initially, tweak it, and then ensure a quality finished product. Frustrations within this role can include lack of information, information not provided in a timely fashion, or technical difficulties working with fixer-upper sites or inadequate servers.
Loves: Triple-monitor displays
Hates: Slow internet connections
RISK: Often programmers are excited to use the latest and greatest framework or platform in a project to make it cutting edge and exciting. While this is surely a possibility, sometimes the older, usual, or ‘clunky’ framework is the right business choice for the project and client. Modernity needs to be balanced against compatibility and solutions that have been proven to last. Secondly, a project is not complete when all of the functionality is in place – it’s complete when it’s been thoroughly tested to ensure security and completion – a step often rushed or even overlooked as the project can feel “finished” before this point.
Optional: The Project Manager
The optional fourth role is that of a project manager. As previously described above, a project manager tracks time, goals, projections, and actuals concerning the effort being put into the project with an overall goal of maximum efficiency. Often project managers do not require extensive knowledge of the technological details of the project or even the industry, as these skills are general and can be applied to almost any scenario. The primary reason that this role is optional is that they often can’t be justified financially as a paid role on a project, and administrating individuals frequently take this upon themselves, acting as dual (or triple) roles.
Loves: When things get finished on time
Hates: When people don’t show up for status report meetings
Summary and Take-Aways
Obviously these roles are not the only ones that can be used – there are many more than can be added, or some of these taken away, depending on your business model, specific project needs, and industry. These are just a few of those available that I’ve seen put into practice as divisions between responsibilities on a web project team.
Understanding the roles and team dynamics explained in this section is crucial, and can be applied in a variety of ways.
• Know what you’re good at
This can help refine your strategy when job-hunting within a similar organization, and help you to personally leverage your skills when applying them to any sort of web design project or task.
• Get a head start on teamwork
If you have little experience working as part of a team, it can be quite the upheaval. Using this rough guide, you can identify the elements of the team and figure out how to interact well with the other members.
• Maintain and refine a high-level perspective
Success in the corporate world is strongly linked to the ability to maintain a birds-eye view of teams, projects, and business models. By demonstrating your understanding of how teams and the individual members can work together to successfully complete tasks efficiently, you’ll be demonstrating professionalism and rare insight that can be identified by management.
Project Management
The application of the corporate world revolves around project management. The majority of projects have PM’s assigned to help them along and make sure that everyone involved is striking off those items on their task list. Often weekly conference calls or meetings are held to gather status reports from each individual. Time is tracked and analyzed to discover actual vs. projected effort in order to reach maximum efficiency for the development team. The usefulness of Project Management to whip a project into shape will never be lost on me through this experience – these skills are premiere in the business community, and can be carried to any industry. The following elements of project management are useful to include in all levels of web design business:
Time Tracking
• Chronicle the time spent by all individuals on a project.
• Break down the time spent on certain tasks and form task categories.
• Analyze the total time spent per task type and later use it to estimate and formulate process efficiency directives.
Budget Tracking
• The use of time tracking and financial data lets you ascertain costs for certain specific features as well as overall projects.
• The financial analysis of past projects can be used to quote future proposals and minimize the risk of false estimation and misjudgment.
• Budget tracking as a part of your project management strategy saves you a lot of time since it also provides organized data for financial reporting, payroll, and the filing of taxes.
• Break down tasks and allocate capacities.
• Use data from past projects and the tools available to accurately create deadlines and project required time for tasks.
• Plan your capacities ahead of time, keeping track of idle potential.
• Employ these useful Estimation Techniques
Goals and Milestones
• Set specific goals for specific time periods.
• Track progress of these goals on a regular basis throughout the project.
• Milestones can be used as touch points to update clients and understand how much progress has been made, as well as required time and effort for completion.
Issue & Risk Assessment
• Potential risks can be identified at various points of the project and managed accordingly.
• The identification of common issues can promote the finding of solutions to avoid them in the future.
Constant Analysis
• The recording of data and its use to increase efficiency is the key to project management.
• An effective analysis of the data produces efficiency in future projects, the ability to avoid problems, and the means to quote proposals with confidence.
Tools and Software
• Effectively create, collaborate and deliver with Microsoft Project
• A nice open source multiple project support tool called RedMine
• An easy all-in-one project management tool EasyProjects
• This online project collaboration tool calls itself Basecamp
• Get an overview of the available project management software using Wikipedia’s comparison chart of PM tools
Through engaging with project management tactics you’ll be able to better manage your time and effort to find that sweet spot of productivity. It will speed up your projects, trim off wasted time, allow you to estimate time and costs more efficiently, and provide records of your work for use in future projects. For anyone interested in professional project management certification (such as a Professional Project Manager or Certified Associate of Project Management) web design work can often qualify as project management hours and aid in the requirements for certification. However, the hours required for qualification must be recorded in a certain level of detail – and project management strategies can help in ensuring that you have this information on hand.
Further Resources
• Project Management Institute
The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers globally recognized certifications of various types
• ProjectManagement.com
Free webinars, downloads, tools, and discussions regarding project management techniques and core principles
• Michael Greer’s Project Management Blog
A project management resource and training blog by Michael Greer
• VisiTask
Newsletters, resources, tips, and general information about project management
• Estimation Techniques
This article walks through three estimation techniques to apply to your projects
Summary and Take-Aways
• Personal applications
Familiarity and practice with project management tactics allows you to become more efficient personally in all manner of tasks. By adopting this framework and perspective you may find benefit in many areas, even those unrelated to web design.
• Team applications
As stated previously, project management is present in almost every large business and industry (or it should be). Becoming aware of this prevalence, as well as its workings, allows you to know your specific place within the project workflow and interact with tasks and other members accordingly.
• Transferable skills
Bring project management understanding and skills to every position. All businesses are works-in-progress, so if you see an area that is inefficient or creating a bottleneck in the production process, don’t hesitate to suggest implementation of project management strategies for improvement.
• Resume booster
Every employer loves to see project management as a skill on the resume. While everyone may have “proficient with Microsoft Word” and “time management” listed on their resumes, you can set yourself apart by revealing a distinct knowledge of project management and production process – communicated in the accurate business terminology presented here. Learn what you need to in order to be comfortable listing these skills to improve your value on paper.
Understanding Clients
If you work with medium to large corporate clients, professional experience can provide a window into their world and an understanding of their internal processes. Why does it take a month for an invoice to get paid? What is the chain of decision-making and approvals? Many major business entities run similarly including finance departments, marketing and creative directors, and a host of other roles and responsibilities. An understanding of how these work can aid in your interaction with business clients – you’ll see them as one fluid machine with separate working parts, rather than just an individual as the face of a company.
Often when you’re engaging with a client through a representative of their company, that individual will not have all of the knowledge and resources required to facilitate the implementation of the project. For example, you may wish to inquire about interfacing with the marketing team for existing graphics and materials, the IT department for server and technical aspects, and provide the required information to the finance department in order to keep the invoicing process smooth and efficient. Especially when engaging with individuals who have not worked with a web designer or design firm in the past, it can be useful to express your needs and pieces of the process in their own terms – guiding them in their task of working with you to complete the project as a company.
Summary and Take-Aways
The contractor-client relationship is still present in businesses with thousands of employees, just as it is in individual contract work. Don’t leave this model behind, and be sure to retain all of your experience dealing with clients, as they won’t be going away. In the corporate environment, your client may be a customer as an individual, a customer as another business, or internal clients represented by other teams inside the company.
Client experience from individual contract work and from corporate work can complement each other in beneficial and complex ways. The corporate element provides you with a perspective of a client’s background – the giant wheels turning behind them to process your work and the logistics of the project. Conversely, individual client work can apply in the corporate world with enormous potential; for example, using your personal interaction and business communication skills in a sales or account management role.
Process-Based Workflow
When you’re pumping out projects or products as part of a corporation, consistency is key. Process-based workflows are used in every single step of the process from client interactions to development and launch. Having documented process maps and workflows in place allows on-boarding of new employees to happen quickly and efficiently, employee turnover and lateral shift to be painless, and consistent delivery to take place. I can’t stress enough the importance of process and documentation, as bland as it may sound. Understanding your unique process and workflow for each project will not only allow you to make it more efficient through the analysis, but also helps you conceptualize the work that you do when speaking with clients who are inexperienced with the web design industry. You’ll be able to simply and succinctly describe the various milestones throughout the development process and sum up the stages of work, putting clients at ease and making sure that everyone on your team understands how their work fits into the overall design group structure.
The important factor of process-based operations to consider is that it is always changing and being improved upon. Creating and implementing a workflow is only the first step – analyzing it for bottlenecks, inefficiencies, needless steps, and under- or over-communication are important steps in analysis with the goal of smoother and timely operations.
Further Resources
• BNET Business Community
BNET business community white papers, webcasts, and resources regarding process improvement
• TIBCO Business Process Management
The TIBCO Business Process Management (BPM) resource center including purchasable software products as well as free seminar videos and articles
• Six Sigma
Six Sigma is an organization that offers certifications for various levels of process training with a focus on producing quality products and services within an organization
Summary and Take-Aways
• Compartmentalization
Learn to forget the people, specific projects, names, and individual tasks of a project or work environment and begin to develop a perspective of units, products, and process flow. Building this perspective takes time, but provides you with a unique view of the internal workings of a company and production process.
• Critique existing models
Striving to constantly improve the business and working environment around you makes you more profitable in a freelance setting, and gives you huge credit within a corporate setting. Use process flow knowledge and the perspective previously described to identify bottlenecks, unnecessary pieces of the workflow, and all other manner of improvements.
• Standardization and documentation are king
As mentioned in the content of this section, process workflows should be set up in a way that standardizes the production process, even to the extent that any new hire or replacement could quickly understand the business model and what needs to be done. Documentation is almost always an integral piece of this process.
Communication Skills
Communication in an office is extremely fast paced and often of a high volume. Emails, phone calls, voicemails, and IM’s can pile up – especially considering that many business professionals fail to use organizational tactics and prioritization. You’ve probably emailed a client at some point asking for information, only to be met with silence for quite some time. Are they ignoring you? Don’t they know that they’re under contract? Should you email again? These could be valid concerns, but more often than not in my experience the individuals are simply very busy people who, as I mentioned, may not be the best at prioritizing and responding to the hundreds of emails which they receive.
To help solve this problem, move things along quicker, and employ best practices in business communication, there are a few tips and tricks that can help increase your odds of getting a quick response.
1. Don’t send (or ask for) too much information in an email
If too much information or content is included, the recipient will either shelf the email for them to look at later (which increases risk that they forget), or only skim the contents and not assimilate all of the data. Instead, send quick, concise emails with simple questions. If you need a serious amount of information at once, look to number two.
2. Use the phone
If you need a large amount of information or you find that your emails are not getting appropriate attention, give the contact a phone call. If you get no response, leave a voicemail – or you can always email and request a dedicated time for a half hour conference call – these are my favorite.
3. Respond as quickly as possible, even if you have nothing to say
If I get an email asking for information that I do not yet have, or that I don’t have time to put together right away, I find it best to fire back a response with a simple “Thanks for your email – I’m looking into this and I’ll get back to you no later than Thursday” (or something along those lines). Then, throw in a calendar appointment to get it taken care of, and get back in touch when you can. Lead by example!
4. Escalate problems appropriately
If there is a conflict or if problems arise, including being met with silence, be sure to follow proper protocols for escalating an issue through the mediums of communication. The concept is quite simple: email, then phone call, voicemail if no response, then call (without leaving a message) until you get the individual on the line or leave a message with reception. Be clear, but respectful, and avoid too many attempts. Think carefully before acting or contacting alternate individuals.
5. Organize yourself
It’s important not to fall prey to some of the problems mentioned here in terms of client efficiency with communication. Make sure that you have methods and tools to keep your communication prioritized and your responses timely. Often this has to do with your email software and using it to its full capabilities. Ask your colleagues for tips, or do some online research – especially if you’re feeling rushed, stressed, and overwhelmed by communication.
Summary and Take-Aways
• External application
Developing and refining strong communication skills, for both the day-to-day mundane or the complex or conflictual, allows you to expand your career prospects and demonstrate that you can be trusted to represent a company or group. This often provides the most interesting roles and networking opportunities.
• Internal application
The way that you communicate with your coworkers and superiors will largely define their view of you, how you conduct business, and your level of professionalism, maturity, and experience. Don’t sweat over the pressure, but rather understand that in communication the little things can come to mean a lot.
• Transferable skills
It’s obvious that communication skills are transferable, but this is true to an almost infinite extent. We communicate every day in a wide variety of ways to a wide variety of people – and often this can make or break opportunities. Always keep in mind the significance of communication skills, and work to improve your own by identifying areas of weakness or oversight. Bring your polished finished product everywhere you go, and you’ll see the benefits without question.
There are important lessons to be taken from corporate web design roles, such as those covered here: project management, understanding clients, process-based workflows, team dynamics and roles, and communication. However, there are also lessons to be learned from exclusively web design companies, and highly successful individual freelancers. Feel free to share your experiences from your fields in the comments!
Web Design Risk Management and Liability
Liability, insurance, limiting risk, and an understanding of the legal relationships we have as service providers are important areas of knowledge for web design agencies and freelancers alike. Working at the corporate level requires knowledge of these areas in order to safely navigate through projects and clients while protecting your company’s credibility, reputation, and financial stability.
In this article, I’ll walk through several of these knowledge areas to help provide a better understanding of how they work, the nature of the systems and services in place, and provide recommendations for certain scenarios. The goal is for the reader to have a high-level grasp of corporate commerce as a legal entity, as well as to be armed with the tools and knowledge to prevent misfortune.
Legal Relationship
When you engage with a client as a web designer you officially take part in the service economy – the fastest growing area of international commerce. You become a service provider, and the client a customer or service recipient. This relationship can be compared to a whole variety of service industries, such as a banker providing advice to a client, an IT technician fixing a computer problem, or a gardener trimming the weeds. In each of these, commonalities arise in the relationship that exists, as well as in the responsibilities of each party.
As such a large contributor to the GDP of most developed and developing countries, the services sector falls under significant legal attention and standards of rights and responsibilities. When you as a web developer or web design agency officially enter this arena, it’s important to understand how the fish are swimming in this giant ocean of industry that you will call home.
Rights of Clients
At its most basic, clients have the right to a service which they pay for, or are promised under a legally binding contract. While most enforceable rights that clients hold should be carefully documented in a contractual agreement (which will be discussed shortly), there are several that are taken to be self-evident.
• Courtesy, Consideration, and Respect – without discrimination
• Transparency and honesty
• General quality of work
• Services provided in a timely fashion
• Right to privacy and confidentiality
Responsibilities of Clients
Beyond enforceable rights are responsibilities – these are presented within the context of professional industry and business, and although they can be difficult to enforce or use as grounds for a lawsuit, they are important to the agreeable completion of service transactions.
• To share concerns or questions with the service provider
• To make the service provider aware of situational changes which will affect the project/service
• To provide adequate payment for service in a timely fashion
• To act professionally and courteously
• Honoring agreements and upholding regional standards of business
Duty of Web Designers
Web service providers have similar duties which must be upheld under a service transaction. Imagine a doctor showing up late and providing an incorrect diagnosis to a patient. This example sounds far more serious than web design work, you may think, but what if a mistake on our part caused eventual sales losses of millions of potential revenue dollars, negatively affecting both employees and the company? It’s important to regard ourselves as professional service providers, and to take seriously the rights and responsibilities of all involved.
Breaches of Duty
When a web designer breaches their duty as a service provider there can be a number of consequences ranging in seriousness and impact to your business. A breach of duty can fall under two areas – first, what I’ll call “subjective breach of duty” which holds similarly styled consequences, or second a “breach of contract” which can hold far more serious implications.
For a more expanded definition of the “breach of duty” concept in legal terms, take a look at The Law of Negligence article in Suite101‘s legal articles section.
Subjective Breach of Duty
Such a breach of duty can entail work being completed unreasonably late, at a low standard of quality, employing misleading communication with a client, or any other number of examples stemming from violation of the rights and responsibilities of clients as service recipients. Such breaches can be made in varying degrees, with a correlated degree of consequences ranging from a client no longer using you as a web service provider for future projects to a serious dent in your credibility and reputation in the client community. An understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities as previously described help safeguard against such subjective breaches of duty and their consequences.
Breach of Contract
A breach of contract entails a direct violation of either contractual obligations previously agreed upon with a client or a violation of the legal system in the country where you’re providing the service. For example, if you discuss details of a web project with a friend and in doing so violate a confidentiality agreement, this is enforceable by law and could result in a lawsuit and punitive damages awarded to the client. Viability of lawsuits, verdict, and amount of claims all fall under civil court systems (as opposed to criminal court systems), whose outcomes depend on past case precedents and measurements of damage.
Crafting and solidifying a contractual agreement with a client usually serves as a protection for web designers against a client breaching the contract – but it’s extremely important to keep in mind that web service providers are equally bound by such contracts. In cases of gross breach of contract – even one that you designed yourself and have used for past projects – the client can make a case completely founded on that document.
Few of us would intentionally breach a duty of service or duty of contract, but mistakes and omissions will always remain risks facing any industry or economy. Whether a new employee unwittingly discusses confidential information or a disaster wipes out your files causing substantial delays, risk management is a tactic to be employed every step of the way to safeguard against potential consequences.
There are several methods to safeguard against legal or financial backlash in the case of a breach of duty, three of which will be discussed; contractual agreements, risk and liability management, and insurance. I would urge each and every designer to make use of the first two, and individuals operating at the professional level to consider investigation of the third quite seriously.
Contractual Agreements
Contract 1) noun. an agreement with specific terms between two or more persons or entities in which there is a promise to do something in return for a valuable benefit known as consideration.
We’re all familiar with client contracts – most probably have templates or past contracts carefully filed away and have relied on them for years. However, it’s important first to remain aware of the purpose and use of the contracts, and second to use them for each and every project or subcontract no matter what the timeline or scope. The use of contractual agreements often provides web designers a pointed legal advantage stemming from the fact that we ourselves are generally the ones creating the contracts and proposing their use with clients. In this sense, you can first be acutely aware of the stipulations and terms of a contract, and second provide yourself what breathing room you can to manage risks in breaching those terms.
For example, you can include terms that protect you from tertiary circumstances such as natural disaster, theft, or other scenarios that could unintentionally occur and affect the timeliness of your work or financial obligations that you may have. Craft these documents carefully and they will be your guardians.
Learn more about contracts, the legal aspects, the official elements, and more by checking out “Contract Law: An Introduction” or similar articles.
Risk and Liability Management
Whole seminars, courses, and consulting firms exist on the sole topic of risk and liability management at all corporate levels. From a definitional standpoint, risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks. The concept is that simple every-day practices can be employed to manage your level of risk and to decrease the probability of a damaging scenario occurring. The web design industry is no different in this regard, and I’d encourage you to ponder what risks you face and how you can manage them.
• File and server integrity
Backing up files both locally and on web servers as a regular routine limits the risk of a loss of important information or data during or after a project. Most often these tasks can be scheduled and automated so as not to interfere with project work or billable hours.
• The human factor
Mistakes in code, work, communication, or other business tasks can create legal or financial risk in certain scenarios – and this risk is heightened when there are several employees working under one web agency rather than an individual freelancer. Always be aware of the human factor and take steps to prevent potential risks occurring, such as proof-reading, collaboration for accountability, and employing technology to this end.
• Avoid risks altogether
Even if you’re desperate for the work and the accompanying pay check, some projects are simply not worth the risk. If you’re contemplating beginning work with a questionable client, or employing code and frameworks with which you simply don’t have the adequate experience, don’t.
There are a variety of formal risk identification and assessment processes that can be undertaken by your business – a good place to start is to check out the resources offered by the International Organization for Standardization (better known as “ISO”) at www.iso.org.
A third option to reduce the risk and damages that may accompany a breach of duty is indemnity insurance. Indemnity insurance is a service offered by commercial insurance providers that provides financial protection from claims levied against your business for a monthly or annual fee. There are a variety of insurance providers, types of insurance, and variation in what specifically is covered. If your organization has begun to operate at the professional level, business insurance is certainly worth looking into and investigating for the return on investment.
Professional liability insurance, as it is also referred to, doesn’t only apply to web design agencies, but also individual freelancers. Indeed, if an individual web designer has even one claim put against them, their personal finances are at stake rather than the accounts of an incorporated business entity.
General Liability Insurance
Almost every public-facing business operates under general liability insurance, which is often seen as the starting point for business insurance services. However, there is an argument that it can be somewhat unnecessary in our industry as it covers basic requirements such as bodily harm or property damage. If you’re meeting a client in her glass office and driving a bulldozer, be sure to check it out. Otherwise if you meet in person infrequently or in low risk settings, and don’t have an office of your own, it may not be worth the fee. Keep in mind, however, that many professional liability coverage plans will combine the two and include such concerns. The other side of the argument is that no business should operate without general liability, as it is considered the most basic and start-point coverage. A proponent concept for this argument is “the more insurance the better” to properly cover all potential risks. This is a decision that you’ll need to make based on your style and type of operation, as well as the budget you have at your disposal to cover insurance premiums.
Assets and Personal
If you operate in an office, you’ll most likely require general liability insurance as previously stated. However, it’s important to take into account asset related risks such as protecting your computers, files, and office equipment from theft or damage. Investigate potential insurance coverage to ensure that you have this protection. If you work out of a home office, this type of coverage is most likely already handled by your homeowners or renters insurance policy. Lastly, damage protection insurance often contains a deductible amount that is important to be aware of. For example, if I have a renters insurance policy protecting asset damage with a $1,000 deductible amount, and my $1300 laptop gets stolen – I would only be covered for the $300 remainder.
Secondly, disability and personal injury coverage is important to ensure that your most important asset (you!) can remain on the job and receiving income in case of accident. Calculate your absolute baseline living expenses to determine how much coverage would be appropriate to keep you on your feet.
Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Many organizations with full or part-time individuals considered as employees will need worker’s compensation insurance to protect the rights and integrity of employees. However, if you operate by hiring subcontractors or independent contractors, you are most likely exempt from this type of risk or requirement. Legal counsel often has the best information for determining whether an individual is an employee or independent contractor – as the line can often be blurred.
Errors & Omissions Insurance
Professional liability insurance can contain what is known as an “E&O Policy” – and this is what we’re really concerned with as web designers, especially since we provide a largely technological service that is prone to such risks. This type of insurance is designed to cover financial claims by a client due to losses they’ve sustained because of a faulty or low-quality web site, as well as most other types of third-party financial loss that can occur as a result of a web site that you create.
Assessment and Investigation
The world of business insurance is not simple – and many insurance providers can be biased in what advice they provide. It’s important to seek legal counsel when determining what, if any, insurance your business would find beneficial, on top of discussions with insurance advisors. To sum up, the first type of insurance is called “Commercial General Liability” which covers bodily harm and property damage. The second type is Errors and Omissions insurance, which is far more relevant for the web design industry and includes coverage that CGL does not. Lastly, worker’s compensation and asset protection may be worthwhile to look into if you have employees or contractors that may be considered by law to be employees.
Localized Resources
• About.com list on Small Business Insurance Resources
• Insurance Bureau of Canada
• National Insurance Directory
• Insurance Industry Information
United States
• Insurance Information Institute
• Business Insurance News Headlines
• Small Business Administration – Business Insurance Section
• BusinessInsuranceNow.com – resource site
• Google Directory Listing for Australian Insurance Services
• Business.gov.au – Government sponsored small business resource
• AAMI Insurance Homepage (sample company)
It’s nearly impossible to cover the areas of all readers, so please feel free to share any resources that you find useful for your specific location in the comments!
Rates and fees of insurance coverage depend on a variety of factors. First, the country in which you do business will most likely have unique standards and diversity in insurance providers. Second, the type and extent of coverage that you purchase will determine the annual fee. I’ve heard of professional liability coverage ranging from $800/year to several thousand in the United States. The coverage provided often ranges in the one to two million dollars per year range.
A last factor that will affect the cost of your insurance premiums is the nature of your business. How much experience do you have? How long have you been in business? What types of clients do you generally work with? What specific services do you provide? Each of these can affect your final dollar figure fees, much like auto insurance depends on age and accident history.
We’ve covered the nature of our roles and responsibilities as service providers within a service economy, the role and responsibilities of clients, the concept and practice of risk management, and three strategies for safeguarding against breaches of duty and mitigating risk. There is far too much information, that is far too diverse and localized, to cover in a single article alone. Your individual strategy will be unique depending on your business – and determining what your needs are begins with assessment and research. Go forth, research, and be protected!
The Finances of Freelancing
We’re not accountants… We’re web designers. Especially when working as an individual rather than as part of a team, many freelancers get caught up in focusing on the web sites that they create rather than the necessary practices surrounding each project. These practices can aid in a number of ways, such as stress-relieving organization, more efficient time management, a better understanding of costs and pricing, and ultimately how your freelance work fits into your overall annual income.
The Foundation
Record keeping and analysis are foundational to financial efforts, whether we like it or not. Tracking time spent and corresponding tasks during a project is crucial to better understanding your freelance work from a high level. It doesn’t need to entail an hour-by-hour log – even estimating time spent at the close of a project, when these figures are fresh in your mind, can do the trick. The bottom line is, before you can seek to improve or tighten up your freelance finances you need to accurately understand where you currently stand.
The three elements of keeping records are time, income, and expenses. If you can record these for each project, and how the three of these interact – you’re in great shape to begin analyzing how you can better stay organized and even increase your revenues.
Maximizing Profit
What to Invoice For
Our income as web designers is relatively straight forward – we get paid for a web project according to a price predetermined in project planning and client interaction. However, it’s a good practice to develop a more detailed invoice than just the overall project cost.
Common lines on your invoice can include administrative time spent documenting and organizing the project, overhead for managing contractors or project management, materials such as stock photography/fonts and any special software requirements, and conference calls, travel, and meetings. It can feel a little uncomfortable at first billing for things like administration or cost per kilometer for travel, but these are generally accepted practices that most clients engage in themselves.
Quoting Best Practices
The project quote or bid is where your project income all begins. There are entire articles written on this topic alone – and it’s best to do the research to determine both how to go about quoting a project with a client, and how to quote accurately (not too high, not too low).
It’s important to engage in two specific practices when quoting – a needs analysis, and a market analysis. The needs analysis entails gathering every bit of relevant information pertaining to the project and what the client requires, and the market analysis involves assessing the current web market for the type of project, as well as your level of skill and experience (and that of your team members if applicable).
Check out the resources section for more resources on this subtopic.
Minimizing Expenses
Using Web Tools
There are literally hundreds of web apps, online tools, and open source downloads that can assist you in time management, invoicing, document templates, process mapping, and all sorts of tasks that occur throughout the design and development process as well as overall finances. Pick a few of these, but not all of them, and work them into your business model.
Pen and paper, or sporadic spreadsheets and documents, can only take you so far before they begin wasting your time rather than saving it. I find web tools particularly useful for time tracking, project management, invoicing, and streamlining communications.
Streamline Your Process
Be sure to develop a process or work flow to save time and prevent yourself from re-inventing the wheel with every project. There are some great web design process guides in the resources section – check them out! Other streamlining time-saving activities can involve drafting common emails, to-do lists, and leveraging collaboration tools.
Avoiding Pitfalls
There are certainly some financial risks when it comes to freelancing that can leave you out in the cold. Some of these practices have helped keep me from getting burned, or have come about from experiencing some unfortunate situations in the past!
• Fixed quotes from subcontractors
This is something that I almost always demand, especially concerning a large project. Allowing sub-contractors to charge by the hour opens you up to serious risk, even if the individual in question is a trusted friend or associate. If he or she underestimates the tasks – unfortunately, that’s their problem, not yours. After all, you’re trying to run a business.
• Clear financial communication with clients
Being upfront about costs and expenses could very well be the number one rule to financial effectiveness in freelancing. Remaining clear about expenses at the beginning of a project is much easier than trying to justify them in the end. If all is laid out and the client understands what they will be charged and why they are being charged for it – they’ll be happy to pay you. Surprises, on the other hand, can cause delays and conflicts.
• Clear financial communication with subcontractors
Clear financial communication is just as crucial when dealing with your team or your subcontractors. Make sure they are aware exactly what you will pay, when you will pay it, and conversely what you expect in return, and when you expect to get it.
• Charge part of your project revenue up front
It’s common industry practice to charge a percentage of your project revenue up front – or at least a portion of it somewhere in the early stages. If you’ve practiced good client interaction, sales, and communication, the client shouldn’t have a problem with this concept. This can also save your tail if the client for some reason decides to upset the project part-way through, and drives further commitment to contribute to the working relationship.
• Back up your files
It only takes one hard drive failure to burn this practice into your memory forever, and you’ll never quite expect it when it comes. Prevent this type of scenario by backing up not only your web site files, but all of your records and financial data as well. It’s a good policy even to make hard copies of certain important documents such as contracts and income statements. The way I approach backing up information is the “fire mentality”. If my flat or office burned to the ground, what would I have left? This means that beyond your computer, your external hard drives, and hard copies you need to have additional or supplementary backup either online or at a separate location.
While many of us start by working out of our kitchens or bedrooms as an individual freelancer, it’s important to separate your personal finances from your business finances – especially if you’re planning on expensing certain items to the business for tax deductions.
Start by meeting with someone from your local bank – they’re generally happy to sit down by appointment and discuss your needs as a small business owner, and they can shed some great light on your financial situation stemming from their experience in the banking industry. Once you have a good handle on your options and what the standards are, open up a business bank account and start running your income and expenses through it rather than your personal account. That way everything is kept nicely separate and it’s easy to view your business activity by checking out your account history.
If you expense equipment, travel, food, supplies, and the like to your business for tax deduction, be sure to keep a record of all receipts as hard copies as well as to enter the data electronically in some fashion (potentially using a web tool).
Government or Institutional Support
It may be different depending on your geographic location, but it’s worth looking into either way. In Canada there are a whole pile of resources aimed at helping small business owners succeed – these include small business centers in every major city for seminars, networking, and marketing, as well as applications for grants and loans from the government to help you on your way. It’s worth looking into the support that may be available to you, whether it’s simply a network or actual financial aid.
Getting Personal
High Level Perspective on Your Income
Freelance income is often seriously sporadic, especially if it’s a part time side gig as with most web designers. You do some work in what feels like your spare time, and you receive almost random influxes of cash as projects close or you move through payment schedules.
This style and type of income generation can be difficult to wrap your head around in comparison to a steady salary and a standard pay day once every few weeks that you’d receive from a full-time corporation. It’s important to step back and understand how much you’re actually earning, especially in comparison to the overall time you put into each project.
Personal Budgeting
Personal budgets are always a pain, unless you’re the hyper-organized type. However, using the figures gleaned from financial estimates and calculations based on web projects can play a major role in organizing yourself economically.
Instead of “oh, and I’ll probably make a couple grand here and there from web projects”, it should ideally be, “last year my net income from web design was roughly $XXXXX, so I can factor this into my overall expenses and income.”
This is also a localized issue depending on what country you design out of, but it’s a generally important piece of the puzzle to keep in mind throughout the entire year. All of your record keeping and tight organization will contribute to a much more stress-free tax filing season than a mad scramble to dig up receipts and old sent emails.
Be sure to investigate the protocols and limits for what you can expense to your business, as well as any other regulations. Web design income can be tempting to keep off of the books in certain situations, but in the long term it is rarely in your favor. You’re much better off developing strong small business accounting practices and financial discipline to aid you in future work.
Financial Planning
Linking to the discussion of understanding your web design income from a high level, financial planning on a longer term scale is also important. When analyzing your personal income plan and having a birds-eye-view financial outlook, it’s important to consider retirement planning as well as debt pay-down plans. Use the records you’ve begun to keep and your financial data from web income to assist these personal financial plans. The previously mentioned discussion with a banker can also be a good time to bring up these concepts.
It all comes down to spending the right time and effort to keep track, save the information, and then use it when necessary to accomplish tasks and administration at high efficiency. Estimation is a concept employed a great deal by web designers, and striving to make these estimations accurate should be a very high priority. With this information you can reach ideal revenue from projects, minimize your expenses with each new venture, and organize yourself financially for discipline and freedom from stress.
APPENDIX: Sample Legal Document
The following sample legal documents have been carefully prepared to serve as examples for you to use. These examples will be provided along with descriptions and explanations of their purpose and best use. Each document is freely available for anyone to use or modify without copyright or license restriction.
Note: All templates are available as .doc-templates in the folder Templates of the Smashing Bundle.
Web Design Client Questionnaire
The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather specific information about a potential web project in order to accurately ascertain the scope, requirements, and how to best meet the client’s needs. Please be as thorough as possible and feel free to use extra space.
1. Why do you want to have a new web site, or have your current site redesigned?
2. Please describe your organization in a few sentences?
3. What goals do you have for this web project? (i.e. increase sales, build a solid brand, etc.)
4. Who will be the primary target audience of this web site? (i.e. existing clients, potential new customers, internal employees)
5. Do you have a Core Value Proposition or a brief statement that sums up your competitive advantage?
6. What is your budget for this project?
7. What roles and individuals will be involved in this project? (i.e. primary contact, content producer, maintenance going forward)
8. What is your ideal deadline for completing this project?
9. Please provide examples of other web sites within or outside of your industry that are appealing to you, and why.
10. What are your favorite, and least favorite features of a web site?
11. Do you have any materials such as text content, graphics, logos, etc. already prepared and ready for this project?
12. Have any other web designers or contractors already worked on your web site? How do you feel about the work that they accomplished?
13. Please list your top few competitors and their web site URL’s (if applicable).
14. Are you interested in or requiring web site maintenance after the initial project is complete?
Project Work Order
Contact Details | Client Name and Company: | John Smith, ABC Enterprises |
Consultant Name and Company: | Bobby Designer, Creative Industries | |
Dates | Project Start: | August 1st, 2010 |
Milestones: | Design review – August 10th, 2010 Development review – August 24th, 2010 Final review – August 20th, 2010 | |
Project Finish: | August 31st, 2010 | |
Specifications | Design | • Redesign of the current ABC Enterprises web site including revisions, review, and approval • Valid coding of the design into HTML/CSS and implementation into a development environment |
Development | • Application of the design into a WordPress CMS system • Creation of placeholder content pages for each main area (Home, About, Services, Contact) • Construction and testing of a contact web form | |
Review | • Project review session • Final review and approval • Training of content administrators pertaining to the WordPress CMS system • Handoff to ABC Enterprises IT team |
This AGREEMENT is dated and in effect as of the DATE between YOUR NAME of YOUR COMPANY, hereafter referred to as “Consultant” or “Designer”. This agreement is with respect to web project work pertaining to CLIENT’s web site, hereinafter referred to as the “Work”.
Whereas, Consultant is a professional web designer of good standing; Whereas, Client wishes Consultant to create certain Work described more fully herein; and Whereas, Consultant wishes to create such Work; now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and other valuable considerations, the parties hereto agree as follows:
The Client and Consultant may disclose confidential information one to the other to facilitate work under this Agreement. Such information shall be so identified in writing at the time of its transmittal, and shall be safeguarded and not disclosed to third parties by the receiving party. Confidential information shall not include information that:
1. Is already known to the party to which it is disclosed;
2. Is or becomes part of the public domain without breach of this Agreement;
3. Is obtained from third parties, which have no obligations to keep confidential to the parties to this Agreement.
The full length of this contract is as follows:
Starting date is upon solidification (signing) of this contract.
Client shall pay Consultant the total cost on a 30% and 70% incremental basis, with 30% due on solidification of this contract and 70% of the outstanding balance due on completion of the work described.
All invoices are due within 30 days of email notification that they have been sent. The Client shall assume responsibility for any costs associated with defaulting in payment, including a $200.00 surcharge on invoices unpaid beyond the period of 30 days.
Upon completion of the project and full payment of the fixed fee, the Consultant agrees to remain reasonably available for web site maintenance at the request of the Client at a fee of $80.00 per hour. Advanced work of a large scope may result in additional flat-rate contracts.
Consultant will make every effort to meet agreed upon due dates. The Client should be aware that failure to submit required information or materials may cause subsequent delays in the production. Client delays could result in significant delays in delivery of finished work.
Project Start Date: ______________
Client agrees to reimburse Consultant for any of the following expenses necessary in completion of the Work: (e.g. Fonts, Messengers, Proofs, Props, Research, Shipping, Software, Stock photography, Travel, Telephone Consultation).
Consultant reserves the right to assign other designers or subcontractors to the Work to ensure quality and on-time completion at the Consultant’s discretion.
All rights not expressly granted hereunder are reserved to Consultant, including but not limited to all rights in sketches, comps, or other preliminary materials.
The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Consultant against any and all claims, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees, due to materials included in the Work at the request of the Client for which no copyright permission or previous release was requested or uses which exceed the uses allowed pursuant to a permission or release.
Any major revisions, changes, or expansion of scope beyond the original work order or creative brief will alter both the time and cost of the project. Both Client and Consultant hold the right to identify an expansion beyond original scope, at which point both will discuss revisions or additions to this contract.
All work put forth by the Consultant is, to the best of the Consultant’s knowledge, original work or resources under the public domain licensed for redistribution under commercial contract. The Client will not hold the Consultant liable for any damages caused by the work itself or a failure to complete the work in a timely manner.
The Client may publish or disclose information regarding the Work and can acknowledge the support of and relationship with the Consultant in all such publications. The Client will not use the name of Consultant, in any advertising or publicity without the prior written approval from the Consultant. The Consultant will not use the name of Client, in any advertising or publicity without the prior written approval from the Client.
The Consultant, in addition to subcontractors, reserves the right to list CLIENT in a portfolio context with a clear description of the work accomplished as well as an accurate description of individual roles within the project.
Copyright is in Consultant's name. Upon completion of Work, the copyright will only be released to the Client upon the Consultant's signing of the Release of Copyright.
Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days written notice to the other of such termination. In the event that Work is postponed or terminated at the request of the Client, Consultant shall have the right to bill pro rata for work completed through the date of that request, while reserving all rights under this Agreement. If additional payment is due, this shall be payable within thirty days of the Client's written notification to stop work. In the event of termination, the Client shall also pay any expenses incurred by Consultant and the Consultant shall own all rights to the Work. The Client shall assume responsibility for all collection of legal fees necessitated by default in payment or violation of the terms of this contract.
The Client and Consultant are independent parties and nothing in this Agreement shall constitute either party as the employer, principal or partner of or joint venture with the other party. Neither the Client nor Consultant has any authority to assume or create any obligation or liability, either express or implied, on behalf of the other beyond the terms of this contract.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of COUNTRY/STATE applicable therein.
Both parties of this Agreement pledge that they will not modify its contents after signing, and that doing so is in violation of this contract and its legality. Any potential revisions will be discussed and ratified under a new contract at the agreement of both parties.
The undersigned agrees to the terms of this agreement on behalf of his or her organization or business and assumes full responsibility, having read and understood the terms in their entirety.
On behalf of the Client: _________________________________ Date _____________
On behalf of Consultant: ________________________________ Date _____________
YOUR NAME of YOUR COMPANY, hereafter referred to as the “Consultant” or the “Designer”, enters into this agreement in its entirety with CLIENT NAME of CLIENT COMPANY, hereafter referred to as the “Client”.
The Client and Consultant may disclose confidential information one to the other to facilitate work under this Agreement. Such information shall be so identified in writing at the time of its transmittal, and shall be safeguarded not disclosed to third parties by the receiving party.
Confidential information shall not include information that:
1. Is already known to the party to which it is disclosed;
2. Is or becomes part of the public domain without breach of this Agreement;
3. Is obtained from third parties, which have no obligations to keep confidential to the parties to this Agreement.
The Consultant agrees to make every reasonable effort to safeguard and contain confidential information to the best of his or her ability. However, the Client agrees not to hold the Consultant liable or responsible for information that is released to the public domain through inconclusive means, unforeseen events/disasters, or through lack of effort beyond what is reasonable.
Both the Client and the Consultant agree to the terms of this agreement, having read and understood its terms in their entirety, as legally binding upon signing below.
CONSULTANT: ______________________________________ DATE: ___________
CLIENT: ______________________________________ DATE: ___________
Subcontractor Agreement
This document outlines an agreement between YOUR NAME of YOUR COMPANY, hereafter referred to as the “Lead Consultant” or “Consultant” and SUBCONTRACTOR of COMPANY, hereafter referred to as the “Subcontractor” or “Contractor”.
The following outlines the deliverables that the Subcontractor agrees to produce to the highest reasonable quality based on their experience and skillset.
• PSD file of web design layout (layered and labelled)
• Valid HTML/CSS code of the design once reviewed and approved
• Cross-browser compatibility with IE 7+, FireFox 3.5+, Chrome (current version), and Safari (current version)
• All source files and any documentation if appropriate
The Lead Consultant agrees to pay the total amount of $1,400.00 USD to the Subcontractor according to the following payment terms:
• 30% of full costs ($420.00 USD) at date of project start (August 1st, 2010)
• Remaining balance of 70% of full costs ($980.00 USD) at project deadline (August 14th, 2010)
The Subcontractor agrees to provide the Lead Consultant with an invoice for each of these terms, and will allow a maximum of 30 days for payment.
The primary method of payment will be mailed cheque, with payment considered to be on date of sending of said cheque.
Additional costs such as fonts, stock photography, or required software will be paid by the Lead Consultant upon review and approval of such costs, at the Lead Consultant’s discretion. It is the responsibility of the Subcontractor to propose said costs in a timely fashion and to allow identical payment terms of 30 days from point of project close for covering of such costs by the Lead Consultant.
The Subcontractor reserves the right to publicly advertise involvement in the work limited to the scope of work completed by the Subcontractor, and to list such credit in his/her portfolio under the following stipulations:
• Names and organizations
- YOUR COMPANY must be listed, marked as the lead consultant, and hyperlinked
- CLIENT may be listed and linked in conjunction with the listing of YOUR COMPANY
• Scope of work completed must be accurately represented
• Relationship between Subcontractor, Lead Consultant, and Client must be accurately represented
Either party may terminate this agreement by giving 2 weeks written and acknowledged notice of such termination. In the event that termination should occur, the lead consultant agrees to pay any outstanding fees to the subcontractor (as defined by the payment amount and schedule) and to assume responsibility for all collection of legal fees necessitated by any default in payment.
The subcontractor and the lead consultant are independent parties and nothing in this agreement shall constitute either party as the employer, principle or partner of or joint venture with the other party. Neither the subcontractor nor lead contractor has any authority to assume or create any obligation or liability, either express or implied, on behalf of the other.
The Subcontractor holds copyright for the work produced, but allows the Lead Consultant as well as the Client to use, modify, or redistribute as they see fit with no liability or limitation.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of YOUR COUNTRY applicable therein. Signing of this agreement represents a full reading, understanding, and agreement with its terms and is legally binding.
SUBCONTRACTOR: ________________________________ DATE: ___________
LEAD CONSULTANT: ________________________________ DATE: ___________
Outstanding Invoice
[Name], [Company]
Dear [Name],
I trust that you are well. Our records currently show that you have an outstanding balance of [AMOUNT], due on [DATE]. Please reference Invoice #XXX sent [DATE] which I have attached again for your records.
If this amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice and we apologize for the confusion. Otherwise, please forward the amount in full by [DUE DATE]. As stated on the original invoice, we begin charging [%] interest for outstanding balances after a period of 30 days.
Thanks for your cooperation – we’re looking forward to continuing our business relationship into the future.
Take care,
[Phone], [Email]
Invoice Overdue
[Name], [Company]
Dear [Name],
I trust that you have received our previous communications regarding the outstanding payment for invoice #XXX. Please be aware that the final due date of 30 days for payment has passed, and under contract we are required to surcharge [%] interest.
Feel free to reference our original contractual agreement for full details, which I have attached for your records along with a revised invoice including the additional interest charge.
Please submit payment for the outstanding balance immediately to avoid further charges. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about the invoice or the payment process.
[Phone], [Email]
E-Mail Templates
Request for an initial meeting with a client:
Good [morning/afternoon/evening] [individual],
Thanks for your note – I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to our web design group. Your project looks quite interesting and certainly falls within our scope of past experience. In fact, we may already have some ideas!
Why don’t we schedule a call or meet in person to discuss some further details of the project. I’m free on [dates], but quite flexible – so let me know what works best for you.
Looking forward to exploring the project further. Take care,
[email signature]
Request for a subcontractor to do further work:
Hi [subcontractor],
I trust that you’re well. We’re currently looking into beginning work on a new project and I was wondering if you are available for some further work. We certainly enjoyed working with you in the past and this could be another great opportunity for all of us to expand our experience. Here are some preliminary details:
- Required effort: [time]
- Client: [name]
- Work: [description]
If you’re interested, why don’t we meet in person to discuss the details a little further. Let me know when you’re available. Thanks!
[email signature]
Declining a project:
Good [morning/afternoon/evening] [individual],
Thanks for your note – I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to our web design group. Unfortunately we’re completely booked with projects until [date] and will be unable to give yours the attention and care that it fairly deserves.
In the meantime, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have – or to provide the contact information of some trusted colleagues who may be interested in this work.
Thanks again for your time! Take care.
[email signature]
Notification of invoice due:
Good [morning/afternoon/evening] [individual],
This is a friendly reminder that your payment of invoice #[number] is due on [date] of this week as this constitutes the 30 day mark since the original invoice was sent. No one enjoys extra costs, and we’re sure you’d like to skip the late invoice fee!
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns – I look forward to hearing back from you. Take care and enjoy your weekend,
[email signature]
Notification of invoice overdue:
Good [morning/afternoon/evening] [individual],
I trust you received my previous communications regarding invoice #[number]. The payment due date has been surpassed, which requires an additional late payment fee of $100.00 USD to be added to the total (as outlined in our original contract).
I’ve attached a revised invoice – please confirm that you’ve received this and that you’re comfortable with and aware of the terms of the contract. If payment of this revised invoice surpasses 15 days, an additional fee will be added.
I’m always available to address any questions or concerns. Thanks,
[email signature]
Transfer of Copyright Agreement
I, the undersigned, declare that the original works described as the following:
• All files pertaining to [web project name] including original compositions, draft documents, finished products, source code, and graphics
… Are original, and that I (as author or co-author) hold exclusive copyright of the material. I hereby transfer exclusive copyright for this material to [recipient].
The following rights are reserved by the author(s):
1. The right to use, free of charge, all or part of these materials in future works of their own.
2. Authors may retain and include a copy of the work on their web site as long as it is clearly noted that the new individual is in current ownership of the copyright and that use for profit is not allowed by others.
3. Electronic or print copies may be made for non-commercial or personal use. In case of distribution, copyright will be attributed to the recipient on all copies.
Original Author: _______________________ Date: ____________
Recipient: _______________________ Date: ____________
Terms of Service Agreement
By using this web site, you are agreeing to comply and be bound by the following terms of service and use. Please review the following terms in their entirety and ensure their comprehension before using and viewing this web site.
The terms “us”, “we”, “our”, or “owners” refers to “[client name]” and administrative operators of this web site, [url]. “You” refers to the user or viewer of this web site.
The content in its entirety, including text content, graphics, layouts, and all source code, belong to the owners of the web site. This term is protected by intellectual property rights and copyright law. Copying, redistribution, use or publication either for free or for monetary gain is strictly prohibited. Some of the content on the site is the copyrighted and licensed work of third parties.
Terms of Use
1. The content of this web site in its entirety is subject to change without notice. Its purpose is for your general information only.
2. No parties guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability of the content and information found on this site. You acknowledge that errors or inaccuracies may exist, and that the owners of the site are in no way liable for any such errors.
3. The owners of the site are not responsible and hold no liability for third-party content that may be posted on the site by end users, or for content that is linked to from this web site including other web sites.
4. The use of and viewing of information on this site is at your own risk. Any consequences of use that may occur are not the liability of the web site owners.
5. Unauthorized use of this web site or its contents may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense enforceable by local and international law.
6. We reserve the right to restrict access to certain areas of the web site at our own discretion. If a username and password, or any other access credentials, are provided to you as the end user, it is your responsibility to keep such information confidential.
7. The owners of the web site are not responsible for user-generated content, and no liable for any violations that such content may constitute.
Privacy Policy
This document outlines how personal information may be collected and used (or not used) on this web site, and outlines responsibilities and liabilities that correspond to such collection and/or use. These terms cover this web site and its content exclusively, and do not include web sites that are linked, or malicious third-parties. It is our commitment to end users to operate this web site with integrity and honesty – taking the time, effort, and care to protect users and information that may be provided.
Collection of Information
We only collect personal information such as names, addresses, and contact information when it is voluntarily submitted by our users. The information provided is only used to fulfill your specific request, and cannot be used for any other purpose unless permission is given by the individual who provided the information.
Third Parties
We may link to or display content from third parties on our web site. Should a user follow such links they would be leaving this web site and no longer be governed by this privacy policy. This policy and these terms apply only to content existing on this web site.
Cookies and Tracking Technology
This site may use cookies or browser tracking technologies to provide a better overall user experience. This information allows us to continue modifying the site to meet end user browser types, operating systems, and frequency of visits. Personal information cannot be collected by these methods unless expressly provided by the end user. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties. This policy applies only to interactions taking place via the web site, and does not govern offline interactions.
Distribution of Information
We may only share your personal information with government agencies or other companies assisting us in fraud prevention or investigation, and when it is legally required for us to do so. This information is never shared with third-party companies for marketing purposes.
Commitment to Security
When personal information is provided to us voluntarily by end users, we agree to make reasonable efforts to make such information secure. Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who operate under confidentiality agreements) will ever have access to such information, and are also stipulated to make every effort to ensure security and integrity of the data.
Rights to Changes
We reserve the rights to make changes to this document and these terms without notice to end users, but will highlight any changes on this page.
[Company Name]
[Physical Address]
[Phone], [Email]
About the Author
Luke Reimer is a web project manager, designer, and developer currently operating Fluid Media web design group out of Waterloo, Canada. He works with businesses ranging from start-up size to large enterprise who have web design needs. Adhering to rigorous web standards and current trends, He provides crisp, attractive, and functional web sites.
Feel free to check out more of our eBooks in the Smashing Shop.
Table of Contents
Freelance Documents
Using the Documents
Lessons from Corporate Web Design
The Corporate Environment
Understanding Clients
Process-Based Workflow
Communication Skills
Web Design Risk Management and Liability
Legal Relationship
Breaches of Duty
The Foundation
Maximizing Profit
Minimizing Expenses
Avoiding Pitfalls
Government or Institutional Support
Getting Personal
APPENDIX: Sample Legal Document
Web Design Client Questionnaire
Project Work Order
Contractual Agreement(s)
Confidentiality Agreement
Subcontractor Agreement
Outstanding Invoice
Invoice Overdue
E-Mail Templates
Transfer of Copyright Agreement
Terms of Service Agreement
Privacy Policy